Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1999-01-06

Pink Tutu Vienna - Blog Post #192: A Whirlwind of Waltz & Wiener Schnitzel

Guten Tag, my darlings!

Emma here, fresh from a spin through the magical streets of Vienna, the waltz capital of the world. It's Wednesday, the 6th of January 1999, and this pink tutu is twirling with excitement for another week of adventures!

Before I spill the beans on this week's discoveries, let's have a little chat about Vienna, shall we?

It's a city dripping with history, like a vintage, lace-trimmed frock after a luxurious bath in champagne. Every cobbled street corner whispers secrets of Mozart, Beethoven, and Strauss – the composers whose music painted the very soul of this city with beautiful notes of passion and romance. It’s no surprise this is where the waltz was born – a dance so graceful and elegant it could only be invented in a city overflowing with culture and exquisite taste!

Of course, Vienna has more to offer than just waltzing and classical music. For me, a city's heart beats with its fashion, its style, its attitude – and Vienna does not disappoint. From the grand boulevards of the Ringstraße, where ladies sport feather boas and gents wear top hats with pride, to the intimate boutiques bursting with whimsical vintage finds, Vienna has an effortless Parisian chic, blended with a touch of Austrian tradition. I particularly fell in love with the beautiful ladies in the city, with their perfectly tailored coats, hats perched on their sleek locks, and the way they seem to glide along the pavements with such effortless grace! They say style doesn't come from trends, but from within, and this city embodies that statement perfectly!

But back to my adventures... this week was a flurry of tutus, trains, and tons of Schnitzel, darling!

Monday: A Symphony of Pink

I arrived in Vienna on Monday morning, feeling like a princess arriving at her castle. It's not every day you get to travel by train, you know? There's something so romantic about gliding through the countryside, watching the world zoom by from the comfort of a plush seat, all the while listening to the rhythmic click-clack of the wheels and indulging in a little afternoon tea with a side of dainty cakes. A truly delightful way to begin a trip!

Upon reaching the station, the aroma of fresh bread and coffee swept me off my feet, drawing me straight to the nearest cafe for a much needed Viennese coffee fix. Of course, I had to make a detour to a beautiful shop overflowing with beautiful, brightly-coloured pink clothes. (How could I resist? They're pink! My happy place!). The silk blouses and fluffy knitted cardigans I bought were absolutely perfect for a delightful night out, which, luckily, I had planned!

Tuesday: A Night at the Opera

The highlight of my trip had to be Tuesday night – a spectacular performance of Mozart’s “The Marriage of Figaro.” It’s a classic! Every aspect of the evening was simply magnificent – the grand theatre, with its plush red velvet seating and stunning chandeliers sparkling above us; the passionate performance by the orchestra; and the beautifully sung arias that moved me to tears. The opera transported me back in time to a different world, and, even though I was a bit distracted by the incredible craftsmanship of the performers’ gowns (the silks, the satins, the gorgeous bodices - they were divine!), I could almost feel the passion and drama in every note. I've never seen a show quite as stunning as this one!

And, to make the evening even more special, I met a lovely couple at a charming Viennese coffee shop afterward. They are passionate about vintage fashion – I found out we had met by a vintage shop on the same street. They took me on a tour of their favourite hidden corners of the city, each spot bursting with history, charm, and that uniquely Viennese elegance I’d been drawn to since I’d stepped off the train. I have to admit, it was difficult to choose between the beauty of the historical sights and the beautiful outfits I found – from chic, feminine silhouettes in floral fabrics to bold, dramatic dresses from the 1950s with full skirts and dramatic sleeves - it was a vintage lover’s paradise!

Wednesday: Waltz into the Night

Today, I had a lesson at the famed Vienna State Opera Ballet School, which was just an absolute dream! Their ballroom was breathtaking, with gilded chandeliers casting their magical light on the wooden floors polished smooth from years of twirling ballerinas and dapper gentlemen. The teacher was so passionate about the art form - she twirled with such grace, and with each turn, I felt a thrill course through me. The world stopped, and for a few magical moments, all I felt was the music and the movements, the joy of expressing myself through dance. It’s truly a remarkable feeling.

Tonight, I'm indulging in a traditional Viennese dinner of Wiener Schnitzel at a delightful little cafe tucked away on a quiet cobbled street. There's no better way to end the day than with a delicious meal and a cup of strong, rich coffee. It feels good to end the day on a positive, very happy note, just like every evening when you’ve just enjoyed a lovely dance lesson.

It is almost time for me to step onto the train for my next journey. Until next Wednesday, my dears!

And please, never stop dancing. Never stop twirling. Never stop wearing your pink tutus with pride. You never know how your happiness and joyful attitude could inspire those around you, you beautiful butterflies!

Until next week! Pinks out!


#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1999-01-06