Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2000-10-25

Vienna, Vienna, Vienna! (Post #286)

Darling readers!

It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time for another fabulous Pink Tutu adventure. Today I’m whisking you off to Vienna, Austria - the city of music, culture and, most importantly for me, tutus!

This week’s escapade was all about getting into the heart of the city and immersing myself in everything Viennese.

Travel by Train - A Touch of Glamour

From Derbyshire to Vienna, the journey was a beautiful experience, made even more special by the plush, emerald green velvet carriages of the Orient Express. Can you imagine? Imagine me, in my favourite pink tutu, sitting back and watching the countryside blur by, sipping on a glass of champagne. Such elegance!

I must confess, my luggage is always quite substantial - ballet shoes, sparkly tops, an endless supply of pink tutus, you know the drill. Luckily, my travel companion, a stunningly beautiful Arabian stallion named Valentino, was on hand to carry everything. Yes, darling readers, I travel with a horse. Not everyone is as stylish as I am, darling!

First Impressions

Upon arrival, Vienna was an absolute whirlwind of charm. The city pulsated with an enchanting energy, just waiting to be explored.

Imagine me, stepping off the train at the grand Wien Hauptbahnhof, a vision in a flowing tulle pink tutu and matching ballerina slippers, with my trusty Valentino trailing behind, his coat glistening under the Austrian sun. (I had to bring a matching pink bow for him, naturally!). The look of awe and delight on everyone's faces - priceless!

Ballet, Ballet, and More Ballet

Now, you all know I adore ballet. And Vienna, darling, was like stepping into a fairytale.

First stop - the Vienna State Opera. This majestic building oozes opulence - it was even more impressive than the Covent Garden. Inside, the air vibrated with excitement. We were watching the legendary Swan Lake, which, of course, I just had to see in a tutu. It wouldn't be right otherwise! It was an unforgettable performance - the costumes were so extravagant, and the dancing, simply divine!

Then, it was on to the Vienna Ballet Academy. This hallowed space is filled with young dancers with stars in their eyes. I had the privilege of sitting in on a rehearsal and seeing them develop their incredible skills - it filled me with such inspiration!

And you know what’s amazing? It turns out that Vienna is home to an incredible amount of tutu history! The Hofburg Palace, with its vast archives, boasts an astonishing collection of historical tutus and dance costumes. This palace holds stories of ballet in all its glory and beauty, from the earliest eras to the modern day. Just imagine - me, waltzing around the halls of the Hofburg, surrounded by all that history!

Shopping Extravaganza

No trip is complete without a touch of retail therapy. My travels took me to the magnificent Kärtner Straße and Graben, Vienna's main shopping arteries. I'm not sure if it was the glittering chandeliers or the alluring mannequins dressed in haute couture, but it truly was an experience for the senses!

I, naturally, purchased a gorgeous new pink tutu. One simply can't have too many, darling!

Horseback Adventures

What better way to explore the city than by horse, eh? Valentino, a champion in his own right, gracefully carried me through Vienna's winding streets. The parks were an absolute dream – with vibrant blooms and majestic architecture at every corner, Vienna's beauty unfolded like a perfect fairytale.

Imagine me, galloping through the lush meadows of the Schönbrunn Palace, with my hair whipping in the breeze. Pure joy, I tell you!

Eating My Way Through Vienna

I just adore Austrian cuisine! A delicious Wiener Schnitzel from a traditional restaurant (with a side of sparkling pink lemonade, of course!) was the perfect ending to a day of ballet and adventures. And you simply cannot leave Vienna without trying a slice of decadent Sachertorte - it’s like eating a dream!

Vienna: A Tutu Paradise

My adventures in Vienna were a delight - a whirl of history, beauty, and ballet. It’s a city that will forever hold a special place in my heart, especially for the countless stunning tutus that were born there.

Remember darling, every day can be an adventure. So put on your prettiest tutu and get out there! The world awaits your graceful arrival!

Don't forget to check back next Wednesday for more Pink Tutu travels. Until then, keep shining!


Emma x

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2000-10-25