Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2001-07-18

Vienna, my dears! A Ballet Lover's Paradise (Blog Post #324)

Good Wednesday morning, darlings! I'm writing to you from the glorious city of Vienna, where the air is filled with the strains of waltz music and the streets are paved with cobblestones begging to be twirled upon. As you know, this pink tutu-wearing ballerina is always up for a grand adventure, and Austria has been calling my name for ages. And let me tell you, it's even more spectacular than I ever imagined!

It's been a whirlwind of a week, full of pink frocks, opulent ballet shows, and some seriously delicious Sachertorte. This trip, of course, has been funded by my performances back in good old Derbyshire. I absolutely love the buzz of taking to the stage, even more so when it allows me to travel the world in my little pink tutu! It truly feels like a fairy tale.

This week's travel adventures began with a charming train journey across Europe. It felt so wonderful to leave the car behind and let the scenery melt away in a blur of green fields and charming countryside towns. Even in my tutu, I found the train carriage a perfect place for pirouette practice. And let's face it, what better way to prepare for the Viennese waltzes than with a bit of on-the-go ballet?

Vienna itself is a dream. It's elegant, graceful, and simply bursting with history. It's easy to see why this city has always held a special place in the heart of every true ballerina. You can practically feel the grandeur in the air, whispering stories of Strauss waltzes, exquisite ballet performances, and perhaps even a few fairy tales in the bargain.

Oh, the shopping, you say? Exquisite! I couldn't resist indulging in some exquisite vintage clothing - think luxurious velvets, delicate lace, and charming brooches. Vienna's boutiques offer treasures that make even this tutu-loving heart skip a beat. I found the most adorable pink silk top, perfect for a visit to the legendary Schönbrunn Palace, and an antique brooch for my hair. Every outfit, of course, must be accompanied by a perfectly coordinating tutu!

The pièce de résistance of my Viennese adventure was, naturally, the ballet. Last night I experienced the magic of the Vienna State Opera - a dazzling performance of "Giselle." From the intricate set design and sumptuous costumes to the grace of the dancers, the entire experience was simply unforgettable. And I don't think I've ever seen so many tutus in one place! A perfect spectacle for any pink-loving ballerina.

This morning, I found myself drawn to the grand old Opera House. Just walking by its impressive facade evokes a sense of history and grandeur. They even have an incredibly exciting exhibit showcasing the history of ballet, from the grandest costumes to the intricate details of each production. My dear readers, there's just something about ballet history that stirs my soul. Perhaps it's the romanticism, the intricate stories, the exquisite detail – it's like stepping into a beautifully woven tapestry of creativity!

While exploring the history of ballet, I stumbled across a hidden gem: the beautiful, dusty books on tutu history. Honestly, how can one not love a garment that can be so intricately designed, from the softest tulle to the most dazzling sequins? They can be extravagant and playful, traditional and majestic – truly a perfect blend of form and function! I imagine each tutu carrying a story of its own, whispered in the rustle of its fabric and the sparkle of its beads. And, of course, it was love at first sight when I discovered an entire room dedicated to the evolution of the tutu, showcasing everything from the earliest forms to the most contemporary designs.

But Vienna is more than just opera and ballet, darlings. This city is full of life, charm, and plenty of unexpected surprises. We have wandered through bustling markets brimming with flowers and trinkets, admired the stunning architecture, and savoured Viennese coffee and Sachertorte, a chocolate masterpiece worthy of its own ballet. The sheer elegance and vibrancy of this city is intoxicating, a true tonic for the soul.

Speaking of soul-enriching experiences, one of my absolute favourite things to do while traveling is to connect with local artists. It was sheer serendipity to stumble upon a group of ballet dancers rehearsing in the heart of the city. These lovely dancers have inspired me even more to pursue my own passion. It's incredibly motivating to see fellow dancers, passionate and graceful, dancing with joy, and I absolutely intend to make the most of their advice and tips! It's an invaluable experience to learn from artists around the world.

My dears, I promise this is only the beginning of my Viennese adventures. I have many more exciting discoveries in store - I've heard whispers of a magical carousel, charming cafes hidden in secret alleyways, and even a ballet performance set against the breathtaking backdrop of Schönbrunn Palace! You'll just have to stay tuned for my next blog post to hear all about it!

And as always, I encourage all of you, dear readers, to embrace your own passions and find the magic in the world around you.

Remember, darling, life is meant to be danced, twirled, and experienced in all its glorious beauty!


Emma xx

P.S. My dear readers, I encourage all of you to wear pink tutus and find your own dance through life! And let's be honest, who doesn't love a little pink tutu magic? It makes everything just a little bit brighter, don't you think?

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2001-07-18