Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2000-03-15

Pink Tutu Vienna: Ballet Bliss and Viennese Charm (Blog Post #254)

Guten Tag, my darling readers! It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time for another installment of my Viennese adventures. As you know, this week is all about embracing the waltzing charm of Austria’s stunning capital. And believe me, it’s been a whirl of tutus, culture, and delightful discoveries!

Now, I know some of you may be thinking, "Vienna? A bit of a strange choice for a pink tutu enthusiast, isn’t it?" But trust me, Vienna is absolutely teeming with the stuff of dreams! It’s like stepping into a fairytale, with its grand palaces, picturesque cobbled streets, and rich artistic heritage. I'm even sporting my very own Viennese-inspired pink tutu with delicate, pale blue tulle flounces to mirror the shades of the majestic Hofburg Palace.

A Whirl Through History: Tutus & Tiaras in the City of Waltz

Speaking of history, my first stop was, of course, the Vienna State Opera House. The birthplace of waltzes and a haven for ballet aficionados, it simply had to be on my list! Imagine the magic of the Viennese Opera Ball - swirling gowns and tutus galore under the shimmering chandeliers, accompanied by the enchanting melodies of Strauss and Mozart! My heart skipped a beat just thinking about it! It made me imagine what ballet performances must have looked like back in the days of yore - full of elegant tulle, intricate steps and powdered wigs. What a spectacle!

I've even found a treasure trove of historical tutu information in the magnificent Vienna Museum. Did you know that the tutu actually originated in Vienna, darling? I discovered a lovely exhibit dedicated to the evolution of ballet costuming and tutus through the ages. Just seeing the styles from the 18th century – the panniers and corsets! Imagine balancing and twirling in those. Such an elegant, if somewhat impractical, fashion statement! I'm already dreaming up a blog post on the evolution of tutus through time! I'm thinking something along the lines of, "A Tutu Through the Ages" or "From Bustle to Ballet". You just wait and see!

Shopping in Vienna: Fashion Finds & Pink Perfection

No visit to a new city is complete without indulging in a bit of retail therapy, right? Vienna has me absolutely besotted! Its cobbled streets are lined with charming boutiques bursting with colourful trinkets and designer delights. The flagship stores of famous Viennese labels like Meinl and Moser are a dream to wander through - they are just brimming with exquisite porcelain, handcrafted glass, and fine linens. A real feast for the eyes, darlings! And guess what I found? A pair of gorgeous pink ballerina flats with a satin ribbon - a must-have addition to my Viennese wardrobe! They were tucked away in the most delightful little shop, tucked between a pastry shop and a floral emporium. I’m going to pair them with my latest pink tutu creation – a little number with swirling ruffles inspired by the waltzing melodies of Strauss. It's going to be spectacular!

A Horse Drawn Carriage Ride to Remember

But there's so much more to Vienna than museums and shopping! My latest escapade involved a magical ride through the city centre in a horse-drawn carriage. It was the perfect way to soak up the elegant atmosphere! Imagine it - a pink-clad ballerina gliding through the streets in a carriage pulled by two noble steeds. Such a delightful escape! We even passed the gorgeous Schönbrunn Palace, which I'll be visiting next week - I can’t wait to waltz through its enchanting gardens in my pink tutu! I'm already planning my 'Pink Tutu Schönbrunn Stroll’ outfit - a vintage pink silk dress and a whimsical tulle overskirt. I can just imagine it, darling!

Coming Up: More Viennese Delights and A Ballet Spectacular

My trip to Vienna wouldn’t be complete without a trip to the world-renowned Vienna Philharmonic, now would it? I’m seeing a ballet performance on Saturday night at the magnificent Vienna State Opera House, and you just wait and see! It's going to be the perfect way to round off my Austrian escapade. I'll be sharing a full review next week - "Pink Tutu Goes to Vienna State Opera", perhaps? Who knows!

But, for now, my dear readers, I bid you farewell! Don't forget to tune in next week for another dazzling dose of Pink Tutu adventures. Until then, keep spreading the pink tutu love, my dears! Until next Wednesday, stay fabulous, and remember, it's never too late to twirl!

Your Vienna correspondent, Emma xoxo

PS: Follow me on Instagram @PinkTutuTravels

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2000-03-15