Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1998-07-22

Vienna, Darling! Post #168

Oh my darlings, Vienna! What a whirlwind this city has been. Every cobbled street feels like a waltz, every café echoes with Strauss, and every museum houses a masterpiece. And you know what? Pink Tutu has never felt so much at home. I've been pirouetting around here for the past week, feeling the magic of Vienna swirl around me like a perfectly timed fouetté.

As you know, Wednesday is Pink Tutu’s Vienna blog day. It’s a day to delve into all the lovely details of this gorgeous city, a day to share the fashion and fun and everything that’s made my heart skip a beat.

So let’s raise a glass (or perhaps a cup of Wiener Melange, the local speciality!) and delve into the latest Pink Tutu Vienna adventure, shall we?

Ballet Beginnings in Vienna

This week, my darlings, has been about Ballet, Ballet, and more Ballet! I finally made it to the Vienna State Opera – a palace of dreams where I witnessed the incredible artistry of “Swan Lake”. The costumes! The dancing! The orchestra! My darling friends, the sheer magic of seeing Tchaikovsky’s music come alive was truly breathtaking. I even managed to nab a stunning vintage tutu from the Wiener Staatsoper Boutique, so my own little collection has been given a royal touch. (Can’t wait to wear it to the ballet at the Burgtheater tomorrow, perhaps for a little spontaneous impromptu twirl or two, I can’t help it! A ballerina has to be a little spontaneous!)

The Vienna State Opera also has its own museum! It is simply incredible - showcasing the history of the building, the stories of the singers and dancers, the costume designs – just everything, truly, you could possibly imagine. I was delighted to see the costumes for some of my favourite ballets, and a little heartbroken that the ballet flats from “La Bayadère” weren’t in a colour to match my fabulous pink tutu, I did however pick up some vintage opera glasses. I was almost tempted to wear my sparkly ballet flats in there but thought maybe I'd push it a little bit... I wonder what they think of Pink Tutu over here! We have a real ‘Pink’ thing happening back in Derbyshire, I hope to share some of my passion for pink with them. Just as long as I am not thrown out of any buildings - you know how strict people can be with 'tradition'.

Vienna’s passion for the ballet just made me think of all those wonderful stories I learned at the Royal Ballet School and all those fabulous tutus worn by some of my idols, all the famous dancers. You know, there is actually a very famous story about a tutu in ballet history, isn't it strange what fascinates us!

*The story of The Little Red Tutu: *

Imagine this: The year is 1832 and Maria Taglioni, the leading dancer of the day, wearing a skirt so short, it barely reached her knees - a groundbreaking style in ballet! People went wild, they gasped, they gossiped! This bold new tutu sparked a revolution in the dance world.

Before the short tutu, ballerinas were clad in bulky, full-length dresses, all lace and fabric, making movement incredibly difficult. That little red tutu was a revelation! It liberated dancers. Suddenly, their graceful leaps and delicate pirouettes could soar. It symbolised change, modernity and freedom, both for women and for the art of ballet itself. Think of how far the ‘revolution’ has come, not just in fashion, but in every part of the world since then! Isn’t that incredible, dear darlings, so incredibly important to make that small but huge stand and speak your truth, like Maria did!

It is all thanks to her and her tutu that dancers today can spin and leap in a symphony of graceful freedom and beauty - a visual language spoken through the language of the tutu! I always tell my friends that my tutu is my armour, and that ‘all the world’s a stage’ and we are the ones doing the choreography, my dear darlings.

*Trapped in Time (and loving it!): *

In my last blog post, I wrote to you all from a horse and cart, and trust me, I've embraced Vienna's charm from the most romantic of angles. Vienna’s cobbled streets feel just like something out of a fairytale, so imagine my joy at discovering the Fiaker (Viennese horse-drawn carriage)! The moment I climbed in, with a flurry of pink tutu, and the clip-clop rhythm of hooves on stone, I felt myself transported back to a time of elegant waltz tunes and grand gestures. It’s a perfect escape, my darlings, and if you’re ever here, make sure to experience this timeless wonder. It's truly one of the things that have made my visit so unforgettable.

Vienna really is an incredibly photogenic city! Every building looks like a postcard. Even when you take a detour (as I have) from the heart of the city, and wander through Vienna’s quieter suburbs, it's truly an idyllic vision of beautiful green squares and pretty houses. I'm particularly obsessed with Vienna's Schloss Belvedere, and just yesterday, I captured some of my most magical pink tutu-moments against its stunning backdrop. I can't wait to share them with you soon! The colours here, well, it is a photographer's dream come true - perfect for Pink Tutu photoshoots and my Instagram.

You all know how much I love trains (remember the story I told you about how I saved up for a journey in the sleeper carriages on the Night Jet? Those of you who know the European rail lines can imagine the joy! ) So I have also taken the opportunity to see more of this magical country, making day trips by train - so fast! - to the beautiful nearby town of Salzburg. Oh, my darlings, this town is a dream! Mozart! The Sound of Music! Stunning architecture! More amazing food and amazing shopping! (Oh, my dear, I could not resist getting another, incredibly cute, pink beret! I know, you have to have a Pink Tutu Beret!)

Shopping Extravaganza (a Girl’s Gotta do What a Girl’s Gotta do!):

You know how much I love a good shopping spree, especially for all the glamorous outfits and amazing pink shoes that compliment a perfect pink tutu! But the best shopping experiences in Vienna are not on the high street. No, they are tucked away in the back alleys and quiet little shops, in those quaint streets lined with boutiques that sell exquisite antique pieces. Vienna is the city of treasure, a wonderland where the past is perfectly preserved and the present feels like an elegant, glamorous fairytale!

Vienna has some real gems, though! I managed to pick up a fabulous antique pair of dancing slippers at a bargain price on the Naschmarkt – the huge Viennese market, one of the city's hidden treasures! I could have spent all day looking through their stalls - antiques, crafts, and all sorts of delights – I found the perfect pink ribbon to compliment my newest pair of ballet shoes! And, believe me, I bargained until my pink tutu was nearly dancing with glee! It always amazes me, just how many places in the world are devoted to ‘everything Pink’. If there’s a shade of Pink, this city’s got it!

And let's not forget the Vienna Prater, one of Vienna’s oldest theme parks! With its enormous wheel, carousel, rollercoasters and stalls filled with brightly colored wares! A truly charming way to see a city with all those whirling roundabouts and candyfloss-dusted dreams. Perfect for the Pink Tutu, darling, so very “fairytale!” I managed to snag some vintage postcards too - great additions for my collection, they will look stunning with my vintage collection of ballet posters and ticket stubs!

This is only just the beginning of my Viennese adventure, darlings. Next week I'm going to explore Vienna’s history and those famous art museums. (And of course I have a Pink Tutu outfit ready for that too, can't let this amazing city see me wearing a colour other than pink! You know I love to keep my pinky promise to you!)

Don't forget to check out next Wednesday for all the latest fashion, culture, and pink tutu escapades from Vienna!

Until then, happy dancing!

Emma xx

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1998-07-22