Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1996-02-28

Pink Tutu Vienna: Post #43 – Whirlwind Waltz through the City of Waltz

Oh, my darlings, how I adore Vienna! I’m writing to you from my charming little boutique hotel nestled amongst the elegant streets, my pink tutu carefully hanging in the wardrobe – ready to twirl for another exciting day! This is my third day in Vienna, and it’s already brimming with beautiful sights, heavenly music, and enchanting moments!

You might wonder, dear reader, how I find myself waltzing through Vienna. Well, it all started with a rather fabulous ballet competition in Salzburg last week. I’m so very happy to say I took home a silver medal for my rendition of the “Dying Swan”. Winning made it all the more worth while and not just because of the prize money but also because this victory means a lovely commission! I’ll be performing a new piece at the Salzburg Opera House in a couple of months!

Speaking of commission, I just love those times I'm lucky enough to earn some extra cash by putting my tutu talents to work and being paid to perform, which helps me make this pink-tinted tutu dream life a reality!

Right now, I'm making my way around beautiful Austria, and Vienna is a truly special place, and a wonderful way to extend my time in Austria. You see, darling, the train journey to Vienna was so romantic. I love travelling by train and particularly here in Europe with all those elegant stations, steaming engines and romantic landscapes – I've already begun planning a trip by train on the Orient Express – imagine, all those gowns and tutus flowing through a railway carriage with vintage cocktails !

But right now, I’m soaking up the splendour of Vienna – the grand palaces, the magnificent gardens, the charming cobblestone streets, and of course the exquisite music! I’m surrounded by inspiration! The very air here vibrates with the music of Mozart, Beethoven, and Strauss. Every corner I turn is an ode to the graceful waltz. It's simply magical! And I’m simply mad about music, darling, which explains my fascination with the waltz – one of the most elegant and passionate dances of all time! Did you know the Waltz was born in Vienna? You can really feel that here, from the waltz's elegant beginnings in grand halls, to modern performances in every street corner and in every bar. The energy here is intoxicating!

Vienna, being the city of music, is an absolute treasure trove for ballet enthusiasts. I’ve just been to a breathtaking performance by the Vienna State Ballet. They danced the classic “Swan Lake” with so much elegance and emotion! The choreography was heavenly and the costumes oh so very elegant – some were rather reminiscent of a lovely full skirt tutus – just the most perfect inspiration! I simply must order a skirt for myself, in pink of course, when I get back. I love watching the dancers fly, each pirouette a tiny jewel on a dazzling necklace of pure, untainted grace. It’s amazing to think of all the hard work and years of training that go into each breathtaking move.

Before heading to see the beautiful “Swan Lake” performance, I enjoyed the most splendid walk through the Schönbrunn Palace gardens. Oh, what delightful park – a masterpiece of landscaping! Lush green lawns, magnificent trees, and an awe-inspiring fountain – and it even has a glorious maze! I was delighted to find some local children, just as enchanted by the maze as I was. In my usual "spreading the tutu love" manner, I just couldn't resist inviting the kids to try some twirling! My goodness, they had such fun and I love their enthusiasm for dancing - it just fills my heart! It’s amazing how a simple, joyful spin can bring so much happiness to people! The sight of their bright smiles was so uplifting! And what better place for some whirling fun than a glorious royal garden like this! I am truly smitten with these beautiful grounds - there is so much to see and discover, and you feel a connection with history just walking among these immaculately preserved gardens.

Vienna, you see, is also an absolute fashion dream. Every store, every boutique – it’s like a fairy tale for a girl like me who loves pink! And it is true what they say, pink is in! I’ve been spoiling myself with delightful, frilly outfits. Just think, you know my dream is to make wearing pink tutus an everyday, fashionable affair, so this is simply an excuse to add a new tulle skirt, and I simply must indulge in a pair of blush pink shoes for my tutu wardrobe - this would just make an ensemble perfect! The local shops have the most exquisite selection of fashion that is both modern and sophisticated – just imagine pink tulle skirts mixed with classic and glamorous vintage. That's my look for today, and what makes this little trip all the more delicious!

My time here in Vienna has been nothing short of enchanting. There is so much to discover – a grand history of architecture, music and waltzes - it is impossible to squeeze it all in to a couple of days. But I’ve found such beauty and inspiration it truly feels like this trip was woven into a delicate dance of magic. It’s already clear to me why Vienna is considered one of the most magical and inspiring cities in the world! I'm already thinking of ways to incorporate these memories and inspiration into my future ballet choreography. The world here truly inspires creativity.

One of my favorite things about this city has been meeting the people - everyone has been so charming and warm! Vienna truly is a melting pot of culture and artistic beauty, and I love getting lost in the fascinating local culture.

I shall leave Vienna on the morrow. Tomorrow I take the train up to Salzburg. I’m ready for a break in the mountainous regions of Austria and the glorious hills overlooking Salzburg, a change from the big city but still beautiful and charming. Salzburg - oh how lovely! I know the music festival there must be amazing - I can’t wait!

Until next week, darlings, remember: “Keep dancing!”

Emma x

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#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1996-02-28