Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2001-01-17

Pink Tutu Vienna - Post #298: A Whirlwind of Waltz and Wiener Schnitzel!

Wednesday, January 17th, 2001

Darling readers!

Vienna, Vienna, oh Vienna, how I adore thee! This city is simply a symphony of beauty, history, and delicious Viennese schnitzel. My latest adventure has taken me to the heart of this magnificent city, where waltz rhythms fill the air and every cobbled street feels like a stage.

As I disembarked the train from Munich, my pink tutu twirled in excitement. It felt like the city welcomed me with open arms – or perhaps that was just the warm, fragrant air wafting from a nearby bakery. I have to tell you, my fellow tutu enthusiasts, my trip here started rather splendidly.

You know how I adore a good carriage ride, don’t you? It’s such a glamorous way to explore a city, and Vienna has its fair share of those delightful, horse-drawn carriages. I opted for a tour around the inner city, my pink tutu billowing behind me like a silken cloud as we passed through the bustling streets, past grand palaces and hidden gardens.

The first thing I had to do, naturally, was visit the Hofburg Palace. A magnificent building with a history as long as the sleeves on my newest vintage tutu (did I tell you I found it in a hidden antique shop in Prague? Simply divine!) - this grand palace is a must-see for any fashionista and tutu lover!

Imagine, darling, strolling through opulent halls, feeling like you’ve stepped back in time! The rooms were a treasure trove of opulence. Glitz and glamour abounded, reminding me of the extravagant sets for “The Nutcracker”, but with a regal and slightly more refined touch. I even spotted a charming old dance studio in the courtyard, where the air seemed to be filled with the echo of waltzes and waltzers from centuries past! The air is still intoxicating, a symphony of historical music swirling through the ages, and I couldn't help but dance a little myself.

You see, Vienna holds a special place in my heart as a ballerina – and for any tutu-loving soul – because it's a city steeped in dance history. From the grace of the Waltz to the power of the Strauss waltzes, this city pulsates with rhythm and elegance.

Of course, after my royal journey, my little stomach was rumbling. And how could one possibly be in Vienna without experiencing the legendary Viennese schnitzel? It was, in a word, splendid!

Picture this: A crisp, golden-brown masterpiece, the delicate, almost buttery taste, oh darling! A masterpiece on a plate, perfect with a side of potato salad and a glass of local, refreshing wine. I was positively smitten!

In the afternoon, I decided to experience Vienna's cultural heart: The Staatsoper! A majestic building with history, stories, and romance swirling around it like the tulle of my pink tutu, the Vienna State Opera House is truly a sight to behold! From the elaborate chandeliers to the crimson plush seats, this venue is pure theatrical grandeur.

Inside, the buzz of anticipation was almost palpable as we awaited the curtain to rise for "The Marriage of Figaro", a piece by Mozart! Darling, I'd never witnessed such sheer theatricality! The costumes were spectacular, the choreography was sublime. I almost wished I was up on stage twirling amongst those talented dancers, but that's another story for another post!

For dinner, my darling tutu-wearing soul took me to a little local café. I wanted to soak in the genuine, traditional Viennese charm and indulge in something sweet. Vienna's pastries are legendary. Do not even get me started on their amazing apple strudel, dear! So delicious. A wonderful ending to a truly extraordinary day.

After my schnitzel-filled feast, I felt quite the "sweet" craving! The cafe, filled with locals chattering and enjoying themselves, was a real taste of life in Vienna, like a beautiful waltz in a tutu. My favorite aspect was the display of dainty, beautiful, vibrantly-colored macaroons. I could hardly resist indulging!

The night ended in the warmth and comforting lights of my little boutique hotel. After all that excitement, a relaxing cup of tea and a book on tutu history was just what I needed! Tomorrow is another day for exploring Vienna, and I cannot wait!

So until next week, my darling friends, stay twirling and stay positive! And don't forget to follow my tutu-filled journey, here, every Wednesday, on!

Yours ever so,

Emma xo

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2001-01-17