Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2002-02-27

Pink Tutu Vienna: Waltz Me Away, Post 356

Hello, my lovelies! It’s Wednesday, and you know what that means? Time for another pink-tastic adventure in the city of waltzes and wonder – Vienna, darling!

This week I’m feeling extra inspired, perhaps because I’ve been dancing my way through the Viennese ballet scene like a sugarplum fairy on caffeine! Honestly, you could say I’m truly in my element here. I just love the way the history and culture of this city breathes a certain…je ne sais quoi into the art of ballet, giving it a kind of sophisticated, timeless elegance.

Today’s post is dedicated to one of the things I love the most, alongside ballet and pink, of course - exploring! It’s all about discovering new places, meeting delightful people and of course, getting those fantastic pictures that make my little heart flutter with joy.

This Wednesday, February 27th, started with a whirlwind of a morning. I awoke to the sound of Vienna’s famous bells, a melodious chiming that seemed to signal the beginning of a grand, glamorous day. After a quick breakfast (I do love Viennese coffee, and don’t even get me started on the pastries! drools ), I put on a vibrant pink outfit, complete with a tulle tutu that perfectly complimented the colours of the Austrian sunset. Let’s just say I was ready to turn heads!

My destination was the Vienna State Opera, one of the world’s most prestigious opera houses. They have an exceptional ballet company, so naturally, I was excited for my first taste of the Vienna State Opera Ballet! It was as magnificent as I had imagined. The building itself was breathtaking, and inside, I was swept away by the artistry of the dancers. They truly embody that classic Viennese grace. My favourite performance? Well, I can’t pick just one! Everything was so captivating! The choreography was breathtaking, and the costumes…well, let’s just say I was in heaven. And, as the final curtain fell, I felt a sense of elation and wonder I’ve only ever experienced at the very best ballet performances.

After the performance, I decided to venture a little further from the heart of Vienna, embarking on a carriage ride. I've always loved the idea of travelling by horse, something that feels very…storybook, don’t you think? Imagine it - a breezy carriage ride through a quaint, romantic landscape, with the sounds of horse hooves clopping softly on the cobbles. The wind in my hair, a pink tutu billowing behind me. Ah, it was just magical. It reminded me of my trips through Derbyshire in England, though the countryside is decidedly less grand here, full of charming parks and gardens. The coachman, a kind, elderly gentleman, told me all about the history of the city, how it has seen so much, and yet continues to radiate such beauty. I took a quick picture of the scenery - my Instagram followers will be delighted, I’m sure!

My afternoon journey ended at a rather special place - the Museum of Natural History. It’s a museum full of captivating wonder, from prehistoric fossils to vibrant gemstones. I especially enjoyed their collection of historical garments, some dating back to the Habsburg Empire. And it goes without saying - I particularly loved the vibrant colours, patterns, and textures that adorned the vintage ballgowns and corsets - it almost makes my little ballerina heart ache for another historical ball! I thought of all those elegant ladies who would have worn those garments – just imagine, if only they had known about pink tutus!

The rest of the day was spent wandering around the Wiener Prater, Vienna’s enormous public park, an iconic green lung in the middle of the city. I can't resist a little indulgence in good food, so I sat down for some scrumptious Viennese Sachertorte. It was the perfect reward after my day of adventures and, of course, it went beautifully with a hot chocolate – a touch of pure decadent pleasure.

You know, I find it truly captivating to think of the history that's all around us here, and that those historical ladies wore the first forms of tulle! It feels almost impossible to imagine, that some of these exquisite, beautiful, ornate, and intricate gowns that are on display, have almost the same base as the fluffy cloud of my very own pink tutu. Such amazing continuity in fashion - that's something to think about, wouldn’t you agree?

While I’ve been walking through these cobblestone streets, the past has felt so very alive, making it easier than ever to understand why Vienna is nicknamed ‘The City of Music’. Every cobblestone holds a whisper of history, every street corner seems to echo with the tunes of Strauss, Mozart, and Haydn, and every windowpane appears to frame the enchanting tale of another elegant era. It truly is a magical city that enchants and captivates its visitors, much like it captivated me this week.

As always, I leave you with a little thought to ponder. You know that feeling of excitement and exhilaration when you’re in a new place, soaking up the sights, smells, and sounds of a foreign culture? Well, imagine that feeling multiplied by ten when you’re surrounded by ballet, fashion, history and beauty - you’ve got yourself a truly captivating moment! And darling, wouldn't life be just a little more magical if we all embraced the beauty of the moment and embraced pink tutus along the way?

Until next week, when I’ll be telling you all about the exciting events coming up, keep your pink tutus ready!

Much love,

Emma xxx

P.S. Remember, you can join me on my journey to make the world a more pink and fluffy place! Visit my website and follow me on Instagram! Oh, and I’ve been thinking – I may be organizing a ballet tour later in the year to the Lake District, maybe even through Derbyshire! What do you think? I want your feedback! Let me know!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2002-02-27