Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1996-12-11

Vienna Waltz, Darling! Post #84: A Pink Tutu Adventures Through Time 🩰

Wednesday, 11th December 1996

Oh my dears! I am absolutely positively positively thrilled to be back in Vienna, the city of waltz, schnitzel, and, of course, magnificent ballet! This week's adventure is a real "pinch me" moment, a swirling delight straight out of my dreams – or should I say, my ballet dreams? 🩰

This week's post comes to you straight from the heart of Vienna, the city that just gets me, gets the pink me! The sun is shining through the frosted windows, creating a kaleidoscope of wintery hues across the elegant coffee shops and historic buildings. You know I'm simply dying to tell you all about it!

Before I delve into the fabulous happenings here in Vienna, a quick update from my last post, you know, those fabulous ballet classes in Salzburg! I know I mentioned last week I wanted to visit a specific atelier where the most beautiful tutus are made - and oh my, I can tell you all about it! The craftsmanship! The imagination! Let's just say, a trip to a tutu atelier should be on every ballet enthusiast's travel bucket list, darling!

Speaking of which, imagine my delight when, on a recent jaunt through a cobbled street here in Vienna, I found the most wonderful little boutique dedicated to the history of ballet and, you guessed it, tutus! Imagine my sheer joy - antique posters from the most celebrated ballets, tiny porcelain ballerinas in pink and white, and a small collection of tutus from different eras, from the Romantic tutu with its flowing skirts to the tight, structured tutus worn in the early 20th century. It was truly an eye-opening experience, darling, and gave me a whole new appreciation for the evolution of this delicate garment. Of course, it wouldn't be complete without a little pink tutu moment of my own. You know me! 😜

Speaking of pink and tutus, I've got a special event coming up! I've been invited to perform in a delightful ballet workshop celebrating the centenary of the famous Wiener Staatsoper, or Vienna State Opera. They say the opera house has had a magnificent makeover since the war - I simply can't wait to get a sneak peek! Of course, I'm not going to disappoint with my choice of attire. We’re talking all-pink tutus, a dazzling performance, and a celebratory waltz in true Viennese fashion, darling! Oh, and it gets even better, you’ll see it in my next post! (Don’t forget to visit on Wednesdays for more Vienna updates!).

And while I’m on the subject of dance, let’s talk about Vienna’s ballet heritage! You may be familiar with the story of the great Viennese ballerina Fanny Elssler - the woman who made huge waves with her stunning dancing back in the 19th century! She’s such an inspiration for me, an embodiment of grace and dedication to ballet.

While my dancing career has me waltzing through Vienna, I’m also making the most of the other sights of the city. Oh, Vienna, you’re such a beauty, a place for true romantics, a blend of historical architecture and charming cafes where you can lose yourself in conversation. My morning walk starts at the famous Vienna Hofburg Palace - what a treat! - followed by a coffee and pastries at my favourite cafe. (This one has the most beautiful stained glass windows! Don’t tell the others - they're my secret!) 🤫

For the rest of the day, I am completely at the mercy of this enchanting city. The magnificent State Opera House - the grand structure with its dazzling facade - has captivated me. I've had the pleasure of taking a tour of this landmark of Viennese art and culture - even without the ballet. The auditorium is adorned with plush velvet and ornate gilt, an absolute palace for performance art! (Don’t worry, I’ll share some pics next time!)

And speaking of "picture perfect", did you see that horse-drawn carriage, complete with plush velvet seats, I managed to sneak a ride in last night? Just think, all the elegance and romance of a time long past! What’s more, this ride comes with a unique view of the Vienna Christmas markets, their warm, aromatic glow illuminating the frosty night. It truly was like stepping back in time. Oh, how I wish my camera could have captured that magic! 📸

You see, dear readers, even a pink tutu girl like me is ready to indulge in a little Viennese history! Vienna's past and its present are an intoxicating mix of music, waltzes, art, history and of course, ballet, creating a tapestry that’s more captivating than a perfectly-executed pirouette!

I’ll leave you now, darling. I have a delightful lunch planned, an affair in true Vienna fashion – Viennese pastries at an adorable café overlooking a fairytale of snow-laden trees in the Schönbrunn Gardens. But I must confess – my mind’s already picturing the graceful steps of the Vienna ballet in a whirlwind of pink tutus at the Wiener Staatsoper for my next post. Stay tuned for a whirlwind of ballet, sparkle, and, yes, a sprinkle of pink!

Until then, wear pink tutus, embrace life, and dance your way into the new year!

💖 Emma 💖

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1996-12-11