Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1996-07-10

Vienna Calling! 🩰 Pink Tutu Takes On Austria (Post #62)

Hello my darling dears! 🎀 Emma here, your favourite pink-tutu-wearing ballerina, writing to you live from the stunning city of Vienna! It's Wednesday, and that means it's time for another dazzling blog post, direct from my Viennese adventure! This week, I've been swept off my feet (literally! twirls) by the waltzing beauty of Vienna. From grand palaces to the most delicious Sachertorte (seriously, you HAVE to try it!), I'm sharing all my discoveries with you in this week's post.

This week was a whirl! I'm loving exploring the historical grandeur of this city, from the majestic Schönbrunn Palace, once the summer residence of the Habsburgs, to the towering Stephansdom Cathedral, with its intricate architecture. But for me, the real star of the show has to be the Vienna State Opera.

I’ve been dancing around Vienna, following in the footsteps of ballet greats who’ve graced its stages – a truly inspirational experience! Ballet is so interwoven with this city, it's impossible not to feel the passion for it all around you. The energy is electric, and the love of dance here truly infectious. Speaking of electrifying, have I mentioned the ballet shows? OMG! The choreography is utterly breathtaking, and the costumes? Let's just say, I’m already plotting my own Viennese-inspired tutu!

But it’s not all just waltzing and whirling for this little ballerina, my darlings! Shopping is another of my favourite pastimes, and Vienna certainly knows how to indulge a girl's fashion needs! From vintage shops overflowing with delicate lace and sparkling jewels to the most chic boutiques filled with the latest designs, there's something to tantalise every fashionista's taste.

Here are a few highlights from my adventures this week:

*Monday: *

  • Train Journey Delight: My journey here on the train was pure magic. It's such a romantic way to travel – watching the scenery change from green rolling hills to snowy mountain peaks. I had my favourite book with me – A Dance With Dragons by George R. R. Martin, you know how much I adore those fantasy series.
  • A Taste of Vienna: Arriving in Vienna, my senses were immediately awakened. Weary but delighted, I tucked into a traditional Viennese Sachertorte. This decadent chocolate cake, with its secret apricot jam filling and the lightest dusting of powdered sugar, is quite possibly the most delightful dessert I’ve ever tasted. You’ve GOT to try it!
  • Historical Wonders: My afternoon was a whirlwind tour of history at the Schönbrunn Palace. It's almost too grand for words, a dazzling masterpiece of baroque architecture and lush gardens. It's said that Mozart performed for the Imperial family in the palace, can you believe it?


  • Horse-Drawn Carriage Romance: There’s nothing quite like riding in a horse-drawn carriage through the heart of Vienna. It feels so glamorous and elegant, a timeless way to take in the city’s stunning sights. I found the most enchanting boutique selling handmade tiaras – just perfect for adding a touch of royal sparkle to any tutu-clad outing!
  • A Ballet Dream: It’s a long-held dream of mine to experience the Vienna State Opera. The building itself is incredible, opulent, and beautiful beyond words. The acoustics were divine, and I was captivated by the performance of Swan Lake – pure enchantment!
  • Ballet History: I’ve been delving into Vienna’s fascinating ballet history. Did you know that Vienna has been a hotbed of dance for centuries? Ballet is woven into the city's very fabric, and the Imperial ballet dancers were revered throughout Europe. It’s just extraordinary how passionate they were and still are.


  • Ballet Class: To really feel the pulse of this dance-loving city, I joined a local ballet class this morning. The studio had such a warm and welcoming atmosphere. My favourite move is definitely a simple one, a simple dégagé with a well-turned-out foot - I never tire of feeling the flow and the precision.
  • Tutu Shopping Paradise: Today is dedicated to a bit of shopping therapy in the city's most charming boutiques! Vienna boasts a unique style that blends sophistication with a playful touch. I've discovered the most stunning vintage fabrics, and a divine collection of sparkly embellishments that would be perfect for designing my next dream tutu. I've already found enough material to create a whole new ensemble – just wait till you see it!
  • A Stroll by the Danube: This afternoon, I’m taking a leisurely stroll along the picturesque Danube Canal. The sunshine is golden, the breeze is cool and refreshing. The whole city seems to come alive when the sun shines, don't you think?
  • My Vienna Fashion Picks: Vienna is such a fashion-forward city. The locals seem to have an innate sense of style and effortless elegance, and I'm loving all the pops of pink! But beyond the beautiful clothing, I'm also embracing the local flair – think romantic florals, chic polka dots, and a whole lot of stylish hats.


  • The World of Waltz: It wouldn’t be a trip to Vienna without a waltz lesson. What a joyous and elegant dance! The movements are so graceful and the music just makes me want to twirl for hours! The rhythm is addictive, it’s not surprising that the waltz has become synonymous with this city.


  • Market Mayhem: A visit to a Viennese market is an absolute delight! Today, I'm exploring the lively Naschmarkt, a bustling wonderland of colourful produce, artisan goods, and enticing scents. You could easily spend a whole afternoon here, browsing through the stalls and sampling the delights.
  • A Theatrical Adventure: In the evening, I’ll be enjoying the theatre in the Vienna Burgtheater, a breathtaking architectural masterpiece! This evening, they are showing a dramatic play which is rumoured to be both thought-provoking and emotional, oh, I cannot wait!
  • Tutu-inspired Dress Up: In honor of all the wonderful plays I’ve seen in Vienna, I am dressing up for tonight's dinner. A stunning blush-coloured, flowy satin dress with my most-favourite sparkling ballerina shoes - a simple but utterly elegant look that captures the beauty of this city!


  • Viennese Coffee Culture: There's something truly enchanting about the coffee culture in Vienna! The city's cafes are brimming with a sense of tradition and history, inviting you to settle in and soak up the atmosphere. Today I'm indulging in a decadent "Wiener Melange", a Viennese blend with a dollop of fluffy milk foam – delicious!


  • A Touch of Nature: To break away from the bustling city, I'm planning a relaxing afternoon in one of Vienna’s sprawling parks. The lush green spaces are a welcome respite from the urban chaos. And a chance to recharge my batteries, a real tutu-twirling haven.

I am absolutely in love with Vienna! It's a place where art, music, culture and history all blend seamlessly, and I'm just starting to unravel the beauty of it all.

Speaking of unraveling, did I tell you about the delicious Austrian pastries? There's Apfelstrudel, with its layers of crisp, golden pastry and the perfect balance of sweet and tart, and Kaiserschmarrn, a fluffy pancake dish that is simply heavenly. It's all too tempting!

But it's not all about food, my dear! Vienna is about appreciating the finer things in life, the elegant dance of history, the charm of graceful fashion, and the magical glow of a city lit up by its passions.

As my time here comes to an end, I'm already dreaming of my next Viennese adventure. This city truly feels like home for any tutu-wearing soul.

Until next time my sweet loves! I’ll be back next Wednesday with more Viennese delights. Remember, wear a tutu and let your sparkle shine, always!

Keep twirling,

Emma x

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1996-07-10