Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2002-04-24

Pink Tutu Vienna: Post 364 - Waltzing with the Waltz Capital!

Hello darlings! It's Wednesday again, which means it's time for another exciting Pink Tutu Vienna adventure! Today, my dear readers, I find myself in the waltz capital of the world: Vienna! Oh, the magic, the romance, the delicious pastries... this city truly is a fairytale come to life. And let me tell you, it's a fairytale that’s positively dripping in pink!

This week, I travelled to Vienna by train - my absolute favourite way to get around! There's something so wonderfully glamorous about whizzing through the countryside, watching the world pass by through the window, and dreaming up all sorts of wonderful adventures. I do adore the feeling of the wind in my hair as I ride through the English countryside on my trusty horse, but nothing beats the sleek, modern comfort of a train carriage. Besides, I wouldn't want to miss out on a chance to flaunt my new pink travelling tutu!

This particular tutu is a marvel! It’s a custom creation I picked up in Paris, made with the most luxurious tulle, delicate layers of satin, and intricate lace details. And, of course, it’s pink, a luscious shade of fuchsia that perfectly reflects the city’s playful spirit. As I write this, I'm sat at a charming café right in the heart of Vienna, sipping on a delicious hot chocolate, and admiring the people-watching - and let me tell you, there are some fabulously dressed Viennese ladies! The style here is incredible, with sleek elegance mixed with a touch of historical grandeur. But even amongst these fashionistas, my pink tutu seems to be the highlight of the day - it certainly sparks a lot of smiles!

Speaking of smiles, today's adventure was truly unforgettable. After all, no trip to Vienna is complete without a trip to the Opera House! I'm positively giddy about it! The opulent building alone was worth the trip. From its impressive facade adorned with marble and sculptures to its gilded interior, everything here screams "theatre" and "luxury" - two things I adore! And I must say, the performance was stunning! This evening, we had the pleasure of watching a performance of Mozart’s iconic “The Magic Flute”, which is actually considered to be Vienna's “national opera”.

Mozart is absolutely legendary! You just can't discuss Austrian culture, particularly in Vienna, without talking about him! Just like tutus, opera is an art form with an impressive history. A history as colourful and vibrant as my wardrobe, full of drama, glamour, and dazzling stories that touch our souls and captivate our hearts. I love delving into both the history of opera and the history of tutus - and yes, believe it or not, these two things have a strong link!

For centuries, tutus were worn for their historical and artistic importance to opera! The delicate tulle was originally used to accentuate the beauty of the dancer’s movements, and, of course, what ballerina could resist the romantic, airy, flowing elegance of a beautifully crafted pink tutu?

I have a particular fascination with 19th century ballet tutus, especially the Romantic tutu. Imagine, soft layers of delicate, frilled tulle cascading around the legs, the ultimate image of delicate, feminine grace and whimsical movement! It is, in essence, a love story encapsulated in fabric, a true testament to the timeless beauty of ballet and its incredible impact on history and the arts.

Today, my ballet performance provided the funds for this amazing adventure to Vienna! It is a wonderful, positive feeling knowing that my hard work and my dedication to this incredible art form is paying off, allowing me to explore new and inspiring places. I am truly blessed.

So, to my fellow tutu-wearers and opera enthusiasts - a little advice from yours truly: add Vienna to your travel wish list immediately!

Vienna’s streets are bustling with life, the people are warm and friendly, and there is so much to see and experience. Of course, there are also a vast number of delicious pink things to eat! I even had the pleasure of attending a stunning afternoon tea yesterday! Now, I wouldn't be a true pink tutu-loving ballerina without a proper afternoon tea experience! It's all about embracing the delicate delights!

Vienna's sweet treats were utterly delicious. There were pink strawberry tarts, delicate pink macarons with vibrant fillings, delicate slices of pink meringue cake, and even pink pastries shaped like miniature ballerinas. Truly a dream come true! I may have eaten my weight in pink delights!

Speaking of indulgence, this city is a haven for fashion lovers, especially me! Every shop window is a masterpiece of artistry, displaying everything from elegant designer wear to handcrafted souvenirs and vintage treasures. The Viennese seem to have an incredible understanding of color and an effortless approach to putting outfits together. And as an enthusiastic Pink Tutu wearer, I found myself swooning over gorgeous shades of blush pink and soft pinks displayed throughout the city.

The other night I indulged in a delectable shopping experience with some local ladies who told me about the wonderful fashion history in Vienna, all the way back from the 17th Century! Vienna’s rich history and elegant charm can be seen not only in its beautiful architecture but also in the timeless fashion sense of its residents.

After exploring the bustling heart of Vienna, I had to experience the peaceful charm of its surrounding area. The beautiful Viennese Woods! Such a lovely area for long walks, horse riding, and even some ballet training outdoors! You just can't beat a bit of fresh air!

I have to mention one of my highlights from the entire trip: my trip to a charming local craft shop. I discovered a collection of stunning antique and modern handmade tutus for ballet, fashion and costume! It’s just like being in a tutu time machine, witnessing the evolution of the tutu throughout history. I fell in love with a magnificent pink satin tutu with intricate beading. It will be a beautiful addition to my pink collection!

Speaking of pink, have you embraced your inner tutu-wearing ballerina? Are you embracing life with a positively joyful zest? Remember: "A pink tutu is not just an item of clothing, it's a state of mind." So, what are you waiting for? Slip into your pinkest, most joyful tutu and celebrate the beauty of life! Remember, darling, the world needs more pink tutus - and the most important rule? You always dance your heart out.

Until next Wednesday,

Your beloved pink tutu blogger, Emma.

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2002-04-24