Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2005-01-05

Vienna Waltz - Post #505

Hello my darlings!

It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time for another post on Pink Tutu Vienna! As you know, I adore travelling, and today I'm whisking you away to the most beautiful city I've visited so far - Vienna! My little pink tutu and I have been exploring the cobbled streets, admiring the ornate architecture, and soaking up the Viennese atmosphere, which is as delightful as a Mozart concerto.

Before I launch into my Viennese adventures, I must tell you how I got here. You see, my journey to Vienna involved a delightful combination of modes of transport that warmed the cockles of my heart. First, I took a gloriously scenic train ride through the Austrian countryside. The sun was shining, the air was fresh, and the countryside looked like it had been painted by Monet himself. I must admit, I did sneak out onto the platform to admire the views from the back of the train, swirling my pink tutu around like a ballerina in the wind.

On reaching the station, I took a quaint little horse-drawn carriage. Yes, you heard that right! Vienna is a city of old-world charm, and travelling by horse was the most charming way to begin my explorations. The carriage trotted through the city, and I got to take in all the beauty of this truly remarkable city. I felt like I had stepped out of a fairytale!

And now, my loves, onto Vienna itself! Today, the sun was shining bright, bathing the city in a golden glow. We wandered through the city centre, passing by grand palaces and impressive churches. The sheer scale and beauty of Vienna's architecture left me speechless. The intricate detail on every building, from the facades to the windows, is truly breathtaking. It was like walking through a museum! The city was full of bustling markets and charming shops. The stalls were laden with delectable cakes, colourful pastries, and handmade souvenirs. Oh, how I wanted to buy everything! I picked up a stunning pink crystal flower for my tutu collection.

Vienna is, of course, the home of the waltz! I simply had to experience the Viennese Waltz firsthand! We made our way to the Hofburg Palace, where I treated myself to a performance at the Spanish Riding School. This extraordinary establishment dates back to 1572 and houses some of the most magnificent Lipizzaner horses in the world. It is renowned for its equestrian artistry. To see these beautiful, majestic creatures dance was utterly captivating. It’s a tradition I highly recommend if you ever visit!

One of the most memorable experiences, though, was attending a ballet performance at the Vienna State Opera. The theatre is opulent and majestic, and the performances are truly world-class. I sat mesmerised by the ballerinas' grace and the choreography. It's not often I can get a glimpse of a tutu better than my own, but I admit, these ballerinas did make a splash with their perfect techniques and gorgeous costumes. The performance transported me to a different world, leaving me feeling inspired and in awe of the talent of the dancers.

Being in the birthplace of Mozart and Strauss, I couldn't resist stepping inside a grand concert hall to experience the city's musical magic firsthand. I joined the throngs of visitors, my tutu a vibrant splash of colour amidst the classic grandeur. While I won't say my skills as a ballerina are ready for a full orchestral rendition of Tchaikovsky, I had a brilliant time swaying to the music with everyone else!

Oh, Vienna! How I could linger in your beautiful embrace forever! It truly is a city that makes every dream a reality, a haven for the stylish and the cultured! But fear not, my darlings! My Pink Tutu adventures aren’t over.

Now, on a lighter note, I have to tell you about the delectable pastries I’ve been indulging in. I simply cannot resist the allure of Viennese cakes! They are little works of art, exquisitely decorated and bursting with flavours. From Sachertorte, which has to be tasted to be believed, to the delicate apple strudel with a dusting of powdered sugar, it's all pure heaven on a plate. And yes, I've been doing my best to capture all of these gastronomical delights in the most photogenic way, of course. After all, even the most beautiful cakes must look as good as they taste, don’t you agree?

Finally, I just have to share some of my Vienna fashion finds! My heart is set ablaze with joy! You know I have a weakness for vintage finds, and I’m in my element with the plethora of independent shops and boutiques in Vienna. Today, I came across a beautifully crafted vintage tutu. It is a rich blush pink and has been exquisitely embroidered with floral motifs, oh my goodness! It’s now pride of place in my collection and I’m itching to twirl in it tomorrow! It just wouldn’t be a trip to Vienna without a new tutu for my collection, would it?

My darlings, this beautiful city has stolen my heart and will be etched in my memories forever. It's filled with such charm and sophistication, and it's left me inspired with so many new ideas. The perfect inspiration for a blog post!

And my fellow tutu-loving adventurers, if you’re ever in Vienna, be sure to try on a pair of gloves and get yourself a traditional Viennese souvenir! If it’s a Pink Tutu souvenir you're looking for, be sure to keep your eyes peeled for my Pink Tutu shops which will be arriving very soon, right across the globe!

Until next time, my darlings!

Keep twirling and keep shining,

Emma xxx

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2005-01-05