Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2003-10-01

Pink Tutu Vienna - Blog Post #439

Wednesday, 1st October 2003

Guten Tag, my dearest Tutu Twirlers!

Vienna, oh Vienna! The city of waltz, of Strauss, of waltzing around in my pink tutu, of course! 🩰

I’ve arrived in Vienna in style, naturally, by train! My trusty Eurail pass has been seeing a lot of use these past few months, and the views from the carriage window are always a feast for the eyes, even if the journey was a bit longer than usual.

I do love my adventures, and each journey always feels like the beginning of a new chapter, particularly as this is my first time visiting Vienna.

Stepping onto the platform at Wien Hauptbahnhof, my mind already started whirring with plans! Vienna is renowned for its classical music, its incredible history and, of course, its beautiful architecture. And, in case you were wondering, I've already spotted some lovely shops, so the first item on my agenda is a spot of retail therapy. After all, how can one explore a city without the perfect outfit?

Before we delve into the wonderful Vienna adventures, I’m bursting with excitement because you may have seen me dancing across your screen lately! That’s right, Tutu Twirlers, I've been working on a new routine for my upcoming ballet performance in Paris! This is quite a prestigious gig and I'm already perfecting the steps, although I've never worn the costume! Imagine my delight when the costume arrived yesterday, a truly gorgeous gown. A light blue silky number that has a sort of Renaissance air. With, of course, a flowing pale blue tulle skirt with pink accents! It’s going to be sensational and I can’t wait for the grand unveiling.

The Perfect Pink Tutu Vienna Look

You know me, I love to be properly attired, especially when exploring a new city. There are, after all, no rules that dictate one must wear practical attire to traipse around! So, after careful deliberation (and a quick outfit change), I chose a magnificent pink tulle skirt (naturally!) teamed with a fitted white blouse. It’s so Parisian, chic, and a good thing it was! Imagine the disappointment if I'd chosen the wrong outfit.

Fashion Shopping Adventures in Vienna

My first stop was at Kärntner Strasse, a truly vibrant street full of life and, importantly, lots of gorgeous shops! It's truly a fashionista's paradise! My pink tutus were definitely needed, and it was the perfect location to let my tutu-wearing self explore!

And did I find some fantastic buys? Of course I did! I stumbled across a fabulous boutique crammed full of gorgeous pink frills and feathers – truly a wonderland for any fashion aficionado like myself. It's all a bit more understated here than in Paris, though. More elegant, you might say, less 'showy'! So far, I'm quite enjoying the vibe.

I am, however, searching for a new hat. You know I always love a good hat to accentuate my outfits and for Vienna, a feathered hat, something to catch the light as I waltz about the city, is a must! But, so far, all I have is the gorgeous wide-brimmed hat I've had since my trip to Paris last month!

Waltzing in Vienna

Speaking of Vienna, it wouldn't be a visit here without embracing the city's love for waltzing. Tonight I'm off to see a performance of "The Blue Danube," in Vienna's State Opera House. The dress code, apparently, is "smart" so I am, naturally, planning on a flowing white skirt, sparkling earrings, and a pair of dazzling shoes with my tutu on top. (This will be tricky!) Of course! No need to worry about my feet being on show as, for once, it's a theatrical tutu! I simply have to find a hat now, that doesn’t clash! It will definitely be a wonderful evening.

But for now, I'm off to the famous Vienna Hofburg Palace for a dose of Viennese history and a look at the palace kitchens – who knows, maybe I’ll even spot a ballet shoe-shaped cookie, or maybe it’s a recipe I’ll try and copy when I’m back in England! It would go so well with my afternoon tea with scones. A must-try for anyone visiting.

Tomorrow, it's off to a ballet class for a bit of stretching and strengthening, which will do wonders to relax me before my evening out at the Vienna State Opera House. You see, I like to be fully prepared and I love to see behind the scenes, get a glimpse into the ballet culture. I think it makes my enjoyment even better. I'm excited, are you?

So until next Wednesday, my tutu-wearing darlings, stay stylish and always, always remember...

**Twirl On,

Emma xx**

P.S. If you'd like to stay up-to-date on my adventures in Vienna, be sure to visit each Wednesday for a brand-new blog post, straight from the heart of the city!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2003-10-01