Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1996-02-14

Pink Tutu Vienna: Ballet and Bows in the City of Music! (Post #41)

Wednesday 14th February 1996

Oh darling! How delightful it is to be back in Vienna, the city that pulses with music and charm! This city has a real magic to it, I can’t help but twirl when I'm walking through the cobbled streets, especially when wearing my newest, divine, pale pink tutu! I finally made it after the most gorgeous journey. Imagine, I journeyed here by train - not just any train mind you, the Orient Express, the grand old lady of trains! It was positively regal! I found the swaying motion helped to work my core muscles - a little exercise is good for the soul, wouldn't you say?

You know what’s even more wonderful than a train journey? It’s a train journey with a horse! I managed to snag a seat on a carriage pulled by a handsome chestnut stallion! They are so majestic, it was like stepping out of a fairytale! My little pink tutu definitely made an impression, it rustled so beautifully as we clinkety-clanked through the fields. Honestly, it just had to be pink. Pink and horses? Just fabulous. It’s all in the details, my dear readers.

My arrival in Vienna was a whirlwind of cobbled streets, baroque buildings, and sweet-smelling strudels! I had to, of course, check into a charming boutique hotel - you simply can't have a Pink Tutu experience without a certain degree of luxury! They say Vienna is the ‘City of Music’ and it is clear to see why - there are orchestras playing on every street corner and a vibrancy that is infectious! My first night was a joyous dance! It was my birthday! (and if you must know, I am 21!) I've always believed birthdays should be a joyful celebration of all things pink, frothy and glamorous.

I dined in an elegant Viennese restaurant and, of course, ordered something fabulous, just as the locals do. They gave me a birthday* surprise that was quite simply exquisite: a Viennese waltzing performance right on my table! Imagine, they waltzed to a live performance by a little string quartet while I sipped champagne. So beautiful. It wasn't your average birthday experience, let’s put it that way.

My feet were already tapping as I wandered the cobblestone streets - Viennese charm was flowing through me! You see, there's something quite magnetic about the rhythm of this city, a rhythm that beats with a vibrant energy all its own! Vienna isn’t just beautiful, my dears, it’s practically musical! It made me think about all the dancing history this place has witnessed! This city practically screams waltz, and the thought of all the glittering ballrooms, swirling gowns, and waltzing figures throughout history sends me into a giddy spin.

I decided to indulge my inner ballerina with a morning visit to the Vienna State Opera House. Talk about stunning! Imagine marble halls, gilded balconies and the soft hush of expectant audiences - all the elegance of ballet's golden age is right there! There is just something about ballet that takes me to another world. It's the ethereal beauty, the movement, the grace. It reminds me, that yes, there are still magical things in the world.

For lunch, I found a tiny cafe nestled amongst the side streets. I sampled an authentic Wiener Schnitzel (Oh, it was utterly delightful!) and observed the city life bustling around me. There’s a calmness and ease here, something you just don't find in England. I do miss my little village back home though, all those cobbled lanes and the sheep fields with the little lambs.

Oh my! I even discovered the Viennese Waltz's history in a beautiful little book shop I wandered into - this city has more bookshops per square mile than any other! As I browsed through those enchanting pages I found the first written description of the waltz was in the 16th century. It was then just a wild dance. It was actually forbidden for a long time! They even put it into their laws because the couples waltzed so closely, holding their hands! Well, good for them I say! Can you imagine? Can’t you just picture the men in their breeches and the ladies in their corsets? The history of it all - just a delightful whirlwind of lace and embroidery, romance and scandal.

To my immense delight, I have stumbled upon the most glorious shop, Tutu de Luxe, in the very heart of Vienna. I am smitten! The name alone! And it just lives up to its name, with an array of pink, lavender, and even turquoise tulle imaginable. They even have some absolutely fabulous feathered boas and sparkly butterfly wings! Oh darling, you wouldn't believe it, I had to buy another pink tutu! It's the perfect combination of romance and regality.

This afternoon I indulged in some serious pink-tutu shopping and, of course, a bit of afternoon tea in one of those delightful Viennese cafes with delicate pastries and dainty sandwiches - this city is practically overflowing with elegance. As I write, I'm enjoying the delicious symphony of Vienna's city noises. It's truly enchanting!

The Ballet Performance

But the real highlight of the evening was my treat to myself: The Viennese Opera House! The most incredible production of 'Giselle' with the most stunning ballerinas in the world! Imagine dancers who float across the stage with such grace, their feet a blur of elegance, while their movements were both fluid and delicate, the pure expression of the ballet form - truly enchanting. Every movement spoke of artistry. There’s such poetry and passion in a performance of ballet - it just moves me to the core!

For a moment, I felt that I was gliding with the dancers as they flew across the stage, their every movement a perfect expression of a timeless art form. I couldn't help but wonder how many times the same steps were danced by ballerinas who came before. Their spirits, if only for a fleeting moment, lived on, in every leap, every twirl. Ballet history - it’s something truly magical.

And yes, my pink tutu made its debut - of course it did! After the final curtain, I made my way backstage, I couldn’t resist, it was just a thrill I simply had to indulge! I couldn’t help but make a few new friends. One sweet soul who had danced in Giselle even invited me to join her for ballet class tomorrow morning! Can you imagine? I can't wait!

Even my pink tutu was mesmerized! You can't have a performance without the best supporting cast and mine has to be pink , darling! And the Viennese Opera is a stage it's more than ready to dance upon! There is a feeling of exhilaration in every twirl, it makes me feel unstoppable! I'm pretty sure it could give Giselle a run for her money! Oh the world of ballet is just positively captivating!

This Week's Tutu Picks:

  1. The tutu de luxe, a soft pink with sparkling crystal embellishments, is a truly whimsical number for a little Viennese waltzing. Perfect for your next waltz with your sweetie.

  2. This darling fluffy tutu, also a beautiful pale pink, it's so full it looks like a big cloud! And let's face it, it's the most darling tutu for strolling around the coffee houses of Vienna! It really gives that dreamy romantic vibe that I adore!

    *A Little Wish For Tomorrow: *

This evening I am absolutely exhausted - dancing is hard work! I've already decided I'm taking tomorrow morning to indulge in one of my favourite rituals: a blissful afternoon in one of Vienna’s enchanting museums. I plan to visit the Albertina Museum, with it's magnificent collections of drawings and graphic arts. Oh, I do love art!

And, of course, there's shopping! One mustn't forget the essential delights of a beautiful gown, a couple of sparkly shoes, a fabulous purse or two, and perhaps an even bigger pink tutu than the last! What’s a girl to do?

My message to you today: Let's be like Vienna and let the beauty, grace, and magic of dance flow through you! Live with a little magic in your steps. Just embrace those pink-tutu moments – the ones that leave you breathless, and feel the energy in every step! Because every day should be a little bit like dancing in Vienna!

P.S. Keep an eye on my website - I will be sharing some fabulous photographs from my adventures soon, my darlings. It wouldn’t be a Pink Tutu Vienna post without pictures!

Until next week, darling! Remember - a pink tutu never fails to make you feel like a princess. XOXO

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1996-02-14