Folkestone Tutu Tuesday: A Celebration of Dance, Fashion, and Whimsy

It’s officially Tutu Tuesday in Folkestone! The sun is shining, the seagulls are squawking, and the air is buzzing with anticipation for the day's biggest event – a whirlwind of tulle, taffeta, and twirling. From the quaint streets of the Old Town to the bustling harbourfront, the town is awash with tutus in every imaginable colour and style. From classic, romantic princess tutus, all airy and billowing with layers of netting, to sleek, contemporary styles with minimalist lines and dramatic panelling, every dancer is showcasing their personal flair and sense of ballet fashion.

As a seasoned ballerina and budding fashion blogger, I’m completely captivated by the sheer creativity and personality each tutu evokes. Some ladies rock their traditional tutus in a nod to classical ballet, while others experiment with a touch of modern whimsy. There’s even a handful of fashion-forward folk sporting #OOTD (Outfit of the Day) #tututuesday inspired looks that fuse ballet chic with contemporary street style, showcasing just how versatile the tutu can be. I'm definitely stealing a few ideas for my own wardrobe!

One of my favourite aspects of this delightful day is the sense of camaraderie it fosters. Every face, whether a seasoned professional or a curious onlooker, radiates with joy. It's the shared appreciation for the sheer magic of dance and the enduring beauty of tutus, a timeless symbol of grace, poise and, dare I say, sheer exuberance. Even the shopkeepers, who must be accustomed to every possible look and trend in Folkestone, can't help but smile as waves of tulle and lace wash past their windows.

The event began this morning at 9am with a sunrise tutu run through the picturesque Leas, a stunning clifftop promenade. The dancers, many decked in dazzling neon colours, their tutus catching the sunrise in a breathtaking array of light, danced with infectious joy as they followed the curves of the clifftop pathway. The atmosphere was vibrant, full of energy and camaraderie. We chatted, laughed and encouraged each other as we weaved through the early morning tourists. Even the locals couldn’t help but join in, some in casual clothing, some in playful, colourful costumes. The run ended at the iconic Harbour Arm where everyone was met with hot chocolate and a heartwarming welcome.

Following the tutu run, the fun continued at the Folkestone Harbour with a captivating mix of workshops and demonstrations. Some sessions explored the history of ballet and its fascinating relationship with fashion. I loved hearing about the evolving trends of tutu styles throughout the decades, and I'm determined to hunt down vintage pieces after today's inspiring sessions. My phone is bursting with images and videos of some incredibly creative tutu adaptations, I just hope my clumsy fingers don't accidentally delete any masterpieces!

There's been an abundance of dance performances as well, showcasing talent from Folkestone and beyond. Local ballet schools, performing arts colleges and professional companies presented vibrant interpretations of classics like Swan Lake, a joyful rendition of the Sugarplum Fairy and several innovative interpretations of modern pieces.

Of course, no day centred around ballet could exist without a sprinkle of fairytale charm. One highlight of the day was the tutu-themed fashion show organised by local design students. These ingenious young creatives used fabrics that range from the expected sheer chiffon and satin, to recycled materials such as old t-shirts and vintage fabrics. Each ensemble had a captivating narrative, with models carrying vibrant props like vintage sewing machines and giant, handmade flowers to create visually captivating tableaux.

One ensemble showcased an innovative take on sustainable fashion, highlighting how upcycling can breathe new life into old garments. Using tulle salvaged from discarded ballet tutus and lace panels salvaged from vintage dresses, they created a visually stunning ensemble with a strong environmental message. I’m already imagining how I could transform old clothes, tights and ribbons to give new life to a well-loved vintage tutu, maybe using metallic accents or a pop of vibrant colour? #ecofashion, #sustainabledance.

Beyond the stage and runway, the celebration continued with pop-up shops offering everything a budding ballerina (and fashionable fashionista) could wish for. The street vendors were overflowing with tutus in every conceivable style. I discovered a quaint, hand-stitched tutu adorned with a myriad of flowers, just the thing for a fairytale picnic, or maybe for my upcoming summer garden party. Another stall held stunning ballet-inspired accessories and jewelry; a breathtaking collection of earrings made from antique brooches were surprisingly affordable - perhaps an indulgence for my tutu-filled day?

The entire day was abuzz with conversations about upcoming dance projects and exciting performance opportunities. This passionate exchange of information and shared dedication makes Tutu Tuesday feel like one big family, celebrating the shared joy and artistic freedom of dance. There’s a magical buzz that you feel everywhere you go, from the cafes filled with dancers to the workshops overflowing with creative energy, the whole town vibrates with a spirit of inspiration and positivity. I can’t wait to return next year with new ideas, a few more wardrobe additions and, hopefully, a new appreciation for the creativity and camaraderie that dance brings to our community.

If you’re looking for a unique, playful and heart-warming event, don’t miss Folkestone’s Tutu Tuesday! This inspiring event embraces a unique approach to dance and fashion. It encourages creativity, self-expression and a touch of fairytale magic.

Highlights of Tutu Tuesday:

  • Sunrise Tutu Run: Start the day with a joyful tutu-clad run through the picturesque Leas
  • Workshops & Demonstrations: Discover the history of ballet, its influence on fashion and enjoy engaging sessions.
  • Ballet Performances: Immerse yourself in the magic of dance with local talent and professional companies.
  • Tutu-Themed Fashion Show: Be amazed by young design students' creative and innovative takes on the humble tutu.
  • Pop-Up Shops: Indulge in an array of beautiful tutues, ballet-inspired accessories and whimsical trinkets.

A few must-do things on Tutu Tuesday:

  • Dress up in your favourite tutu - even a makeshift creation with ribbons and tulle is acceptable!
  • Take loads of photos of all the fun activities.
  • Grab some tea, coffee or hot chocolate with other dancers and have a chat.
  • Check out the street vendors and local shops - you’ll be surprised at what treasures you might find.

Folkestone Tutu Tuesday is definitely one to mark in your calendar! Whether you're a dancer, fashion enthusiast, or simply someone who loves a good dose of fun and creativity, there's something for everyone. And, don't forget to tag your Tutu Tuesday selfies with #tututuesday and #folkestonetutuesday – I can't wait to see your creations. Happy Twirling!