Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2000-05-17

Pink Tutu Vienna: Post #263 - A Waltz in the Wienerwald! 🩰

Hello my darlings! 🎀 It's Wednesday again, and you know what that means! It's time for another Pink Tutu Vienna blog post, straight from the heart of this beautiful city! I'm sitting here in my hotel room, overlooking the rooftops of Vienna, with my cup of Viennese coffee and a slice of Sachertorte (oh my goodness, the chocolate is divine!), and feeling utterly spoilt.

This week has been a whirl of colour, culture, and of course, tutus! 💃 It seems everywhere I look, I find a new reason to twirl! My adventures began with a train journey from Prague. Now, I know what you're thinking – "train journeys? boring!" But not this one! It was the most fabulous ride, and it took me through the heart of the Austrian countryside. The fields were a patchwork of greens and yellows, the air was crisp and clean, and the sun was shining… perfect for a good dose of sunshine and fresh air for this ballerina on the move!

The scenery wasn't the only delight. The train was a masterpiece of vintage glamour! Imagine velvet seats, etched glass windows, and an atmosphere that felt like a scene straight out of "Murder on the Orient Express". I was truly transported back in time. Even the ticket conductor wore a charming uniform with a gold-buttoned jacket. It was practically begging me to twirl in my tulle! 💖

Arriving in Vienna was like stepping into a dream. The grand architecture, the elegant cafes, the buzzing street life – this city truly knows how to do things in style. But I wasn't just here to gaze at the beauty; I was on a mission!

My mission? To explore the fascinating history of Vienna's ballet world. Oh, my dears, Vienna has a rich and glorious history when it comes to dance! From the magnificent Hofburg Palace with its Imperial Ballet School to the Staatsoper (the Vienna State Opera), this city has been a home for some of the most extraordinary ballerinas and ballet performances in the world.

The Imperial Ballet School:

It was a pilgrimage, I tell you! I walked the very same hallways where legends like Anna Pavlova and Rudolf Nureyev had once trained. I couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement knowing the very air was charged with their footsteps, their grace, and their passion for dance. Imagine a school dedicated to this art form since the 18th century, shaping generations of talent!

A Touch of Tradition:

Vienna truly knows how to celebrate its ballet heritage. My visit to the Staatsoper, which is currently in the middle of a complete refurbishment, was nothing short of incredible. While it's undergoing its makeover, a temporary performance hall provides a fantastic stage, and a sense of excitement buzzed throughout the audience as we prepared to be transported into the magical world of ballet.

The Vienna Philharmonic orchestra was playing Mozart’s Don Giovanni. The music was breathtaking and the orchestra played beautifully, and my goodness, the dancers were mesmerising! Every movement, every expression told a story that tugged at my heartstrings. Seeing their grace and fluidity was a true inspiration, a reminder that ballet truly is the ultimate art form. It tells a story through movement and passion in a language that transcends words, speaking directly to our souls.

A Waltz of Shopping:

It's a ballet girl's dream to shop, and Vienna is a fashion lover's paradise! The Graben street with its grand old buildings is a shopper’s heaven with elegant boutiques, designer stores, and, of course, cafes! 🛍️ Of course, I couldn’t resist picking up a few items myself. My bag is currently brimming with exquisite silk scarves and delicate pieces of jewellery, a little reminder of my time in this stylish city. But I had my eyes on a particular dress in a shop on Kärntner Straße. A vintage pink, floor-length gown – think Grace Kelly with a dash of Audrey Hepburn, you know? It's so beautiful! A real vintage gem with the softest silk, it practically begged me to put it on, and twirl my way through the cobbled streets.

Tutu Inspiration:

Now, my darlings, you know I can’t travel without my tutu, right? 💃 In Vienna, even the horse-drawn carriages seem to be waltzing in a rhythmic motion, like a scene straight out of a ballet. So naturally, I couldn’t resist a jaunt through the heart of the city in one! My tutu flowing like a pink cloud behind me, I must admit it felt like a scene from one of those wonderful old films. I am almost sure I saw a little girl staring at me in wonder from a café window. Perhaps it inspired her to pick up ballet, and then wear her own tutu to create some magic! ✨

My Pink Tutu Mission:

Well, my dears, as I sit here, sipping my coffee, watching the sun sink below the Viennese horizon, I am once again reminded of how inspiring this city is.

Do you know what, I realised while gazing upon the pastel coloured buildings of Vienna's Old City? Maybe it’s not just the colours and the architecture of this city, maybe it's also the spirit, the artistic energy that pulses through these streets that makes Vienna so magical. It’s something that truly inspires a feeling of joy and possibility, and a real sense of 'let's dance'. It’s something that makes me think maybe everyone in Vienna, everyone in the world should be wearing a pink tutu! I can just picture it now! 😄 It wouldn't just be a dress; it would be a symbol of life, joy, and a dash of happy mischief. A sign of the magic and joy that lies inside each and every one of us.

So my dears, my pink tutu mission isn't just to share the joy of ballet with the world, but also to bring a bit of that Vienna magic – that feeling of lightness and fun – into all our lives! Because maybe, just maybe, if we all twirl a little, we can make the world a brighter, more beautiful place! ✨

Keep twirling, my darlings! And remember, even the smallest, tiniest twirls can change the world.


Emma 💖

P.S. If you are planning a trip to Vienna, be sure to visit these spots!

  • Hofburg Palace : The grand home of the Austrian Imperial Family, where the world-renowned Spanish Riding School (famous for its white Lipizzaner stallions) is located. It was here the Ballet school flourished in the past and many legendary dancers trained, such as Rudolf Nureyev and Anna Pavlova.
  • The Staatsoper (Vienna State Opera): You just have to visit! I recommend booking your tickets in advance to experience the full Viennese Opera tradition, and make sure to plan a stop for refreshments during intermission.
  • The Wienerwald (Vienna Woods): Vienna has some gorgeous green spaces that are perfect for strolling through and just enjoying the natural beauty surrounding this magical city!

*P.P.S. You know, after writing all this, it occurs to me! You know I just had to add this: Vienna, you're a true masterpiece, an exquisite dream wrapped in pink ribbons! *

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2000-05-17