Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1996-08-21

Vienna, My Darling, A City Fit For a Pink Tutu! (Post #68)

Hello my darling tutu-loving friends!

It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another update from your favourite pink-obsessed ballerina blogger! I'm currently ensconced in the enchanting city of Vienna, Austria, a place that seems to have been tailor-made for twirling and prancing in a pink tutu.

Riding the Rails with a Pink Tutu:

I arrived in Vienna last week by train, of course, because who needs a boring aeroplane when you can enjoy the scenic landscapes of Europe whilst whizzing past on a luxurious railway? I felt positively regal, rocking my new dusky rose tulle tutu (complete with a bewitching black velvet sash, because even ballerinas need a touch of dramatic flair!), and I received numerous approving nods from fellow travellers. (Honestly, you can't beat a pink tutu for travelling in style!)

A Pink Tutu’s Guide to Viennese Delights:

Oh, Vienna, how I've longed to visit you! Every corner of this city whispers history, art, and elegance. We're talking charming cobblestone streets, stunning baroque architecture, and the most divine cafĂ©s, with tables spilling onto pavements – perfect for a leisurely afternoon of people-watching, while sipping on a steaming cup of coffee. (Or perhaps a dainty, pastel-coloured cocktail – pink, of course!)

A Ballerina's Dream: The Vienna State Opera

Now, if you’re a fellow tutu enthusiast, you know that the heart of Vienna is undoubtedly the Vienna State Opera House. It’s a masterpiece in itself, an ornate gem that oozes history and tradition. I had the absolute pleasure of witnessing "The Sleeping Beauty" on Saturday night, and my heart almost burst with delight. The choreography was breathtaking, the costumes divine, and the whole experience simply magical.

Twirling Through History

Vienna has a deep, rich history when it comes to ballet, so much so that I felt a powerful energy swirling around me. We’re talking centuries of legendary dancers gracing this city, and its grand theatre stages, so of course I just had to pay my respects at the tomb of the beloved 18th-century dancer, Marie Taglioni. She was the pioneer of the Romantic ballet style and a true icon, inspiring ballerinas around the world, including myself.

Pink Tutu Shopping Spree:

My wardrobe has been significantly enriched with new treasures. The shopping here is positively divine! You could easily spend a week in Vienna exploring the many vintage boutiques tucked away in alleyways, searching for antique tutus. But don’t worry, I didn't let my budget go haywire! I also discovered a fantastically whimsical millinery shop filled with elaborate fascinators, the most glorious hats you could ever imagine! I was lucky enough to snag a beautiful pale pink wide-brimmed sun hat with a delicate floral detail - perfect for strolling through the gardens of the Schönbrunn Palace!

Dancing Under the Viennese Sky

And I wouldn't be a true ballet enthusiast if I didn’t partake in a dance class during my stay! I stumbled upon a delightful ballet studio tucked away on a charming side street and enrolled in a beginners' ballet class for a couple of hours. Let me tell you, it's a fantastic workout! Even if I'm not an expert ballerina (yet!), I can tell you that learning a new move under the beautiful, Vienna sunshine makes me feel alive and full of joy.

Horse-drawn Carriages and a Royal Carriage Ride:

Vienna is a city built for horse-drawn carriages. It's an absolute joy to glide along the cobbled streets in a classic carriage. So, I indulged in this regal experience and, of course, wore my pinkest tulle tutu. The sound of the horses' hooves clicking on the stone pavement as we rolled through the heart of the city was truly captivating! I felt like a princess on a carriage ride through time.

Pink Tutu Prominent: A Viennese Night

No trip to Vienna is complete without a Viennese Ball. Now, for a true “ball” experience, you must, must, MUST wear a magnificent ball gown! It seems that you must adhere to traditional customs and etiquettes (it's almost like going to an actual royal court - quite the exhilarating feeling!), but what’s a ball gown without the perfectly coordinated pink tutu? It's definitely the most fabulous fashion statement, even more fabulous than wearing a white feather boa on top of your already sensational dress.

I can tell you the “ball-gown-with-tutu” look really turned heads (I counted around 54 raised eyebrows). So much so, in fact, that even the elegant grandfathers in formal dress were completely taken aback by the flamboyant colour, the perfectly draped tulle and the sparkling diamantĂ© encrusted shoes.

But then I'm the pink tutu ambassador, it’s kind of my job, wouldn’t you agree?

Coming up in Post #69:

So what's next for me? Oh darling, there is still so much to see in Vienna. It's a city that you simply can't see in just a few days. I have to take a cooking class and try all the delectable Austrian desserts, maybe a delicious strudel while admiring a breathtaking view over the city from one of the many palaces in Vienna. And I’m also planning to take a trip out to the magnificent Schönbrunn Palace Gardens for a spot of sunshine and pink-tutu-wearing photo ops!

As for my travels? Well, let's just say I have my sights set on a city that's steeped in history, and I'll be arriving by horse
 yes, by horse!

Until next time, darling tutu-lovers, keep your skirts high and your hearts full of the joy of dance!

Emma x

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1996-08-21