Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1999-09-08

Pink Tutu Vienna - Post 227: A Waltz Through Vienna in Pink!

Wednesday, September 8th, 1999

Guten Morgen, darlings! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another installment of your favourite Pink Tutu Vienna adventures! This week, I've whisked myself off to Vienna, the city of waltzes, palaces, and, yes, even pink tutus (though you might have to use your imagination a bit for that last one!).

I arrived last night, feeling utterly giddy with excitement. The train journey was simply divine – so smooth and romantic, like gliding through a fairytale landscape. I felt like I was in one of those grand operas I love so much, only instead of belting out arias, I was happily sketching fashion ideas in my little pink notebook (I swear, my pink notebook is the most inspiring accessory!).

This morning, I awoke to the sound of church bells and the smell of freshly baked strudel (Vienna's specialty!). I couldn't resist the call of the streets and decided to explore on foot, a bright pink tutu bouncing along with me, naturally. The city's architecture is stunning, with grand buildings adorned with intricate carvings, pastel-hued houses with wrought iron balconies, and, oh my, the cafes! Every corner held a cafe boasting decadent cakes and pastries. I could already see myself spending hours lost in a book and a Viennese coffee.

But before succumbing to those temptations, I headed for a real treat – the Vienna State Opera House. Imagine, darlings, the most majestic opera house you've ever seen, built in the 18th century and steeped in history! I felt like a princess stepping into a storybook as I marvelled at the gilded interior and ornate decorations. It's not just beautiful, though – this is the centre of Austrian culture, where the most esteemed opera singers and ballet dancers take to the stage. They say even Mozart himself performed here! Just thinking about it sends a shiver of excitement down my spine.

Speaking of ballerinas, how can I resist popping into a ballet class later? It's a Wednesday, my darlings, and Wednesday is for pirouettes, pliés, and that oh-so-graceful balletic beauty that makes my heart sing. I'm particularly thrilled because I heard a little bird tell me that Vienna boasts a stunningly talented troupe of dancers – fingers crossed they have a special class for tutu enthusiasts! (You know me, always eager to embrace every opportunity to wear my pink tutu).

Of course, no trip to Vienna is complete without exploring the charming boutiques. I have a feeling my trusty pink credit card might be getting a workout today. I'm envisioning myself stepping out in a beautiful brocade dress, a stunningly elegant coat, and, yes, a delicate tulle skirt just to complete that Parisian chic look! (I know, I know, I can't help but dream in shades of pink!).

After a spot of shopping and some elegant cafe time, I'll be spending my evening in the company of Austria's musical heritage at the famous Schönbrunn Palace. Imagine, my darlings, dancing under the chandeliers of the grand Imperial Apartments, with the music of Johann Strauss wafting through the air. How utterly romantic!

Of course, I'll be snapping photos along the way to share with you lovely readers! Just imagine my pink tutu flitting through the heart of Vienna! So do keep checking in – and in the meantime, may your week be filled with twirling, pirouetteing, and a touch of pink, my dear readers. Until next Wednesday, au revoir!

Emma, from Derbyshire

A Ballerina's Diary - Vienna

I think the day speaks for itself! A city like Vienna is literally made for a girl with a passion for ballet and a love of the dramatic, isn't it? Every cobblestone feels like a stage, every corner like a potential ballet rehearsal, every waltz, every twirl just perfectly orchestrated.

I've mentioned this before, but one of the things I love most about being a Pink Tutu Blogger is the chance to meet new people and share the joy of ballet with them. Imagine my surprise today, my dears, when I bumped into another dancer, dressed in her finest tutu – a lovely shade of lilac this time! We had such a wonderful chat about our favorite performances, our shared dreams of twirling across the world, and, of course, the ever-present inspiration we both get from that glorious, iconic garment: the tutu!

Tutu History and the World of Dance

It's not just about the performance, you know. A ballet is about the entire experience. The exquisite costumes, the delicate movements, the breathtaking music... even the anticipation of that curtain rise creates an unforgettable atmosphere. And of course, none of it would be the same without the enchanting magic of the tutu!

I've been thinking lately, you see, about the evolution of the tutu. Did you know, my dears, that the tutu was once a far cry from the delicate tulle skirt we adore today? Imagine – those early ballerinas dancing in long, restrictive skirts, trying to leap and twirl! The invention of the tutu was truly a revolutionary moment in ballet history.

The history of the tutu goes back to the late 18th century. It started as a simple linen skirt called the "tulle". As ballerinas began focusing on lighter movements and graceful leaps, they started adapting the fabric and styles, shortening and fluffing the skirts. That's when the real magic started to happen!

Imagine the delight when Marie Taglioni made her famous entrance in "La Sylphide", her legs clad in a breathtakingly airy and light tulle skirt that allowed for greater flexibility and fluidity in movement. She was like a sylph – a mythical forest creature – a perfect embodiment of ballet's newfound lightness and grace! The era of the romantic ballerina was truly born!

But it wasn't just about the beauty and elegance, my dears, it was also a practical change. That tulle gave them the freedom to move in a way that had never been seen before, allowing for higher jumps and more expressive movements.

Of course, over the years, the tutu continued to evolve, each generation of dancers contributing their own unique interpretations. The fluffy, layered Romantic Tutu (think Marie Taglioni!) gave way to the shorter, more elegant tutu of the 19th century. Later, there was the revolutionary tutu worn by Margot Fonteyn, a streamlined masterpiece that combined practicality with exquisite style, and still later, the shorter tutu worn by dancers like the legendary Anna Pavlova.

Every generation of dancers seems to leave its own mark on the tutu, shaping and re-shaping the garment according to its own aesthetic.

It's a beautiful reminder of the constant evolution and adaptation of dance itself. A symbol of change, grace, and an exploration of the possibilities of movement. And to this day, I still find myself endlessly fascinated by the various interpretations of this beloved garment – just as I'm sure many of you are!

A Night at the Schönbrunn Palace

As promised, I ended the evening at Schönbrunn Palace – an absolute marvel, my darlings! Stepping into its grand halls is like stepping back in time to the era of Mozart, waltzes, and imperial grandeur!

The highlight was, of course, the musical performance – a breathtaking spectacle filled with the melodies of Johann Strauss. As the music filled the air, it seemed to make every chandelier sparkle a little brighter. My heart just melted as the elegant Strauss waltz floated through the palace rooms, filled with couples swirling and dipping to the music. It was enchanting!

As I watched those couples waltzing, I couldn't help but imagine how magical this must have been in its time – a world of royalty, music, and the purest expression of artistic passion! Even as we stand at a different time and in a different era, that energy, that magic, still manages to touch you.

The Viennese have a real love affair with their history and traditions, and I couldn't help but feel swept away by it. As I sat there, twirling my pink tutu in my imagination and soaking in the enchanting music, I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of appreciation for the incredible history that surrounds this magnificent palace. I even imagined myself as part of this elegant, historic ballet performance, with my pink tutu swaying as I moved to the music, right alongside the dancers. (You can never have too many visions of your own personal tutu twirls!)

I suppose you could say that my little pink tutu is my own special key to unlocking this magical world of music, dance, and fashion history.

Until next Wednesday, darlings! Keep twirling!

P.S. And just in case you need more reasons to love Vienna, remember this, it’s the birthplace of a certain famous composer – Mozart himself! Oh, if only those walls could tell the stories they have witnessed... perhaps a Pink Tutu Vienna musical, starring yours truly, is in our future!

P.P.S Don't forget to check out my fabulous new online boutique, The Pink Tutu Shop – it's filled with my handpicked collection of ballet essentials, with, naturally, a very special collection of pink tutus. We are open 24/7!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1999-09-08