Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2001-08-01

Vienna Calling! A Pink Tutu Pilgrimage - Blog Post #326

Hello darlings! It's Emma here, reporting live from the glorious city of Vienna! Yes, my travels have brought me to this cultural haven, a place that simply breathes ballet. Oh, the magic, the grace, the history – it's absolutely intoxicating!

This week, I'm venturing outside the confines of my pink tutu comfort zone (just a tiny bit, don't worry!), to share my Viennese adventures with you. Now, a trip to Vienna wouldn't be complete without a foray into the world of the waltz, would it? And so, I embarked on a journey that felt like something out of a fairy tale… with a touch of pink, of course.

A Fairy Tale Journey to the Waltz Capital

Let's rewind for a moment. To reach this charming city, I hopped on a train straight out of a dreamscape. Imagine, darling, a sleek silver bullet of a carriage gliding through verdant countryside. Lush meadows bathed in sunlight, gentle breezes rustling through the trees – absolute poetry! Every click-clack of the wheels whispered a waltz melody, leading me to my destination. It felt as though the entire journey was choreographed by fate, or perhaps by a mischievous little fairy.

Arriving at Vienna’s main station was a vision of grandeur! Marble floors, vaulted ceilings, elegant shops, and – most importantly – a throng of lovely people in fabulous attire, giving me instant sartorial inspiration. I could have stayed in the station forever, admiring the Parisian-chic fashions and soaking up the vibrant atmosphere. However, Vienna held a whole plethora of delights awaiting my pink-tutu clad arrival.

The World of the Waltz Awaits!

My first stop was the famous Vienna State Opera House, a majestic edifice, worthy of any royal wedding. From the outside, it looked like a fairytale palace straight out of a Hans Christian Andersen story. And inside, oh my, inside it was a dream! Gorgeous golden decorations, plush velvet seating, intricate chandeliers sparkling like stars – it was as if I had stepped onto a gilded stage. I could almost feel the spirits of opera greats like Strauss, Mozart, and Beethoven swirling around me. I absolutely had to twirl!

To experience the spirit of the Viennese waltz, I had to take a dance lesson! Now, I'm not a waltzing expert (although, I have been known to dance my way across the room during a ballet class), but this was an opportunity I couldn't miss! Picture it: A charming dance studio, a patient instructor with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, and yours truly, attempting to master the art of gliding gracefully through a ballroom.

I can’t tell you how much I struggled with the turns, my trusty pink tutu making its presence known! Thankfully, my teacher was incredibly kind and had the patience of a saint, especially with a clumsy, tutu-clad English ballerina in the room. By the end of the lesson, I felt a glimmer of Viennese grace! And, who knows, maybe someday I'll waltz my way across a grand ballroom.

Fashion Fiesta!

After my waltzing escapade, it was time to explore Vienna's fashionable side. Now, let's just say the shops here have the most wonderful things. My heart skipped a beat every time I passed a storefront filled with beautiful fabrics, delicate lace, and intricate beadwork. I felt like I'd stumbled upon a magical fashion land, filled with enchanting tutus, fabulous footwear, and stunning ball gowns, perfect for any grand waltz.

Of course, I had to do a little shopping myself. A new pair of sparkling ballet shoes caught my eye, as did a divine, flowing chiffon scarf with an embroidered motif that seemed to echo the intricate patterns of a vintage tutu. The shopkeeper, a stylish lady with a keen eye for fashion, wrapped my purchases with loving care, ensuring that each one was tucked away as if it were a precious jewel. I felt like a princess, about to make my grand entrance.

The Horses! The Tutus! The Glamour!

No trip to Vienna is complete without a ride in a Viennese Fiaker! These traditional horse-drawn carriages, are a staple of the city's landscape, adding a touch of Old World elegance to the scene. I boarded a gorgeous black carriage, with golden details and the gentlest of steeds, all of which looked completely fabulous against the city's backdrop.

As the Fiaker clip-clopped along cobbled streets, the feeling of regality washed over me. I sat perched on a plush velvet seat, with a silk shawl thrown over my shoulders and my trusty pink tutu bouncing slightly against my legs, just waiting to twirl at the right moment. All I needed was a dashing prince (perhaps a dashing Austrian prince, wouldn’t that be a fairy tale!)

Vienna in Full Bloom

The city's architecture is truly remarkable! From grand imperial palaces to charming Baroque churches, every corner offers a glimpse of the city's history and grace. I’ve even started to feel myself inspired by the ornate patterns and graceful lines of Viennese architecture. Just imagine, darlings, a tutu made with delicate floral lace, inspired by the rose gardens of Schönbrunn Palace! Now that’s an outfit that’s going straight to the top of my list.

Oh, the sights! The smells! The colours! This city is truly enchanting, filled with lively music, sweet pastries, and warm smiles. Every street corner holds a hidden gem waiting to be discovered, from elegant cafes brimming with artistry, to hidden courtyards filled with vibrant flowers, to lively street performances where you can hear music echoing off every wall. Vienna’s vibrancy feels infectious!

And now, darlings, it’s time to sign off. As I bid farewell to Vienna, I can't help but feel a twinge of sadness. However, this lovely city will always hold a special place in my heart. This city has made me feel like a princess in a tutu, swept me up in the waltzing melodies of a fairytale.

But remember, this is only the beginning! Vienna has set the stage for my adventures. With each journey, my ballet-tutu world expands, and each place leaves me with new inspiration, new stories to share with you. Oh, the adventures await!

Until next time, keep twirling and stay sparkly!

Lots of love,

Emma x

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2001-08-01