Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2003-11-26

Pink Tutu Vienna: Post 447 – Vienna, my Darling, Vienna!

Hello darlings! Emma here, and I'm absolutely bubbling with excitement to share my Vienna adventures with you. Today’s post, just like me, is a whirlwind of colour, twirls, and pure delight! As you know, my Wednesday posts are dedicated to exploring new and beautiful corners of the world from a Pink Tutu perspective, and Vienna, oh Vienna, you’ve truly stolen my heart.

So, you’re probably wondering: how did a tutu-loving ballerina like myself end up in this grand city? Well, let’s just say that the universe works in mysterious and whimsical ways. I received a divine invitation from the esteemed Vienna State Opera – yes, darlings, that grand institution of waltzes and operatic grandeur – to perform in a delightful rendition of Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake! Can you believe it? A dream come true!

Now, I’m no stranger to the stage, my love for ballet and performance is as deep as my devotion to pink tutus. My performance career helps me finance my globetrotting ballet-fuelled adventures, so you could say my life is a beautifully balanced pas de deux between pirouettes and packing my pink suitcase.

But enough about my dramatic entrances, let's get down to the nitty-gritty of Vienna, shall we? I arrived last week, the journey, a scenic train ride through the rolling countryside, was an absolute treat for the eyes. Oh, and the train conductor, darling! I’d almost forgotten about the dashing train conductors in Austria! He was a vision in a blue uniform and an incredibly polite chap - you can tell he’s from a city that loves a spot of etiquette.

My Vienna apartment, it’s oh-so-charming! It has these large windows that overlook a cobblestone street, and they flood the place with a soft, warm light, perfect for applying my lipstick before stepping out into the Vienna evening! Did I mention I’m in love with the wardrobe? It's overflowing with potential for all my gorgeous Pink Tutu ensembles! My fashion inspiration, as always, stems from the glorious history of the city, Vienna being the fashion capital it once was!

The other day, I stumbled upon a divine vintage boutique tucked away in a hidden alley. Imagine, darlings, a shop full of treasures! They even had the most darling collection of vintage tutus – think lace and satin, my absolute weakness! It’s no surprise that Vienna’s history, including fashion, has stolen my heart – and it’s been the biggest inspiration to me so far on this trip. The streets just ooze elegance and sophistication.

Oh, speaking of elegance and sophistication! Did you know that the world’s most beautiful opera houses are here in Vienna? The Vienna State Opera and the Vienna Volksoper – just the names make you want to don your fanciest ball gown and twirl around!

I'm taking a class at the Vienna State Opera Ballet School! Just the thought of stepping into this legendary place makes me want to rehearse my most graceful pirouettes! I even discovered a new appreciation for classical music - thanks to a delightful street performer who serenaded me with the most exquisite Mozart.

Today, I ventured into the Vienna Hofburg Palace. My goodness! It’s an absolute feast for the eyes, with grand halls, elegant staircases, and exquisite artwork, and all with that perfect air of history – oh my! But I can’t forget to mention the Hofburg Museum, it has this beautiful collection of art, including stunning portraits and sculptures. Talk about inspirational! I even caught a glimpse of the iconic Emperor’s Silver Collection! It had me reminiscing about the ballet’s history. I’m particularly fascinated by how many of our dance styles come from those eras, the grandeur and romance all infused into every arabesque.

Tomorrow I'm exploring the Belvedere Palace and Museum! I heard whispers about some impressive art collections and an immaculate garden – my dream day is here, darlings, just picture it – sun dappled walks, a breathtaking garden, and an abundance of inspiration for my next Pink Tutu outfit!

Oh, I almost forgot to mention my discovery! It seems that Vienna has an incredible ballet scene - I’ve spotted posters advertising a performance of “Giselle” at the Vienna Volksoper! Now, you know how I love ballet and the passion with which I perform. There's simply no way I'm missing this performance! The details are a bit hazy for now, but one thing's for sure – a Pink Tutu-tastic time is in store!

To add another exciting tidbit, you won’t believe it but I’m planning on attending a carriage ride, just like the Viennese did in the past! Think horse-drawn carriages, waltzing couples, and all the charm and romance Vienna has to offer! Imagine, a horse drawn carriage gliding through the heart of Vienna, with me twirling in my Pink Tutu, oh how truly magical! I’m already making plans for an ensemble perfect for a Viennese horse-drawn carriage experience! Just thinking about it makes me want to twirl in delight!

You’d never believe the divine delicacies I’ve sampled! Wiener Schnitzel is truly a delight! It's as if the food in Vienna tastes as delicious as it sounds, the name just evokes a whimsical feeling! It makes my senses feel alive. Not to mention, I found the most delectable apple strudel, oozing with creamy custard and a sprinkle of powdered sugar, just the thing to fuel my ballerina days!

Vienna has already left an indelible mark on my heart – It's been the perfect mix of waltzes and elegance, fashion and artistry! The city is alive with inspiration – all I can say is, darlings, don your pink tutus, embrace your inner ballerina, and prepare to fall in love with the enchantment of Vienna.

As always, darlings, be sure to check in next week! I’m on the hunt for another beautiful pink tutu to capture the essence of Vienna, and I just know this city will inspire more enchanting ballet posts for you!

Stay glamorous!

Emma x

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2003-11-26