Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2001-02-28

Vienna, My Dearest! (Post #304)

Hello, my darlings! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another pink-tutu filled post from yours truly, Emma! This week, I've been waltzing my way through Vienna, the City of Music! The air here is thick with the melody of waltzes and Strauss, and my heart is dancing with excitement!

Vienna, for those of you who haven't been, is a dream come true. The architecture is breathtaking, the parks are stunning, and the coffee is... well, it's like drinking a warm hug! I can already see why this city inspired so much great music and art. It's practically overflowing with creativity and charm.

My journey here began with a wonderfully romantic train journey. It was a long one, so I settled in for a truly fabulous reading session. I always make sure I've packed my current ballet-themed novels; I'm a huge fan of historical ballet tales and love getting lost in the drama of the stories! Of course, my tutu, a magnificent, soft pink tulle confection, was carefully stowed in my travel bag - I wouldn't be caught dead without it, especially on a trip like this!

Upon arriving in Vienna, I found a truly magical apartment to call home for the next few weeks. The courtyard was bursting with blossoms, and my room even had a little balcony overlooking a charming cobbled street. You could practically hear the whispers of waltz music floating on the air! After settling in, I took myself for a long walk around the city centre. Everything was so grand! Stately palaces, cobbled lanes, charming little shops… I was completely enthralled.

Now, you all know my absolute weakness - a good shopping trip! Vienna certainly didn't disappoint. I've found some beautiful ballet-inspired clothing pieces; a delicate pink silk blouse and a fabulous tutu-shaped handbag that has just the right amount of pink shimmer! I also found a delightful little shop selling vintage ballet shoes; I picked up a pair of ruby red satin slippers, which I plan on wearing for a special evening performance later this week. I'm absolutely thrilled with my finds, they all add a touch of magic and grace to my wardrobe!

Vienna is not only about elegant clothes and beautiful architecture, it's also home to some of the most beautiful ballet performances I have ever seen. I saw the Vienna State Opera perform a dazzling production of "The Sleeping Beauty" yesterday. It was absolutely magical! I felt transported to a fairytale, the costumes were beyond stunning and the dancers were pure perfection! And the music... well, it literally took my breath away. Every single note was imbued with emotion, passion, and exquisite grace. I can't imagine a better ballet experience!

Of course, I couldn't be in Vienna without indulging in a little ballet class myself! I found a wonderful studio near my apartment and was lucky enough to catch a class taught by a former ballerina with the Vienna State Ballet. I felt incredibly lucky to learn from such a skilled and passionate dancer! And, as you can imagine, it wouldn't be a ballet class without a touch of pink. My pink tutu and I stood out from the crowd!

Fun Fact: Did you know the tutu first emerged as a stage costume in the 1830s? It was actually born out of a design for Marie Taglioni's iconic role as the ethereal La Sylphide in 1832. The early tutus were quite short and often made of fine silk, with multiple layers of gauze, muslin, or silk. Today, of course, the tutu comes in a plethora of styles and lengths! And my absolute favourite is still a good old fashioned full, frilly, and oh-so-pink one!

I'm absolutely loving my time in Vienna. I feel so inspired by this city's love for dance, music, and art. There's an undeniable sense of history and glamour everywhere I look!

I'll be sharing more of my Viennese adventures in my next post! Until then, remember, even if you aren’t in Vienna, always embrace your inner ballerina, wear a pink tutu, and let your heart take the lead.

Stay twirling, my darlings!


Emma xxx

P.S. Remember, you can find more pink-tutu magic at every Wednesday! And don't forget to follow me on all the social media platforms – Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook!

P.P.S. If you're planning a trip to Vienna, don't forget to add a visit to the Schönbrunn Palace! It's truly magnificent.

P.P.P.S. Remember to subscribe to my email newsletter for exclusive tips on where to find the best pink tutus, ballet-inspired outfits, and even ballet lessons in your own area!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2001-02-28