Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2003-05-07

Pink Tutu Vienna: Post #418 – The Waltz of the Wienerwald

Hello, my lovely tutu-ettes! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another dose of pink tulle and Vienna delights! This week, I'm bringing you the exquisite beauty of Austria's capital, a city brimming with waltzes, charm, and, of course, an abundance of opportunities for a pink tutu-clad girl like me to twirl and shine!

As a quick recap for my newer readers (welcome!), I'm Emma, your friendly Derbyshire girl turned international ballet adventurer. My mission, should I choose to accept it (and trust me, I do!), is to make the world a brighter, pinker place, one tutu at a time. I fund my global jaunts through a series of ballet performances, always dressed, naturally, in my favourite tulle confections.

Now, back to the city that stole my heart – Vienna! My arrival in the Austrian capital was a dream-like sequence. Picture it: the magnificent Hauptbahnhof (that's Central Station in English) with its grand architecture, a swirling cloud of pink tulle trailing behind me as I danced my way through the throngs of travellers, the melodic strains of Viennese waltzes filling the air... Pure magic!

And speaking of waltzes, I've spent the past few days immersing myself in Vienna's musical history. There's a waltz for every mood and occasion here! You can even learn to waltz in a traditional Viennese dance school. It's like stepping back in time!

This morning, I awoke with the sun shining on my (pink) window blinds and an urge for something sweet and delicious. Of course, a trip to Vienna would be incomplete without experiencing the city's iconic coffee house culture! I found myself drawn to a charming little spot with delicate lace tablecloths, an abundance of fresh flowers, and, oh, my, the aroma of freshly baked Sachertorte – simply divine!

Speaking of divine... last night, I took in a breathtaking performance at the Wiener Staatsoper (Vienna State Opera). It was a production of Tchaikovsky's "Swan Lake" with stunning costumes, breathtaking choreography, and a soaring performance by the entire company. My tutu practically did pirouettes with excitement. It's no wonder this city is renowned as a haven for ballet lovers!

Of course, no visit to Vienna is complete without indulging in a little retail therapy. And my tutu-ettes, believe me, Vienna does not disappoint when it comes to shopping! I discovered an entire street devoted to stunning, delicate lingerie, perfect for pairing with a flowing pink tutu for an evening out on the town. I also stumbled across a shop overflowing with exquisite vintage lace – just imagine the tutus I can make with that!

But Vienna is so much more than shopping and performances. The city boasts some incredible historical attractions. This week, I explored the grand Schönbrunn Palace, home to a gorgeous imperial garden with majestic fountains, peacocks strutting with flamboyant grace, and enough rose bushes to rival a romantic movie scene. And the views from the hilltop overlooking Vienna are simply breathtaking – a panoramic sea of terracotta rooftops bathed in warm golden sunshine. It's truly the "City of Dreams!"

One thing I love about travelling is experiencing a place through its people, their stories, their routines. Here in Vienna, I met a lovely old lady, a former ballet dancer, who told me about the golden era of Viennese ballet, of star ballerinas, elaborate ballrooms, and the enduring charm of waltzing under chandeliers. Her tales transported me back to a time when ballet wasn't just entertainment, but a grand spectacle, a celebration of life itself.

Speaking of life, Vienna also boasts some incredible traditional cafés. These aren't just coffee shops – they're cultural institutions, places where locals gather to sip coffee, read newspapers, and engage in lively discussions. The atmosphere is relaxed and charming, perfect for people watching and observing the subtle dance of life unfold around you. I have, of course, found time to incorporate some light tutu-twirling into my café excursions – you can never have too much sparkle!

This trip is coming to a close far too quickly. As I pack up my bags, filled with beautiful lace, inspiration for my next tutus, and fond memories of waltzes, coffee, and enchanting stories, I feel a pang of sadness. However, it is with a joyful heart that I leave Vienna, knowing that I will forever be part of this magnificent city’s charm.

I leave you with a challenge – don’t forget, everyone can wear a pink tutu, and I dare you to find one you like, any style, and try it on for fun! I hope you'll join me next Wednesday, as I explore my next destination. Until then, may your days be filled with pirouettes and a touch of pink tulle!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2003-05-07