Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1999-02-24

Vienna, Vienna, oh how I adore you! #PinkTutuVienna - Post #199

Hello, darlings! It's your favourite pink-clad ballerina, Emma, back from a whirlwind trip through Vienna, the City of Music! I'm writing to you from the comfort of my quaint hotel room, with my darling pink tutu perched precariously on a chair, as I muse over my adventures. This week, the pink-tutu-wearing fairy has flitted across the continent by train, arriving in Vienna to soak in the history and elegance of this stunning city. And oh, the tales I have to tell!

As I often say, there is simply nothing quite like the thrill of a train journey. I bid a fond farewell to Derbyshire, the lush green fields a kaleidoscope of colour through the window as I sped across the channel towards the majestic heart of Europe.

The train was an old-fashioned, beautifully preserved gem - think vintage leather seats and soft lighting, a far cry from the fluorescent-lit, plastic-backed monsters of today. There's just something magical about chugging along, sipping on tea, and watching the world roll by outside. As I settled in, I decided to treat myself to a new accessory for my trip – a vibrant magenta scarf. It felt like the perfect match to my tutu!

Upon my arrival in Vienna, I was swept away by the city's charming, elegant energy. Cobblestone streets, grand architecture, and the aroma of delicious pastries greeted me with open arms. What a wonderful way to start my journey!

Naturally, my first stop had to be the Vienna State Opera House. Stepping into this iconic theatre, I felt an overwhelming sense of awe and excitement. The gold ornamentation, the plush red velvet seating, and the stage itself…oh, it was simply breathtaking! It reminded me of all those wonderful fairytale operas we learned about at ballet school, and it got my imagination going! I even met the most wonderful ballerina in the cloakroom – we chatted about all the great shows we'd seen and she had the best tips on places to visit and things to see! I think I might have inspired her to start her own blog!

That evening, I graced myself with a ticket to "The Nutcracker," performed by the Vienna State Ballet. Now, I know many of you have seen your fair share of "Nutcracker" productions, but believe me, this performance was truly special! It was like the ballet was coming to life before my very eyes, the colours, the choreography, the sheer talent on was a dream come true. I felt such joy, such wonder. I must admit, I even had a little dance myself in the aisle, much to the delight of the other patrons. A quick little arabesque, a grand jeté, a beautiful développé! You see, when you wear a tutu, anything is possible!

This city truly lives up to its reputation of being a haven for music lovers, from classical composers to contemporary artists. On my way to the Opera House, I wandered past an array of musical stores, my eyes glued to the window displays, my fingers itching to touch those beautiful violins and cellos!

Naturally, I had to get my ballet fix in the form of a ballet class, which took me to the renowned Vienna State Ballet School. I felt a surge of pure joy as I joined the other dancers, all dressed in their traditional white leotards and pink tights (the colour of elegance, of course!) We performed a variety of exercises, stretching our muscles, mastering our moves, all under the watchful eyes of some of the most respected ballet masters in the world. Oh, and the graceful steps! Did you know, I managed a particularly elegant piqué, thanks to a little extra motivation from the tutu (perhaps it provided a little extra twirl)?

My second ballet-themed delight arrived with a visit to the Vienna Dance Museum. Imagine my delight as I strolled through room after room filled with intricate ballet costumes, historical documents, and captivating dance ephemera! There I stood, enthralled by centuries of balletic brilliance. It was as though the dance was unfolding right in front of my eyes! I can honestly say I was transported through time, transported to a world where tutus spun stories, ballerinas took flight, and the artistry of the dance became a tangible, living, breathing history. It was truly a captivating experience!

The other passion of this trip, besides the dance, has to be shopping! Oh, how I adore fashion. What's better than a beautiful pink tutu and the perfect pair of ballerina shoes? This week, I stumbled across a fabulous antique shop crammed with vintage clothes, some of the most intricate fabrics you could imagine. My eyes widened, my heart fluttered! I found myself lost in a world of colours, textures, and vintage beauty. You know, sometimes you just find treasures you didn't even know you were searching for! I walked out of that shop with a lovely ivory silk blouse and a pair of beautiful blush-coloured gloves that will look perfect with my next tutu-themed outfit!

Of course, no trip to Vienna would be complete without savouring the culinary delights! The coffee shops are legendary, the pastries, so light and delicious. I indulged in all sorts of viennoiseries: apricot strudels, Sachertorten, and delicate almond macarons. Deliciousness in every bite! It really did feel like a feast for the senses.

There was, of course, also time for exploring Vienna's history and architecture, admiring the grandeur of the Hofburg Palace, taking a horse-drawn carriage ride through the streets of the old town (yes, with my tutu!), and visiting the magnificent Schönbrunn Palace gardens, a breathtaking spectacle of greenery and history.

You know, darlings, this city is simply intoxicating. I have fallen under its spell, its charm, its vibrant spirit.

Oh, and did I mention that the fashion here is out of this world? It was delightful to see the elegance of the Viennese people, their exquisite style! Everywhere I went, from the coffee houses to the parks, I saw individuals expressing themselves through their clothing, their unique personal style. And, I saw a few bold souls, sporting a dash of pink! Oh, you just can't deny that blush-pink aura!

The Viennese people are simply lovely, with a gentle kindness that touches you right to your core. They have welcomed me into their city with open arms, a warm and hospitable heart, reminding me why travel can be so life-affirming.

I've experienced an intoxicating blend of art, history, music, and culture, and now it's time for this little ballerina to pack up her bags and bid farewell to Vienna, my pink tutu fluttering beside me, until we meet again!

But, I'm leaving with a piece of Vienna nestled in my heart, with a touch of its vibrant spirit gracing my style, a whisper of its music humming in my soul.

Stay tuned for more travel tales, darling, because you know this ballerina can never resist the allure of new destinations and thrilling adventures. After all, the world awaits with open arms!

Remember to wear your pink tutus, be fabulous, and dance through life with grace, passion, and a touch of whimsy.

Until next time!

Love, Emma xxx

Don't forget to check out the rest of my blog for more adventures at and let's spread the pink tutu magic around the globe!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1999-02-24