Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2000-11-29

Pink Tutu Vienna: Post #291 - Waltz me away!

Darling dears,

Greetings from Vienna, the city of waltz, wonder, and - you guessed it - tutus! Yes, my lovelies, I'm back on my travels, and this week I'm sharing all the waltzing, wondrous and tutu-tastic adventures I've been having here in this magnificent city.

It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time for another Vienna blog post, my weekly treat for all of you fabulous readers who adore a bit of pink, a dash of dance, and a healthy dose of wanderlust.

I travelled to Vienna by train, of course. How else does one travel in style? I do enjoy a good train journey. All that romantic clattering, and the view. And I get to show off my newest tutu - this time it’s a deep lavender, with feathers around the skirt, inspired by the fabulous dancers at the Vienna Opera.

You see, dear readers, my love for dance is contagious. Even on the train, I couldn't resist whipping out some pliés and elegant poses to the delighted gasps of fellow passengers. Just think, darling, they’re probably still talking about my train performance - all thanks to this darling tutu! And I, my dear, felt like a princess en route to a royal ball!

Speaking of royals, did you know that the Habsburg family adored ballet? You just wouldn't believe the amazing stories of ballerinas and their fabulous costumes from back in the day. I've been spending my days reading all about it in charming little bookshops that smell like ancient paper and dreams! There is even a ballet performance dedicated to the Empress Elisabeth of Austria, at the Vienna State Opera house tonight, and of course, I'm not missing it for the world!

Oh, and the shopping! Vienna is a heaven for lovers of vintage fashion, especially the elaborate Victorian garments, just the inspiration I needed for a few new tutu designs! My lovely tailor is going to be very busy indeed...

After a morning spent sniffing out vintage treasures, I took a delightful carriage ride through the Prater. Oh, it was absolutely charming! I felt just like a character from a Viennese fairytale - pink tutu and all, whizzing past beautiful horse-drawn carriages and jolly music, all surrounded by beautiful, swaying trees. It truly felt like something out of a film.

Of course, a trip to Vienna wouldn't be complete without indulging in a good old Viennese waltz. After all, this city is the cradle of the waltz, my lovelies! It's no wonder why. I tried a couple of twirls on my own. It feels amazing to swirl your dress and feel like you are in a time long ago.

Now, my darling dears, don't think I'm leaving all the fashion talk behind. A walk through the Vienna MuseumsQuartier led me to the most delightful art installations and stunning architecture. You wouldn't believe the outfits those sculptures were rocking! And guess what? It inspired me for my own designs - bold colours, dramatic silhouettes, and of course, tutus! It truly makes me wonder, will these trends influence the future of fashion? Perhaps… Who knows?

Of course, no Vienna adventure would be complete without indulging in some local cuisine! We have been absolutely spoiling ourselves on the finest Sachertorten, apfelstrudel, and creamy kaiserschmarrn - pure Viennese heaven! Did I mention, my tutu got stuck in some whipped cream and sugar… but it all turned out ok in the end and now it has a touch of Austrian chic to it.

However, nothing, absolutely nothing, beats the excitement and pure joy of attending a ballet performance in Vienna. There's magic in the air, the feeling of history woven through the very structure of the Opera house. And, oh, the dancers! Their talent is extraordinary, every movement so refined, so effortless. And the tutus! Those are another story for another day. They were like works of art themselves! They are just as impressive as a fine couture dress! It was so inspiring I almost twirled myself right onto the stage! It wouldn't be very fashionable of me to disrupt the performance though, now, would it?

My dear readers, I've simply been enthralled by Vienna, and I know you’re itching to know how I wore my tutu… of course, I had my trusty pink tulle in my suitcase. After the amazing Opera, I donned it and waltzed my way home, and people stopped me on the street! One of the women even said that I inspired her granddaughter to take up ballet. Now, isn't that wonderful?

To think that a little girl, with her own bright dreams of twirling and soaring through the air, could be touched by my pink tutu… It is simply a joy to think that my mission - to make the world a more whimsical and tutus-filled place - continues!

I’ll be sure to continue posting from my wonderful adventures! For the time being, I will leave you, my dear readers, to go and find some inspiration in your own little world. Don’t be shy, grab a piece of tulle and let your imagination flow. Who knows where that may take you? Maybe I’ll see you waltzing about town in your own pink tutu soon. Until next time, au revoir !

P.S. Don't forget, dear dears, if you're thinking of heading to Vienna or elsewhere, my blog is full of tips and inspiration for your own travel adventures! Just visit me at, I’m on the blog every Wednesday, you’ll be sure to find me there! Now, I’m going to see if I can find a good horse to take for a ride. See you soon, darling!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2000-11-29