Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1998-09-16

Vienna Waltz: A Whirlwind of Pink and Plié (Blog Post #176)

Hello, darlings! Emma here, writing to you from the enchanting city of Vienna! The cobblestones here are so beautifully polished, and even the horses pulling carriages seem to have an air of refined grace. It’s like a waltz of a city! I’m absolutely smitten.

Vienna – the capital of Austria, the land of Mozart, Strauss, and, yes, I have to mention, tutu history! Vienna was the centre of ballet innovation in the 18th and 19th centuries and was a key contributor to ballet history. Think of all the legendary ballets created here: The Nutcracker, Giselle, The Sleeping Beauty. All masterpieces and inspirations, and oh, so beautifully staged. Just hearing the words "Vienna Opera" stirs my tutu-loving heart!

I took a trip to the Staatsoper (Vienna State Opera) and was blown away by its stunning architecture and its majestic, historical vibe. Imagine the layers of history, of fabulous ballerinas swirling in their tutus, and great dancers leaping to a beautiful score. They still hold a spectacular array of performances each season, so be sure to add this place to your "to-do" list if you are visiting this magnificent city!

Speaking of magnificence, my darling little pink tutu and I decided to visit the Museum of Art History, which houses masterpieces like the Venus de Milo and Michelangelo's artwork. What I enjoyed the most was gazing at the collection of costumes – exquisite embroidery, flamboyant silks, and even the remnants of glorious tutus from times gone by! I took inspiration from each era and, you guessed it, got ideas for future outfits. After all, one can never have too many pink tutus! I might just even start a mini-collection of museum-inspired tutus – what a fab idea!

A Ballerina's Parisian Escape: Paris in September

Before I landed in Vienna, I took a little side trip to Paris! Paris – ah! The city of lights and fashion and, let's be honest, pink tutus. What could be better than sipping champagne on the Seine while gazing at the Eiffel Tower, all whilst sporting a bright pink tutu and sparkling tiara? Honestly, it was pure bliss! I just can’t get over those chic Parisian vibes – it just seems to radiate "fashionably pink!"

Of course, a trip to Paris is not complete without ballet! I finally ticked “watching a show at the Paris Opera” off my list. I was a tad apprehensive going in. I wondered if it would live up to the stories I’ve heard. Let me tell you, my darlings, it was simply extraordinary! From the moment I entered the hallowed halls, it was a sensory experience that will forever be etched in my heart. There's a magic, an allure in watching a classical ballet under those chandeliers – it is an absolute must for any ballerina, or indeed, anyone with an ounce of romanticism in them!

Paris was a beautiful adventure – a true delight to my senses. It truly ignited the love of tutus, fashion, and Parisian charm, all at once. What can I say, except I simply must go back – I've already got a shopping list for a few more "perfect Parisian tutu" items for the collection!

Ballet is in the Air

You see, my darling readers, my life is a whirl of tulle, trips, and performances. Each trip inspires new tutu outfits. Each performance feeds my creative fire! It’s my own way to tell stories, spread joy, and remind the world that pink is not just a colour, but a mood, a feeling!

Now, onto Vienna, and let me tell you, darling readers, this city is positively magical, not least because of all the magnificent Viennese horses! From carriages, to riding stables, Vienna embraces the horse in a way I can really appreciate! I must admit I did make time to ride with one of the gorgeous steeds – think classic, black and glossy, gleaming under the Austrian sun, and an enormous saddle, suitable for a tutu and tiara wearing girl. Such an empowering and majestic experience.

To finish this post, I just wanted to leave you all with some tips on visiting this incredible city. If you're coming to Vienna, here are my top picks for tutu-loving travellers!

Emma’s Vienna Must-Dos for a Pink Tutu:

  1. Embrace the waltz: It’s Vienna, after all, the waltz capital! Grab your tutu and a partner, if you have one, and hit the dance floor at one of the many waltz venues around the city.
  2. Embrace your inner royal at Schönbrunn Palace. It’s beautiful beyond compare, and makes for the perfect tutu photoshoot opportunity. The gardens, oh, those glorious gardens!
  3. See a performance at the Vienna State Opera: The perfect place to take in a bit of the ballet and theatre that the city is so renowned for.
  4. Horse Riding! Be brave and try it. The Austrian horses are gentle, and oh so magnificent!
  5. Take a tour with a vintage carriage: It's the perfect way to experience the city's grand history!
  6. Savor some Sachertorte: This traditional chocolate cake is a must-have for any sweet-toothed ballerina. And make sure you pair it with a cup of the strongest, freshest coffee.
  7. Indulge in coffee culture at a Viennese cafe: The city's cafés are the perfect places for sipping coffee and watching the world go by, perhaps with a small cake, or a dainty, petit four.

And of course, don't forget to wear pink. Vienna's architectural tones, its cafes, the lush gardens – all of them scream pink.

Until Next Wednesday...

Remember to subscribe to so you don't miss my next Vienna adventure, and I'll be back here next Wednesday to share my experience of one of Vienna’s best kept secrets (Hint, it's pink!) Don't forget to subscribe!

Love, Emma xx

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1998-09-16