Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2000-06-07

#PinkTutuVienna - Post 266 - Wednesday 7th June, 2000 - Whirlwind Waltz Through Vienna

Hello lovelies! Emma here, back from a glorious trip to the beautiful city of Vienna! I've been absolutely spinning with excitement ever since I stepped off the train, and I know you're all going to adore reading about it, so settle in with your favourite cuppa and prepare to be transported!

This week's blog is a double-whammy! Not only am I sharing my adventures in this magical city, but it also happens to be the date of the fabulous "Vienna International Dance Festival"! Can you even imagine?! I was completely overcome with delight! Ballet galore! From the majestic State Opera House, to the smaller, intimate theatres, it was an absolute feast for my ballet-loving eyes.

But let's back up a little, shall we? This adventure began with a grand train journey. Now, I do love travelling by train, it's so glamorous! You know me, anything with a carriage, plush seats, and perhaps a little sherry – I'm sold. This time was no exception. The carriage was a delightful shade of soft lavender, with elegant, high-backed seats and floral upholstery. Perfect for daydreaming and scribbling in my little pink notebook, making plans for this Viennese ballet escapade!

After a charmingly old-fashioned arrival at Vienna Central Station, I took a carriage to the lovely Hotel Sacher, where I was met with a charmingly friendly reception and a rather decadent afternoon tea. (Seriously, these pastries are practically edible works of art). Now, I had to have a perfect outfit for this Viennese sojourn, right?

I ventured into the glorious shops in the first district, where I found an absolute beauty - a stunning pink, flowing silk gown. (Picture flowing satin and cascading layers! dreamy sigh) It paired perfectly with my ballet shoes and, naturally, my favourite fluffy, powder pink tutu! I couldn't resist, my darling. For you, I absolutely had to include a tutu moment, even for a trip like this.

The next few days were a whirlwind of dance! Every evening was an exploration of the diverse styles of dance, from classical ballet in all its grandeur, to the exciting, bold, and thrilling modern interpretations. Each performance left me gasping for breath, and feeling utterly enraptured! I swear, my heart could've danced a pirouette right out of my chest, it was so magical!

Of course, no trip to Vienna would be complete without a visit to the famous Vienna State Opera. Now, the grand dame of ballet! The whole building felt steeped in history, the atmosphere electric with anticipation. My favourite performance was of course “Swan Lake.” The stage came alive with exquisite choreography, delicate costumes, and absolutely captivating dancing. The sheer grace and artistry of it all left me completely breathless. I can't help but dream of the days when my dance teacher would weave her own little stories in our classes, teaching us those elegant movements from this incredible ballet. We would be swanlings gliding across the floor with all the precision and poise that we could muster, even if the gym was rather less glamorous than this stage. But you'll forgive me for daydreaming!

I also found myself completely smitten by the charm and elegance of the Schönbrunn Palace gardens, strolling amidst fragrant rose gardens, feeling as if I had stepped right into a historical ballet. There was something so magical about the architecture, and the way the light danced on the cobbled streets.

Of course, I couldn’t resist a detour to the Vienna Ballet Academy, one of the most prestigious institutions in the world! I felt the same reverence as I'd had at the opera house, though this time, it was about history, discipline and the next generation of beautiful dancers. The dedication I witnessed within those walls, the passion for was enough to make anyone want to dust off their dancing shoes! I was in awe.

But amidst all the magnificent performances, my heart belonged to the simple beauty of a small ballet studio tucked away in a charming old quarter. It had this gorgeous, wood-panelled room with the softest light, and the air filled with the sounds of the music. Here, I watched some incredibly talented dancers practise their steps, so full of emotion and energy. It was such a lovely contrast to the grand opulence of the main opera houses, a quiet beauty.

Every night, I would return to my hotel room and reflect upon the sheer loveliness of each day. My dancing shoes resting in the corner, reminding me of how beautifully everything was coming together in this incredible city, for the love of dance! It really is one of the great joys in life.

Vienna, you've truly captivated me. You've filled my heart with the joy of dance, the beauty of history, and the magic of travel! And so, my darling friends, if you're ever in search of a ballet escapade, be sure to include Vienna in your list! And of course, do bring your pink tutu, because it goes without saying that you'll want to be twirling your way through the streets of this captivating city!

Until next time, my loves, remember: Embrace your inner ballerina! Wear that pink tutu proudly and be sure to stay twirling!

Love and sparkles,

Emma xoxo

P.S. Keep an eye on every Wednesday, as I will continue to chronicle my whirlwind adventures through ballet! Don't forget, my next blog post will feature the beautiful Paris! Until then, be sure to twirl, and never lose that joy of dance in your heart!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2000-06-07