Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2000-09-06

Vienna, Darling! Pink Tutu Adventures in the City of Waltz (Post #279)

Hello my lovelies! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another Pink Tutu Vienna adventure! I'm perched on the edge of my bed in my darling pink tutu (naturally) in my little Vienna flat, looking out at the sun-drenched rooftops. Oh, to be in Vienna!

You all know I adore travelling by train. Something about the rhythmic clickety-clack and the feeling of being swept away to another world just sets my heart aflutter. This week, my journey took me from the picturesque Cotswolds, where I was performing a magical "Sleeping Beauty" with a lovely troupe, straight to the heart of Austria. And believe me, Vienna lives up to its reputation - it's like stepping into a fairytale!

Now, Vienna isn't just about waltzing through the streets in your finest ballgown (although I wouldn't mind a go at that!). It's bursting with rich history and vibrant culture, not to mention breathtaking architecture and mouth-watering cuisine!

My trip kicked off with a delightful jaunt to the Schönbrunn Palace, the summer residence of the Habsburgs. Imagine, darling! It's practically a palace for every occasion. There's a dazzling Schönbrunn Palace Garden - where I nearly burst with joy from the sheer beauty of the rose gardens and fountain displays. The colours were divine, absolutely perfect for a pink tutu, naturally. Then there's the Gloriette for taking in the panoramic city views, which makes one feel like they're waltzing on air.

Oh, I'm getting ahead of myself! I nearly forgot to mention the pièce de résistance: the Imperial Apartments! This place is opulent, darling, like something out of a gilded dream. Each room had intricate carvings and stunning portraits of royal figures that would leave you in a daze. I even saw Marie Antoinette's writing desk! Can you believe it?

But my adventure didn't end there! I ventured into the Vienna State Opera House. Now, you all know I'm a hopeless romantic when it comes to ballet, and the Vienna State Opera House is a haven for ballet enthusiasts! The grandeur and sheer scale of this building - simply breathtaking! I felt like I was stepping back in time. It wasn't just about the performance - although let me tell you, the Bolshoi Ballet was superb, their rendition of "Swan Lake" truly enchanting - it was the atmosphere, the anticipation, the buzz of the crowd.

Then there's the shopping, darling! What would a Pink Tutu adventure be without a bit of retail therapy? I must admit, I fell head over heels for the boutique shops nestled around the opera house, each overflowing with the most darling dresses, hats, and shoes. Of course, I had to indulge in a few new pieces for my growing collection of fabulous outfits! (I do adore a bit of colour coordination with my tutu - more pink is always good!).

However, let's not forget the heart and soul of Vienna, the waltz! It's almost impossible to not sway to the gentle rhythms of the Viennese waltz, even in a Pink Tutu, darling! It’s infectious! From listening to the classical melodies echoing in the parks to attending a lively waltz evening at a traditional tavern, Vienna is a symphony of enchanting sounds!

But, my dearest readers, the highlight of my trip (and maybe my life - ok, I'm being dramatic) was visiting the Museum of the History of the Vienna State Opera. Imagine, darling! It's like stepping backstage at the biggest ballet production of all time! From the evolution of stage design to the rise of renowned ballet companies, it's a journey through time and beauty. It even has a fascinating exhibit on the history of ballet shoes!

The Museum of the History of the Vienna State Opera had the most captivating display of tutus - and let's just say, I was in heaven. Imagine rows upon rows of shimmering, billowing tutus, from the simplest white to the most flamboyant and extravagant. Each one with its own story to tell. Of course, the Pink Tutu had to make an appearance, don't you think? A fitting tribute to the artistry and legacy of these amazing creations.

I had to share some snaps of myself in front of my favourite tutu display. I believe it was designed for a rendition of "La Sylphide" back in the 1830s. There's something about the classic simplicity, with its delicate layers and the way it caught the light, that just mesmerized me.

As I write this, my darling, I’m savouring the delicious pastries from a little cafe down the road. I've picked out the most adorable pink macarons, because nothing goes better with a Pink Tutu and a view of Vienna's skyline, don't you think?

Now, I’ve gotta go get ready for another show tonight. And if you’re ever in Vienna, darling, let me know. You can always find me waltzing with a pink tutu. See you all next week for another Pink Tutu Adventure!

Much love,

Emma xxx

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2000-09-06