Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2004-12-22

Pink Tutu Vienna: Blog Post #503 - A Viennese Waltz in Pink!

Wednesday, 22nd December 2004

Darling readers,

Happy Wednesday and a huge, sparkly welcome back to the Pink Tutu blog! Today I’m writing to you from the utterly charming city of Vienna, Austria, a place that has truly captured my heart. And my wardrobe! Let me tell you, darling, the fashion here is a dream! Such sophisticated silhouettes and colours, it’s all very glamorous and theatrical.

Just picture it: Me, in a gloriously vibrant pink tulle tutu, waltzing through the cobbled streets, past magnificent palaces and Baroque buildings, my tulle swirling around my ankles like a cloud of happiness! I even spotted a tutu in a shop window – a vibrant magenta! It wasn't quite the pale pink that I love but, nevertheless, it made my day. And what could be more appropriate for Vienna, a city known for its waltzes and graceful elegance?

You see, darlings, my travels aren’t simply about enjoying beautiful scenery and delicious food, although Vienna truly does offer an abundance of both. They are about discovering the essence of a place through its art, its culture, and yes, its fashion! And Vienna, my darlings, is a veritable feast for all the senses.

I've just had the most fabulous time at the Vienna State Opera! My oh my, the grandeur! Imagine the sheer spectacle: opulent gold, crystal chandeliers, velvet seats, and the sound of an orchestra playing the most exquisite waltzes! I was truly mesmerised.

This trip was a real challenge to my wardrobe. I knew that Vienna would demand a touch of glamour and sophistication, but darling, a pink tutu is my signature look. It has been a constant presence throughout my travels. I love the playful surprise of it, the way it adds a touch of whimsical magic to any situation, even a high-end opera house! Of course, my travel tutus are carefully chosen - light, breathable fabrics and with carefully layered netting to allow for maximum twirling potential!

Oh! Before I forget! I found the most darling little cafe hidden in a narrow alleyway – you simply wouldn’t find it unless you were deliberately searching. This little gem serves the most divine strudel, perfectly flaky with just the right amount of sweetness. It's the kind of place that reminds you that there is still beauty to be found in the simple pleasures.

Later today, darling, I’m venturing to a local ballet class. You know how much I love ballet history, the tutus, the grace, the elegance. And to be honest, after spending a night at the opera, a bit of a stretch and some fancy footwork seems perfectly fitting. The ballet studio is tucked away in a cobblestone courtyard, and the music of Chopin spills onto the cobbled streets, inviting you to twirl along! I think I've found a reason to stay in Vienna for longer - that dance class made me feel utterly invigorated!

Before I say goodbye, darlings, let me tell you, you've got to come to Vienna! And when you do, be sure to put on your favourite pink tutu, or if you don't own one, buy a pretty pink dress. You'll feel like you've stepped into a fairytale.

I'll keep you updated on my Viennese adventures in my next post. Until then, keep dancing, darlings, and wear pink!

Much love,


PS. Be sure to check out my upcoming ballet performances on my website, I'll be in a dazzling new tutu, specially created by a talented Parisian designer - a perfect mix of Victorian era lace and the ethereal quality of a summer evening's glow. Don’t miss out!

PPS If you have any questions, I’d love to hear from you, simply reply to this post and let me know.

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2004-12-22