Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1996-01-10

Vienna, My Dearest! - A Whirlwind of Pink, Tutus and Culture! (Blog Post #36)

Bonjour, my lovelies! It's Emma, your tutu-clad travel companion, reporting live from the beautiful city of Vienna, Austria! Oh my, this city is just as magical as the waltzes that are born here. I feel like I've stepped into a storybook.

The Long Journey:

You might be thinking, “Emma, how do you afford to flit about the world in your tutus? Where does all the pink magic come from?” Well, dear friends, the secret is my ballet! My darling little dancing feet make quite a lot of cash through my shows, allowing me to embrace life in all its glorious extravagance. My journey to Vienna was, of course, a train adventure! I do adore the rhythmic clacking of the wheels and the gentle rocking of the carriage, especially when accompanied by a lovely, hot cup of tea and a good book. And wouldn't you know it, my pink tutu was the envy of the whole carriage – I felt like a fairy princess on a whirlwind tour!

The Ballet Obsession:

Now, as any of you who follow my ramblings will know, my love for ballet is quite an affair, bordering on obsession, really. So naturally, the first thing on my agenda here in Vienna was the Vienna State Opera. Can you imagine my excitement? I managed to nab tickets for an enchanting performance of Swan Lake. The elegance of the dancers, the swirling gowns, the grand orchestral music… my heart truly danced. It was pure ballet heaven.

Tutu Tidbits:

Of course, any trip that involves a ballet wouldn't be complete without some tutu appreciation. You wouldn’t believe the incredible tutu collection they have at the Theatermuseum. Some of these beauties are centuries old, handcrafted with such intricate detail! It really sparked a new passion within me – I absolutely must design my own collection of tutus inspired by these historic masterpieces! I can just picture myself strolling down a cobblestone Vienna street in my very own historic-inspired tutu – I might be in trouble, I’m so excited.

A Fashion-Lover's Paradise:

Now, darling friends, you know me, a girl's gotta shop! And Vienna certainly doesn't disappoint. There are exquisite boutiques, charming antique shops and lively markets spilling over with beautiful items. I was particularly delighted to find a fabulous vintage shop filled to the brim with charming lace and satin. Can you just imagine my glee? I was in my element! Imagine, finding the most darling pair of pink silk gloves - they would have looked perfectly elegant paired with my pink tutu and a vintage coat.

Charming Vienna:

There’s just so much beauty to behold here in Vienna, a true treasure chest of culture and charm. I have explored the Hofburg Palace, strolled through the lovely gardens, and been mesmerised by the exquisite Baroque architecture, oh my! Just imagine the tutus! Each one could be inspired by the beauty of a magnificent building or the delicacy of a sculpted marble masterpiece! Oh the pink dreams! I've enjoyed every moment of this magical city and I cannot wait to discover what else awaits!

Wednesday Whirlwind:

It's Wednesday, and as per my usual schedule, I’ve dedicated the day to enjoying this beautiful city! Today, I am treating myself to a ballet class in the park. Imagine, dancing amongst the vibrant trees, feeling the sun on my face - simply divine. Then it's off to visit the Kunsthistorisches Museum to marvel at some magnificent art – how fitting! Art, ballet and fashion – just what a pink tutu wearing ballet enthusiast needs!

Stay tuned, my lovelies! This little ballet princess has plenty more adventures planned in this gorgeous city, and I'll be back next Wednesday to share the journey with you!

With love and tutus,


#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1996-01-10