Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2003-12-10

Vienna Calling! #449 - A Tutu-tastic Tour of Austria's Gem

Hello darlings, and welcome back to Pink Tutu Vienna! This week, we're waltzing our way into the heart of Austria, the majestic, music-filled city of Vienna, and let me tell you, it's like stepping into a fairytale! This is post number 449, and as always, I'm here to share all the pink, frilly, and fantastically fashionable adventures a girl could dream of.

For those of you who haven't joined me on this fabulous journey, my name is Emma, and I'm a tutu-obsessed ballerina with a love for all things pink, sparkly, and beautiful. I'm also a passionate travel enthusiast, funding my adventures through the grace of my ballet performances. And this week, my dear readers, Vienna has completely stolen my heart!

We arrived in Vienna on a frosty morning, the air crisp and the city aglow with festive lights. Stepping off the train, I couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder - imagine a blend of grandeur and charm, sprinkled with the sweet melodies of Strauss waltzes! It felt like I was stepping straight out of a classic film, all twinkling lights and horse-drawn carriages.

Of course, no trip to Vienna is complete without a visit to the Vienna State Opera House. This glorious building is an architectural marvel, a testament to the city's passion for the arts. Just gazing at its façade was like watching a ballet in itself! I simply had to wear my most beautiful pink tutu, a custom-made creation that whispered "ballerina" in a way no other garment ever could. We purchased tickets to see a performance of "The Nutcracker" – the perfect way to feel the Christmas spirit!

Now, let's talk about fashion! Oh, Vienna, you certainly know how to make a girl feel like a princess! I spent an afternoon in the opulent boutiques of the Inner Stadt, browsing the finest silks and velvets, the intricate lacework, and the gorgeous shoes that would make even Cinderella green with envy. Of course, I couldn't resist indulging in a little something pink – a silk scarf, so delicate and feminine, which will surely become a treasured souvenir.

One of my favourite things about Vienna is its abundance of charming cafes and restaurants. Picture this: warm, inviting spaces filled with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and Viennese pastries, with live music playing softly in the background. Bliss! It's the perfect spot for afternoon tea and a spot of people-watching, and of course, I couldn't miss the chance to try the famous Sachertorte!

And no visit to Vienna would be complete without exploring the history of this beautiful city. We took a horse-drawn carriage ride through the streets, taking in the majestic palaces, the historic squares, and the imposing buildings that speak of the city's rich past. It was a fairytale come true, a slow-paced journey through time, filled with the gentle clip-clop of horses' hooves on cobblestone streets.

You know me – a love for ballet doesn't stop at the stage! I also explored Vienna's rich history of ballet, visiting the Viennese State Ballet Academy, where aspiring young dancers train their skills. It was incredible to see the passion and dedication in their eyes, reminding me of the joy and freedom that ballet brings. I couldn't resist sneaking in a few moves in the practice rooms, just for fun of course!

Now, as much as I love exploring new places and discovering beautiful boutiques, there's something truly magical about wandering around Vienna's picturesque parks. I especially loved the Schönbrunn Palace gardens. They are a delightful mix of formal gardens and wild woodlands, and on a crisp December day, the park seemed to shimmer in the pale winter light, a hidden jewel waiting to be discovered.

One of my favorite things about Vienna, aside from the beauty, the architecture, and the fashion, is the vibrant culture. Vienna is known as the 'City of Music,' after all! From the Strauss waltzes echoing in the streets to the incredible symphony performances, this city simply pulsates with the power of music. We even attended a concert featuring the famous Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra – truly an unforgettable experience, filled with breathtaking melodies and powerful emotions.

As my Vienna adventure draws to a close, I’m left with a sense of exhilaration and a heart full of joy. This beautiful city, steeped in history, music, and grace, has enchanted me with its captivating beauty and its warm embrace. Vienna, you have a permanent spot on my list of favourite places, a memory I'll cherish forever!

So, darlings, remember: life is a dance, and sometimes, it's just as important to twirl in the moment and embrace the beauty of the journey as it is to reach a certain destination. Now, let's all put on our pink tutus and embrace the joy of life!

Until next Wednesday, when I share the exciting news of my next ballet performance, and the wonderful world of my tutu wardrobe!

With love and twirls, Emma

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2003-12-10