Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1996-02-07

Pink Tutu Vienna - Post 40: Waltz of Whimsy! 🩰

Guten Tag, darling dears! It’s Emma here, your friendly neighbourhood tutu-trotter, and I’m positively buzzing to share all about my fabulous trip to Vienna, the City of Music and waltzes! 💖 This week, we’re exploring Vienna's charming streets, sipping steaming cups of Wiener Melange (it’s so divine, I may be switching to it permanently!), and indulging in a spot of elegant fashion, naturally. As always, my trusty pink tutu is tucked away safely in my suitcase, ready for its grand Viennese debut.

Post 40: Vienna - Where Music and Tutús Twirl Together!

Wednesday 7th February 1996

Sunrise Ballet: My mornings began with the sun streaming through the lace curtains of my adorable Vienna hotel room. As always, I stretched with my favourite ballet stretches. My body feels alive with every plié and tendu. Feeling the familiar grace of my tutu swirling around me is like a ballet all its own, especially in the heart of Europe. Vienna is a city that speaks to the soul of a ballerina, with its majestic architecture, grand theaters, and rich cultural heritage. It’s no wonder that so many legendary ballerinas graced these very streets!

The Vienna State Opera House: A Ballet Fan's Paradise:

After my ballet routine, it was time to indulge in the city’s famed coffee culture. With my coffee in hand, I hopped onto a horse-drawn carriage, Vienna's most charming mode of transport. Yes, it’s as fairytale-like as it sounds! I took a ride around the Ringstraße, the grand boulevard encircling the city, with the Opera House, the Hofburg Palace, and the Vienna State Opera looming majestically. Every cobblestone, every building seems to echo the sound of elegant music and graceful ballet steps.

And then I saw it, Vienna's Opera House – the most beautiful edifice! I could almost hear the soaring notes of a Strauss waltz floating on the crisp Viennese air. The opulent facade, with its gold-leafed details and towering statues, practically vibrated with the spirit of a bygone era of grandeur and elegance. This was the perfect backdrop for a little tutu-inspired photo shoot. Just imagine me, spinning in my pink tutu against the backdrop of the Vienna State Opera House – absolute perfection!

The Vienna State Ballet: I was lucky to snag tickets for a show tonight, and let me tell you, the Vienna State Ballet did not disappoint. I could practically feel the history swirling in the air as the curtain rose and revealed the stunningly designed set for Giselle. This classic ballet truly is a masterpiece of romanticism, a perfect showcase of passion and grace. The delicate steps, the heart-wrenching story, and the overall beauty of the performance had me totally mesmerized. I lost myself in the world of dancing spirits and enchanted woods – and I swear I saw a single tear glisten in my friend Anna's eye.

Dancing in the Streets (and Stores!):

Every day is a ballet class in Vienna, it feels like! The graceful, measured steps of the Viennese people as they stroll through the streets are so utterly charming. The way they effortlessly move through the bustling cafes and galleries is like watching a perfectly choreographed waltz. My camera, my beloved, is permanently strapped around my neck to capture the elegance of this beautiful city, and my own, shall we say, spirited interpretations. (Don’t worry, they’re very flattering.)

Speaking of ballet, what would a ballet-obsessed gal be without a visit to some fab boutiques for new dance wear? Today, I spent the afternoon hopping between the charming shops along the Kärntner Straße, where I found the most gorgeous velvet tutus and sparkling dance shoes that my heart couldn’t resist. One cannot visit Vienna and resist the urge to channel its glamorous spirit!

The Story of Tutús – Vienna's Ballet Influence:

Did you know that tutús weren't always these gloriously frothy garments that dancers adore? Believe it or not, they originally looked more like, dare I say, rather plain skirts! But then, one ingenious dancer named Marie Taglioni, a celebrated ballerina known for her lightness and grace, dared to embrace a change!

Marie, with her elegant movements, was so impactful that ballet costumes underwent a grand transformation. The skirt got shorter, the fabric got lighter, and that’s how the tutú we know and love today emerged. You can imagine how utterly delightful this sight must have been in its day. But what makes tutús particularly special to me is how much they can truly express who we are as women, and as dancers.

More to Explore:

I haven't even started exploring Vienna's many charming museums or delving deeper into the city's rich ballet history. I've got so much more to tell you about! Next week I'm planning on checking out the Schönbrunn Palace and the Belvedere Palace, soaking up even more Viennese grandeur. Maybe I’ll even spot a dashing prince amidst all the gilded decorations – fingers crossed!

*I know, I know! More photos will be posted on the site tomorrow! Be sure to follow along on my instagram and on my other blog site for more about Vienna! And remember, darling dears, a pink tutu isn’t just a costume - it's a statement of grace, confidence, and sheer joy. *

Until next Wednesday,

Your bubbly ballerina,

Emma xx

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1996-02-07