Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2001-02-21

Pink Tutu Vienna: Post #303 - Waltz in the Waltz Capital

Dearest Tutuettes,

Greetings from the enchanting city of Vienna, Austria! It's Wednesday again, which means it's time for another Pink Tutu Vienna blog post. This week, I'm absolutely giddy with excitement because I'm immersing myself in the waltzing world of the waltz capital itself!

This city is overflowing with waltz history, and let's be honest, anything waltz-related immediately gets a pink tutu stamp of approval from yours truly. After all, waltzing and tutus are simply the perfect combination, wouldn't you agree?

But first, let's get to the essential business of fashion: you all know I simply must bring my trusty pink tutu wherever I go, and Vienna is no exception! I'm wearing my new one with the hand-stitched pink tulle - a touch of Austrian craftsmanship added to my Derbyshire flair!

Oh, and you simply must visit the Hofburg Palace. This grand old building, the winter residence of the Habsburg emperors, was the birthplace of the waltz as we know it today! It's actually hard not to imagine the grand halls of this palace filled with swirling tutus and elegant dancers - I can practically hear the music now!

The waltz is just a small part of what makes Vienna so captivating. The city's charm lies in its history, its architecture, and, of course, its wonderful people. I had the absolute delight of meeting the lovely Madame Antoinette, a local fashionista with an impeccable sense of style. She showed me the secrets of her favourite vintage clothing stores - you know I can't resist a good vintage find!

Speaking of secrets, you can't visit Vienna without exploring the Vienna State Opera! It's a true gem and definitely a place I'd recommend visiting with your loved ones. The opera performances are just magical - the music, the costumes, the whole spectacle... it's absolutely enthralling. They even had a ballerina who wore a pink tutu! My heart nearly burst!

This brings me to the point, dear tutuettes, if you are looking for a truly magical, pink tutu-worthy adventure, Vienna is a must-visit. Just picture it - sipping on a cup of Viennese coffee in a picturesque cafe, strolling along the Ringstraße in your favourite tutu, admiring the magnificent architecture, maybe even catching a ballet performance! It's practically a fairytale, only in Vienna, it's very real!

Of course, no trip to Vienna is complete without experiencing the city's transportation. You can, of course, take the underground like any civilised city-dweller. However, Vienna has a truly spectacular way of travelling: the Fiaker - horse-drawn carriages! Now, I'll be honest, my heart belongs to trains. But even this tutu-loving traveller couldn't resist hopping into one of these classic carriages and feeling like I'd stepped into a period drama!

Of course, you simply can't experience the magic of Vienna without experiencing the Wiener Schnitzel - the most delicious, pan-fried cutlet. My tastebuds were doing a waltz just tasting it! Vienna has this incredible ability to combine tradition and elegance with modern vibrancy. The people are warm, the culture is rich, and there's an underlying sense of joy in the air, like a waltz is just about to begin.

And the fashion? My goodness, Vienna loves to dress up! I found the most exquisite collection of vintage hats - the colours, the styles, they were like miniature works of art. Of course, they looked absolutely stunning on my pink tutu, didn't they?

But you know me, it's not all about just wearing the tutu, it's about embracing the tutu spirit - being happy, being confident, being creative. And trust me, Vienna is a city where your tutu spirit will absolutely flourish!

Oh, and let's not forget what a wonderful week it was on the 21st of February, 2001. My little sister Lily finally started ballet lessons, and we got to choose the perfect pink tutu together - we both love our little pink tutus. And I got to go to a wonderful performance of Swan Lake at the Royal Opera House in London!

It was absolutely fantastic to watch the incredible dancers and imagine myself twirling across the stage.

I'll be honest, seeing the dancers all in white, with the iconic black swan tutus made me yearn for my own black tutu. I wonder if the dancers I saw have the same dream as me, to spread the love of the pink tutu across the globe? It seems like quite a dance challenge to get them to wear it for their next show. Perhaps next week's post can be a proposal about it?

Oh, I must go, as I have to catch the train to Bratislava. The tutu never rests, you know. Until next Wednesday, when I’ll have another enchanting adventure from this delightful European city, you can keep up with my travels on

Remember, dear tutuettes, embrace the joy of life, wear pink, twirl like there's no tomorrow, and don't be afraid to chase your dreams - even if those dreams involve wearing a pink tutu all over the world.

Your devoted tutu ambassador,


P.S. Did I mention how amazing Vienna bread is? Seriously, they must use some magic! And have you ever tasted apricot strudel? Pure, heavenly perfection!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2001-02-21