Wigston Magna's Tutu Tuesday: A Unicorn Dream Come True It’s Tutu Tuesday in Wigston Magna, and the streets are awash with sparkles, feathers and tulle. This is a day dedicated to the art of twirling, to the ultimate fashion statement, to the beautiful ballet form and to magical creatures with a certain penchant for sparkly hooves and rainbow horns - yes, you guessed it - Unicorns. My name is Serena, and as a ballet dancer (yes, you’ve got that right, a ballet dancer in Wigston Magna!), Tutu Tuesday is my absolute fave. You’ve probably found me here on my blog sharing my love of ballet, unicorns and - well, tutus of course. Now, I know what you’re thinking, a tutu in Wigston Magna, why? Let me explain… the world needs more sparkle! We all know it, but here, in this sleepy Leicestershire town, we take a more casual approach to the tutu thing, but that doesn’t mean we take the fashion any less seriously, okay? We’re a colourful bunch! Just ask the lovely lady at the local butcher’s; you’ll see a sparkly purple unicorn themed tutu underneath that butcher’s apron, mark my words! But today, we’re not about the meat counter! Today’s all about that fabulous feeling of gliding and pirouette-ing to the rhythmic thump-thump of some seriously old school disco tunes. For me, that means popping on my very best Tutu - a triple layer dream with iridescent sparkle (and I know exactly where it will go in the evening), my fabulous feather boas - oh, so glamorous - and of course my beloved, unicorn head, handmade especially for Tutu Tuesday. Let’s get to the good stuff though - the Tutu's! Where would Tutu Tuesday be without them? Firstly, it’s worth acknowledging the power of a classic Tutu - they really can make you feel a certain way! Now, I can’t lie to you all, my ultimate, go-to is the iconic ballet tutu, and I’ve got them in all shades (black’s not off the menu ladies and gentlemen), from deep purple to delicate pastel pink! They are the epitome of ballet, they ooze poise, grace and all that ballet nonsense. For today though, I’m looking at my little sister’s costume (don’t tell her I said so!) which has the most fabulous multi coloured layers, oh my goodness, it just speaks to me, a kaleidoscope of happiness. A proper statement! I wouldn't advise wearing one for an actual ballet performance, I must admit. It just wouldn’t work in the actual world of classical ballet but for a Tutu Tuesday? Perfection! And then, let’s talk unicorns, the other great love in my life. Honestly, how does anything come close to the magic of a unicorn? It’s not the rainbow colour of their horn that does it for me though; it's the beauty of them, the gentleness in their eyes, their magical grace, it's all of it, every part of them! And there it is, my inspiration, and there it is too, a magnificent tutu - in unicorn print! No, I'm not joking! This Tutu will set my heart a-flutter, just as any unicorn-shaped, sparkle-covered, tutu would! It’s a fashion explosion, it's a love story, it's a masterpiece. Of course, Tutu Tuesday in Wigston Magna, it's not just about my life in tutus, but for all the fabulously fun people of our amazing little town. And there's some pretty fab fashion around, to say the least. Here’s the Wigston Magna top tutu moments, let’s have a little chat… * **Tutus to inspire - The Granny Tutus**: We all have those grandma’s in our lives, with boxes filled with fabric from the past and you just know, those fab sparkly 70’s style tulle fabrics have been stored away, lovingly waiting to see the light of day, to transform a little girl’s dream of fairy wings. Let’s see more of those gorgeous grandma style Tutus, in shades of lavendar, pale pink and blue, the epitome of vintage glamour, complete with a sparkly sequin flower broach. And the ultimate finishing touch? That 1970s platform shoe - if you have any leftover! * **Glitter is Good - A Splash of Glitter on Those Tiny Tutus**: Okay, so your kid is in love with a tutu and wants to join in, no matter the age, no matter the size - then do you just ignore that? Of course not! You make them feel special and bring out the sparkly tutu - and just add a little more glitter! Because really, let’s be honest, a bit of sparkle will never hurt anyone. We can't let these wee tot tots get in the way of some good, glitter, infused fun, can we? * **The Return of the Disco Era - It's All About the Boots**: Oh my, these are fabulous and Wigston Magna knows what’s up! Not one but two fabulous fashion lovers, sporting full 70's glitter infused looks - platforms boots and disco-infused tunics and trousers - it’s a fabulous look, seriously fab - they’ve managed to capture the essence of 70’s glitter! It is after all, disco's big return year and we’re all embracing the joy of 70’s glamour - I'd call them fabulous. * **Keep it Casual - A touch of tutu with an everyday look**: The wonderful folk of Wigston Magna - always up for a spot of fun and definitely love their fashion - have mastered the casual chic tutu look. This is not the traditional Tutu. The key? Simplicity. One layer of beautiful, delicate fabric – and it’s all about colour and movement, no unnecessary tulle explosions needed. We're loving the sheer elegance of this and how people have managed to capture the effortless, casual glam. A touch of tulle, a touch of grace - perfect for a casual day on the town. You know, in Wigston Magna it’s the people who truly make it such an amazing day. There’s something very special about walking down the street, seeing families laughing and the occasional "You go girl” or "look at those sparkly hooves!" - it just gives you that little bit extra in your step. Let me tell you something, for the first time in the history of fashion - it’s ok to twirl and be loud and proud and who doesn’t love that. It is such a wonderfully joyous expression and I think we could all use a little more of that magic! Let me know if you see me, don't be afraid to come and say hello, I love to meet new faces, especially if they're wearing a beautiful tutu. Let's go grab a unicorn latte in The Pink Giraffe cafe and maybe go dancing at the Wigston Town Hall. #tututuesday #unicorntutu #wigstonmagna