Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2002-03-13

Pink Tutu Vienna: Post #358 - A Waltz Through Vienna's Whimsy

Dearest Tutu-Lovers!

It's Wednesday, and that means it's time for another dose of Vienna from your favourite pink tutu-clad traveller! I've been feeling particularly inspired by the waltz-like rhythm of this city, so grab your finest frock, your most fabulous feather boa (and a sprinkle of pink glitter, naturally!) and let's waltz into this week's post together.

This week, darling readers, we are deep in the heart of Vienna. Now, you might think I'd be all about the waltzes and the Strauss operas, but Vienna has a hidden gem that had me positively skipping with glee – the Museum für Angewandte Kunst (MAK), a museum dedicated to all things artsy and craftsy. It's like stepping into a wonderland of textiles, furniture, and even costume design! The building itself is an absolute beauty, boasting a fascinating Art Nouveau architecture that makes me wish I could waltz through the hallways forever.

Now, I wasn't just wandering the museum for the sake of it (although that wouldn't be a bad thing, let's be honest). You see, they were holding an exhibit called The Dress of the Avant-Garde, a display dedicated to the wild, wacky, and wonderful fashion creations of the 20th century! Imagine my delight when I stumbled upon a stunning collection of theatrical costumes.

There were shimmering tutus in hues I’d never dreamt of (a lovely teal number particularly caught my eye), bold avant-garde designs that challenged traditional forms, and pieces that truly pushed the boundaries of what clothing can be. It's almost enough to make a ballerina rethink the whole notion of the traditional tutu – almost.

As I twirled through the exhibition, I was transported back in time, witnessing how fashion had been transformed through the daring choices of creative minds. I found myself feeling strangely connected to the pioneers of avant-garde fashion – their rebellious spirit and daring use of colour echoed in my own little pink tutu revolution. You know, when you've worn a tutu to every wedding, graduation, and picnic you can find, you gain a certain perspective on what clothing can truly mean.

But, of course, this isn't the only way Vienna has captivated my heart. A waltz through the city's historical centre, cobbled streets buzzing with street performers and the sound of music wafting through the air – what more could a girl ask for? On the other side of town, the majestic Schönbrunn Palace beckons, offering glimpses into the lavish lifestyles of royalty and a chance to waltz amongst the gardens and fountains. (You can bet I had my pink tutu on hand for this particular outing! My pink tutu, dear reader, is always the star of the show.)

Speaking of stars, I can't forget to mention Vienna’s rich musical history. Imagine my joy upon learning that the Vienna State Opera has been running a competition to showcase young talent! I could feel the rhythm of the stage pulsing through me. Oh, to twirl and leap across that hallowed stage – my tutu a shimmering beacon of pink light – that would be a true dream come true!

However, the most magical part of Vienna, you ask? It’s the sheer joy and happiness that pulses through every corner. The locals here have an incredible passion for life, and it's contagious. Everyone's waltzing through life, embracing the beauty of each day with a genuine smile. It's honestly quite delightful!

And if you’re ever wondering what the best thing about visiting a city is, it has to be meeting amazing people. I bumped into the most delightful lady at a cafe yesterday, and we were chatting about all things ballet. She was absolutely enthralled by my love for the tutu, and we ended up talking for hours. Now, how often does a tutu-wearing wanderer get to bond over fashion with a complete stranger? I swear, dear readers, my tutu truly does open doors!

The past few days have been filled with music, laughter, and an abundance of pink tulle. You see, dear readers, even though Vienna may be a land of grand operas and majestic palaces, there's always room for a little whimsy. A touch of pink tulle can transform any waltz, any walk, any moment, into something truly magical.

And as always, I'll leave you with this: don't forget to twirl! Vienna has shown me that even the smallest twirl can bring a burst of joy and light to every day. Until next week, darling readers, may your days be filled with fashion, frolics, and all things pink.

Your dearest ballerina,


P.S. Follow me on Twitter and Instagram for daily snippets of my Vienna adventures! @pinktutuemma (And remember, pink tutus always get more likes! 😉)

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2002-03-13