Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1997-03-05

Pink Tutu Vienna: Post #96 - The Magic of Vienna

Dearest readers,

Greetings from Vienna! My lovely readers, how splendidly has the week treated you all? It’s Wednesday and time for my weekly jaunt through the city of waltzes and wonder - Vienna!

It's hard to believe that it's been exactly three months since I hopped aboard the train, leaving the charming rolling hills of Derbyshire for this delightful European capital. Each week I learn more about this magical place. As you know, dear readers, I’m utterly besotted by everything Viennese - from the cobbled streets, the imperial grandeur, and of course, the delectable coffee!

This week has been a whirlwind of tulle and taffeta. I kicked off my adventures with a most delightful shopping trip to the luxurious Palais Liechtenstein. It's a beautiful, grand building with so much history - even Emperor Franz Joseph stayed there, wouldn't you know it? Of course, my goal was to find some truly fabulous pieces for my ever-growing collection of pink tutus! And find them I did. Oh my goodness, the colours, the styles, the fabrics… my little ballerina heart just skipped a beat. A rather lovely lady, the owner, was kind enough to give me a history lesson about ballet tutus - can you imagine? Did you know that the original tutus were made of only two layers of fabric? How times have changed! She also told me that, according to ballet history, a true tutu should be able to fit within the outline of a hoop. How exciting! Now I can hardly wait to twirl around Vienna in my new purchases.

The following day, I immersed myself in the local ballet scene at the exquisite Vienna State Opera House. The chandeliers, the velvet, the history… I could have stayed in there for days! And, of course, the ballet performance was divine! A rendition of Swan Lake. So majestic, so elegant. It took my breath away! Afterward, I strolled around the Stadtpark, its peaceful air a welcome contrast to the opera house's grandeur.

But the week's highlight, my dears, was undoubtedly the performance I gave at the famous Hofburg Palace. The Hofburg, the former residence of the Habsburg Emperors, is simply breathtaking - such stunning architecture and grand rooms! Imagine dancing there! I twirled, I pirouetted, I leaped… all to the tune of Strauss waltzes. As I gracefully danced amongst the glittering chandeliers, I felt like I'd been transported to another time, a time of elegance and romance. The audience, filled with such elegant Vienna locals and charming tourists, gave me the most heartfelt applause! My little tutu certainly got a lot of admiration!

And then there was the food, oh, the food! So much delicious cake and coffee! A real delight. I have discovered my absolute favourite treat this week – the Kaiserschmarrn, a kind of sweet pancake, fluffy and covered with applesauce! Heavenly! I truly feel I'm in the perfect place, my dears, Vienna just knows how to treat a girl like me.

The days are beginning to grow longer and the sun has finally decided to come out and play! Spring is just around the corner, and Vienna, in its spring garb, will surely be more breathtakingly beautiful than ever.

So there you have it, my dearest readers! Another week of wonder and magic, pink tutus, and a love affair with this beautiful city! I’m sure I will be filled with many more inspiring stories to share with you next week!

Don’t forget to check in next Wednesday at for my latest adventures.

Until then, do take care, my dears, and may your days be filled with twirling joy!

Lots of love and twirls,


Your Pink Tutu Blogger


#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1997-03-05