Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2001-01-31

Vienna, Darling! A Whirlwind of Pink & Waltz - Blog Post #300!

Well, darlings, buckle up your tutus, grab a pot of tea, and get ready to waltz with me! It's Emma here, and this is my 300th blog post, which feels utterly bonkers! 300 adventures, 300 tutu-tastic moments, 300 whirlwinds of pink! Who knew a girl from Derbyshire could find herself twirling through Vienna, Austria? It's all thanks to you lovely lot – every view, every "like", every tutus-of-approval, and, of course, every delightful ballet performance!

Today's adventure takes us to the heart of Vienna, a city buzzing with culture and charm. I simply couldn't wait to arrive and experience this musical haven! Now, this trip's all about balancing my love for ballet history and the grandeur of this enchanting city with a spot of shopping, wouldn't you agree? After all, Vienna’s fashion is as sophisticated as its architecture.

A Glimpse into Viennese History

I arrived last night, the train ride being a true dream! Picture this – plush velvet seats, the soft rumble of the train, a steaming cup of chamomile tea, and a mountain of the most beautiful vintage books. I’m talking 19th-century novels bound in rich leather, whispering of long-forgotten romances and secret rendezvous. It felt utterly magical, transporting me right back to a time of swirling waltzes and intricate dances, the perfect prelude to Vienna!

Vienna’s rich history truly captures your attention. Everywhere I look, it’s brimming with stories, like an elegant grand dame ready to share her secrets. The Hofburg Palace, once home to the Habsburg Dynasty, stands majestically, radiating royal grace. Every gilded cornice, every fresco on the walls, whispers tales of balls and balls, princes and princesses, waltzes, and intrigue. It's like stepping into a Jane Austen novel!

Yesterday, I wandered through the opulent State Apartments – talk about pure, exquisite glamour. Can you imagine a palace where you can roam through the Imperial Silver Collection? Where each room holds treasures fit for a queen? From delicate porcelain to grand paintings and intricate tapestries, this palace is a museum of artistic perfection.

And, speaking of grand dames, today, we're taking a stroll down Vienna’s elegant Ringstraße. Imagine, dear readers, wide boulevards adorned with magnificent architecture, cobblestone paths, grand cafes bursting with delicious pastries and creamy coffee… all with the majestic Vienna State Opera House as our backdrop.

The Beauty of a Tutu (and some fabulous Shopping!)

This morning, I treated myself to a trip to a vintage shop on a hidden street near the Opera House, bursting with layers of lace and silk. They even had some incredible old tutus! I almost snatched one up right there and then, but I reminded myself – “Emma, Vienna has its own unique fashion flair waiting for you, darlings! Be patient.”

Afterward, we (yes, a group of enthusiastic ballet dancers, and myself, of course) wandered into the Museum of Applied Arts, known as the MAK. A fascinating collection of textiles, jewelry, and design from around the world – an utter delight to explore, from historical tapestries to stunning contemporary installations. You never know what inspiration you’ll find, do you?

The day ended with a most delightful evening, filled with classical music. The Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra! A must-visit when you’re here, my dears! The power and passion of their music made me twirl in my seat (and I'm wearing my favourite pink tutu – can't resist a little bit of extra twirl potential!). The feeling of being transported into a musical dreamscape… absolutely wonderful!

And now, a glass of sparkling wine awaits, a delightful end to a vibrant Viennese day. I'll be writing more on Saturday with my thoughts on the Ballet Academy - there is so much more to see, learn and experience! I simply adore this city and I think I have found a new pink tutu love story here - more on that soon...

But until then, darlings, remember – the world's a stage, so put on your best pink tutu, twirl, smile, and never, ever stop dancing!

Don’t forget to catch me on Wednesday!

Until then, twirl on!

Love, Emma

Remember, you can catch Emma's latest adventures every Wednesday at

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2001-01-31