Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1997-05-14

Pink Tutu Vienna: Episode 106 - Whirlwind Waltz in the City of Music

Hello my darlings! Emma here, your favourite pink-tutu clad, ballet-obsessed traveller, reporting live from Vienna, the city that makes my heart dance!

This week has been a whirlwind of waltzes and pastries - the perfect combination, don't you think? 😉 As usual, I'm bringing you all the fashion, ballet, and fabulous finds I've uncovered in this stunning city.

Vienna has always been a bit of a dream for me. Not only is it the birthplace of classical music (hello, Mozart and Strauss!), but it's also home to some of the most beautiful ballet companies in the world. And who can resist a city with such an impressive collection of waltzes?

This week, my travels started with a visit to the Vienna State Opera House. You've just got to see it - the grandeur of the architecture and the sheer opulence will take your breath away! They even have a museum dedicated to ballet, which I just had to visit. Seeing all those antique tutus - some dating back to the 18th century - truly gave me goosebumps! It made me feel like I'd stepped back in time to a bygone era, a world where elegance and grace ruled.

Of course, I couldn't go to Vienna without indulging in a little bit of shopping! Luckily, the city is brimming with delightful boutiques. From vintage to modern, I was spoiled for choice. I even found the perfect pair of pink ballet shoes, just my size, at a little shop on Mariahilfer Straße. They were nestled among piles of tulle and feather boas - how could I resist? I snagged a new tulle tutu to wear to the ballet too - I'm rather fond of this shade of pale pink, and I thought it went rather well with the new shoes!

After all that retail therapy, a spot of tea and cake was most definitely in order. You simply can't go to Vienna without having at least one piece of Sachertorte! I sampled one at the Sacher Hotel - a real institution, it is - and it was utterly divine. Chocolate, apricot, and a generous helping of whipped cream. Heaven on a plate, I tell you!

Later that day, I headed over to the Schönbrunn Palace Gardens. The flowers were in full bloom, the sun was shining, and the air was alive with the sounds of laughter and music. It felt truly magical, as though I had been transported to a scene from a fairytale. And that's when I had the most incredible idea: A ballet performance in the palace gardens! It could be like a royal garden party with tutus, elegant dances, and maybe even a live orchestra - don't you just love how imaginative I am? It would be the perfect setting for a truly whimsical evening.

I have to admit, I even tried a few pirouettes in the rose garden! Maybe I should get the local ballet company involved? They did put on a fantastic show at the Opera House the other night - the dancing was so expressive, you felt the stories in every move.

You see, I'm always trying to think of ways to bring ballet to new places and show people that ballet is more than just a traditional art form - it can be anything, anywhere. So my next goal? Get all the tourists and locals to wear a pink tutu to a ballet performance!

This city, like my own heart, is so filled with joy. It's no wonder Vienna's been nicknamed 'The City of Music'!

I hope you all had a wonderful week, my lovelies.

I can't wait to see you next Wednesday, when I'll be sharing my next adventure from beautiful Vienna.

Until then, keep dancing, keep twirling, and remember: Life is a beautiful waltz. Just don't forget to wear your pink tutu!



P.S. Remember, you can read all about my adventures and travels on my website, If you want to see my new shoes or tutus, post a comment and I’ll add a picture. I’m always looking for ideas on what you would like me to do! So don't be shy!

P.P.S: I was at a little tea room near the opera house today, and they served this incredible afternoon tea. They even had pink rose petals on the cake. How dreamy!

P.P.P.S.: What do you think? Should I host a tea party in a pink tutu at my local hotel in Derbyshire? It might just be a bit too much… But maybe not! 😊

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1997-05-14