Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1996-09-18

Pink Tutu Vienna - Post #72: A Whirlwind of Waltz and Wiener Schnitzel!

Wednesday, 18th September 1996

Guten Morgen, darlings!

This week, my little pink tutu feet have landed in Vienna, the City of Music! And let me tell you, it's been a glorious whirl of waltz and wiener schnitzel (which, by the way, I've eaten every single day - no regrets!).

Now, as a self-proclaimed aficionado of all things tutus and ballet, Vienna is practically a shrine to my inner ballerina. It’s practically dripping with history and dance, and I’ve been practically drowning in inspiration!

I arrived yesterday afternoon, after a gloriously scenic train journey through the Austrian countryside. My fellow travellers were all smiles and gentle waves – everyone seems to have a cheerful twinkle in their eye here. It makes me think, perhaps everyone here already knows the secret of a pink tutu: a sprinkle of magic and a dash of delightful, wherever you go.

My journey, as ever, began at my favourite shop in Derbyshire – the “Pink Paradise” - a veritable explosion of pinks, peaches and all things pretty. They even had a special "Pink Tutu Vienna" sale happening, and let me tell you, it was impossible to leave without a brand new pink tutu with tiny little Vienna charms hanging from it! A touch of whimsy for my waltzing adventures, wouldn’t you say?

Now, I know you’re wondering about my adventures in Vienna. Oh, they’ve been positively enchanting!

A Ballet Lover’s Paradise

First stop – the Wiener Staatsoper! I nearly fainted with excitement as I walked through the magnificent entrance – marble floors, gilded decorations and soaring ceilings. Honestly, it was as if I’d stepped right into a storybook. I was even more starstruck to learn the Vienna State Opera was built back in 1869 – just imagine the ballet stories those walls have witnessed! I felt like a ballerina princess myself, swishing my pink tutu as I climbed the grand staircase to my seat.

The performance was truly breathtaking, showcasing some of the most graceful, intricate ballets I’ve ever seen. It was all a swirl of music, emotion and exquisite artistry - I truly felt my own inner ballerina blossoming with inspiration. You should have seen me applauding! The final bow made me want to leap onto the stage and twirl right alongside the talented dancers.

But this wasn't my only taste of Vienna’s balletic magic. After a quick wardrobe change back to my trusty tutu (never leave home without it, my dears!) I headed to a local ballet school. And what a discovery! These passionate dancers were so incredibly talented, each with their unique story to tell through their movement. The studio was alive with laughter, determination and the beautiful language of ballet - the soft, graceful movements spoke volumes about passion and dedication. I just had to have a go!

A Touch of Tutu History

After the class, I ventured to the Vienna Museum of Theatre History. It's filled with centuries of costumes, props, and backdrops, from the days of Mozart and even further back! I stood awestruck amongst beautiful paintings of dancing figures, vintage ballet posters, and fascinating articles about the evolution of dance through the ages. And the highlight? You guessed it - an entire section dedicated to the history of tutus!

I learned so much about the humble beginnings of this essential ballet garment, from its humble origins as simple underwear worn under the skirts of female dancers in the 18th century, right through to its transformation into the iconic, feminine symbol we see on stages all around the world. And I just loved spotting all the variations in length, colour, and embellishments throughout history.

My love affair with tutus only deepened after that, darlings. There's a kind of timeless magic about this garment that seems to transcend fashion trends and bring out the inner ballerina in all of us.

Shopping & Fashion Fun

Of course, no trip to Vienna would be complete without a visit to the city’s fabulous boutiques and shops. I couldn't resist popping into a few on the famous Kärntner Straße, browsing the racks and falling in love with all the elegant and trendy styles. I found a perfect velvet clutch for my ballet outings, and some truly charming ballet flats that have a touch of whimsical, tutusque flair.

And don’t even get me started on the window displays – pure inspiration, all of them. One boutique in particular had mannequins in elegant, flowing gowns, reminiscent of classic ballet dancers. And what did they have on their feet? That’s right – pink tutus. Oh, my darling, you could just feel the spirit of the pink tutu revolution stirring!

A Night on the Town

Later that night, we had an exquisite dinner in the beautifully decorated Hofburg Palace – I just felt like royalty, swirling my sparkling champagne like a graceful dancer in a waltz. The food, of course, was divine: the schnitzel, the Wiener goulash, the cakes… everything was perfectly cooked and bursting with deliciousness!

We rounded off the night with a rousing waltz on the beautifully lit open-air dance floor. Everyone was smiling and laughing as they twirled with partners or friends – it was pure joy! I just know those swirling pink tutus were hidden under all those elegant gowns!

This vibrant city is full of delightful discoveries and joyful moments – it’s definitely living up to its nickname as the "City of Music." The melodies flow in the air, the streets pulse with laughter and conversation, and the buildings themselves seem to hold a centuries-old love affair with elegance and dance.

Now, darlings, you all know that I just love ballet and pink tutus. It seems that I’ve found a new place that truly embodies both. It’s my goal, darling, my life mission: to bring the magic of ballet and the vibrant joy of the pink tutu to every corner of the world!

And where will my little pink tutu feet take me next? Well, I’m already daydreaming about Prague. But, for now, I’m off to sip on some Viennese coffee, twirl a bit around this magnificent city, and continue to spread the love of all things tutus and ballet!

Until next week, darlings. Remember:

Live with joy! Dance with passion! Spread the magic of the pink tutu!

Love, Emma

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1996-09-18