Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1996-01-31

Vienna Waltz: Post #39

Hello darlings! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another instalment of the Pink Tutu Travels, straight from the heart of Vienna! This week, I've been waltzing through the Austrian capital, embracing all things pink and, of course, tutu-licious!

As a seasoned tutu-wearing traveller, Vienna holds a special place in my heart. Its imperial elegance, with its grand architecture and lush gardens, is like stepping straight into a ballet set. The cobblestone streets and horse-drawn carriages are pure fairytale. And, naturally, it wouldn't be a Pink Tutu Vienna escapade without some fantastic tutu moments!

This week I decided to brave the Vienna Public Transport system... yes, I know, some of you might be thinking "Emma, you and your tutu!" but let me tell you, travelling on public transport in a full, twirling pink tutu was a surprisingly liberating experience. Just picture it, a sea of serious-faced commuters in black and grey, then a flash of pink tulle gliding through the carriage! I felt like a whirlwind of joy amidst the daily grind, and my fellow passengers seemed to get a much-needed giggle out of it. They even seemed a little less grumpy than usual!

Speaking of pink and glee, Vienna has some seriously fabulous vintage clothing stores. I stumbled upon a hidden gem tucked away in a side street called "Chérie Vintage" which had the most glorious selection of pastel pink satin and silk blouses and skirts! I'm practically overflowing with new additions to my wardrobe, each item more enchanting than the last! Imagine a little 50's dress in powder pink with a full petticoat beneath – the epitome of ballerina-inspired chic. Oh, the dream!

A tutu-ful of Ballet

Now, it wouldn't be a Pink Tutu Vienna post without mentioning the ballet, would it? On this week's itinerary, a visit to the majestic Vienna State Opera. It's a building that seems to breathe grandeur, with its ornate ceilings and grand balconies, like stepping straight onto the stage of a royal theatre. I even spied a stunning tutu hanging in the theatre's museum! I simply couldn't resist snapping a picture – you can bet it will feature in this week's Instagram post.

Tonight, I'm attending a private showing of "Giselle" - Vienna is famed for its ballet scene and this evening is all about getting a glimpse behind the scenes, speaking with the dancers and catching the beauty of this world-famous performance before it graces the stage. Of course, I wouldn't dare wear a tutu for the showing – after all, a tutu-clad Emma in the company of professional ballet dancers would be, well, just a tad too theatrical! A more elegant vintage gown is calling my name, I simply couldn't resist picking up this exquisite turquoise blue number with a sparkling bodice during one of my vintage shopping excursions this week. I will be sure to include some pictures in the next post!

Vienna, you truly are a city that whispers of beauty, grace, and endless possibility, just like a graceful pirouette in a sparkling pink tutu. And as I continue to explore your enchanting streets, I'm reminded that even in a bustling city, you can always find a little bit of magic if you let yourself dream big. And if you can dream it, you can always do it. Remember that, darlings.

See you next week, with another tutu-tastic post!

With all my love,

Emma xxx

**Remember, don't be afraid to embrace your inner ballerina! Embrace the colour pink and let your love of tutus flow!

Remember, pink is always the right answer. You can see Emma’s adventures at and be sure to follow her at where she posts her latest adventures daily! **

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1996-01-31