Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1999-07-21

Vienna, Oh Vienna, My Pink Tutu Dreams are Coming True! (Blog Post #220)

Hello my dearest tutu-loving darlings! It’s Wednesday, which means it's time for another pink-tastic update from yours truly, Emma, straight from the heart of Vienna, Austria! 🩰💕

Oh, how I've been waiting to share this trip with you! The cobbled streets, the grand architecture, the delicious pastries – Vienna is simply magical. And I just had to bring my favourite pink tutu for this journey! You see, my lovelies, it's not just any tutu, but the very one I wore for my first ever professional ballet performance in Buxton Opera House, back when I was just a young thing, filled with dreams of twirling under the stage lights. It's been a bit of a faithful companion on my adventures, travelling everywhere from the Yorkshire Dales to the beaches of Nice, and now, here it is, waltzing through the streets of Vienna, adding a dash of whimsy and a whole lot of pink to this historical city!

Speaking of historical, how can I talk about Vienna without mentioning its incredible ballet heritage? It’s where the great Strauss waltzed, where the waltzes became famous for ballet dancers – oh, how I adore ballet, it’s my greatest love – but it’s also where some of the world’s greatest ballet companies, such as the Vienna State Opera Ballet, were founded! They truly capture the essence of grace and elegance, and to see their performances at the magnificent Vienna State Opera House would be an absolute dream come true! I can practically feel the shimmer of the chandeliers and the whispers of the past as I stand outside the magnificent Opera House! I've even found a cute little shop that sells vintage tutus and ballet shoes! Maybe I'll find a beautiful antique pink tutu, perfect for a Vienna-themed dance!

Speaking of dance, you simply cannot come to Vienna and not indulge in some good ol’ waltz-time! Every afternoon, I've been finding the most charming cafes – they're like something out of a fairytale! I sip on creamy Viennese coffee (so dreamy!) while watching locals sway and twirl to the music. They might not be ballet professionals, but they're having a right good time, and their happy smiles make me feel all warm and fuzzy! And speaking of fuzz, imagine my joy when I saw that a horse drawn carriage ride is actually a thing here! Yes, you heard me right – it's like stepping out of a Jane Austen novel, with beautiful white horses pulling carriages full of happy tourists. My Tutu is perfectly in tune with that – even my best horse-loving friends say that Tutu looks good in carriages, although I have been given permission to only wear it for rides. Imagine – a little ballerina with a pink tutu gliding through Vienna’s streets on a horse drawn carriage, such a picture!

I am actually finding that horses and ballet have quite a bit of history. As you know my darlings, ballet has evolved so much throughout the centuries and horses play an important role. You may know that Ballet, originally, as well as theatrical shows in France, England and Italy, relied heavily on the strength and agility of horses, especially for grand spectaculars. Horse riding has played an important role in dance traditions of other countries too, such as Ukraine, India and China – and with horse drawn carriage and riding schools galore in Vienna, I can really immerse myself in that history.

As well as ballet, I adore seeing plays and musicals! It turns out that the beautiful Ronacher Theatre is putting on a show called ‘Tanz der Vampire’! This amazing musical combines ballet with an interesting vampire twist – oh the theatrical delight! How can a vampiric waltz be any less charming than a traditional ballet show! I absolutely must see it.

Now, you all know how much I love my shopping. Vienna is like a shopper’s paradise! Every corner I turn, I find another charming boutique bursting with the latest fashion. My favourite, so far, is called ‘Wiener Mode’, an amazing little shop nestled near the Stephansdom – they've got such fun, flirty pieces. I just had to get a beautiful white dress with floral embroidery - it looks fabulous paired with my trusty pink tutu, wouldn’t you say? I’m even trying out the traditional Vienna costumes that are perfect to wear around town! What do you think? Does it suit me? I want to be fashionable AND fit in with this incredible place!

I must be mindful of my precious blogging time and finish this, however, there is much, much more to tell about my Vienna adventures. We haven’t even started talking about the ‘Museum of Applied Arts’ , ‘Belvedere Palace’, the delightful pastries at Demel’s, or all the fascinating history, such as Vienna’s history of women ballet dancers, as well as their significant contribution to both ballet history and the history of music, something I’m exploring. I promise you more on these exciting subjects next week! And please, if you’re visiting Vienna, you just must try their famous Apfelstrudel - the most decadent pastry in the world, no ifs, ands or buts! It’s absolutely to die for.

And my sweet darlings, I'll leave you with this: while I’m surrounded by the majestic history and grandeur of Vienna, I haven’t forgotten my ultimate mission! To spread the pink tutu love and show everyone that, a sprinkle of pink is all you need to brighten your day. So, be bold, be sassy, and embrace the tutus! 💕🩰

Until next time, remember: life is a stage, and you are a star! ✨

Yours always, Emma

PS. Be sure to check out for the next blog post – next Wednesday! You won't want to miss it!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1999-07-21