Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2005-04-27

Vienna: Whirlwind of Waltz and Wunderbar Wednesdays (Post #521)

Hello lovelies!

It’s Wednesday, and that means a fresh installment of Pink Tutu Vienna, landing straight onto your screen, bursting with sunshine and sprinkles of magic! This week, I’m positively giddy to be waltzing through Vienna, the city of music and charm! The train journey was just divine, a dreamy mix of picturesque countryside and bustling station life. I even got to sit by a window and people-watch, feeling like a Parisian heroine in my pretty new dress and ballet flats, naturally with a pink tutu peaking out from my handbag.

As I’ve mentioned before, I adore travelling by train. There's a certain romance and sense of adventure in travelling on the rails that you just don’t get on a plane. It allows you to soak up the landscapes and indulge in a bit of introspective contemplation - or, as it is more likely with me, the creation of a sparkling daydream in my mind, imagining my next tutu creation. You see, I don’t just love tutus to wear – I adore designing them too! And believe me, when inspiration strikes, the colours just start to swirl before my very eyes…

Vienna, Where the Music Never Stops

This city is like stepping into a waltzing dream. Everything here exudes beauty, elegance and a touch of that European charm that has captivated travellers for centuries. Imagine grand boulevards lined with cobbled streets, magnificent buildings with intricate detailing, gorgeous cafes spilling onto the pavements… it's like a fairytale!

Even the air seems to vibrate with music, as if the waltz were its natural rhythm. The cafes and bars are buzzing with people, and even on a Monday morning the city feels lively. I’ve already discovered a tiny shop overflowing with handmade tutus. They might not be pink, but I’m sure with a touch of magic, some sparkle and a bit of inspiration they’ll soon be just that! I couldn't resist purchasing a beautiful vintage ballet skirt to wear later.

Ballet and Beyond

This week, Vienna is aflame with the magic of dance! The famous Vienna State Opera is celebrating its grand reopening, after a beautiful renovation. The whole city is buzzing with excitement – ballet is truly in the air! I was fortunate enough to nab a ticket for an opening night performance of Swan Lake , one of my all-time favourite ballets. As I sat mesmerized by the delicate beauty of the swans and the intricate steps, it was almost as though I were transported back in time to the birth of ballet. It was simply magical!

Naturally, I went full-out for the occasion, slipping into my favourite emerald green dress with a little peek of pink tulle from my handbag-tutubag. I feel most at home in a tutu, especially when enjoying the enchantment of ballet. The graceful lines of a ballerina’s form and the delicate details of a tutu inspire me, creating an internal explosion of artistic dreams, especially when those dreams come dressed in layers of tulle, sequins, and shimmering fabric.

Vienna is also a perfect playground for a budding fashionista like myself. The shops here are full of chic delights, each more exquisite than the last. Every corner of the city whispers with ideas for my next tutu designs. I picked up a vintage hat at the flea market (pink, naturally) and am already envisioning how to add some of its exquisite details to a custom-made tulle piece, with a hint of velvet and some strategically placed pearls, perhaps a bow…. the possibilities are truly endless!

Wednesday, A Day For Whimsy

This Wednesday is proving to be absolutely fabulous! My little notebook is full of ideas, sketches, and swatches, sparkling with all the creative excitement of this whirlwind journey! It wouldn’t be a Pink Tutu post without some indulgence, so we’re headed for a delicious dinner of Sachertorte at the historic Cafe Sacher. If I could eat the decadent, chocolaty, cherry-laden delight every day, I would! And as I saviour the perfect slice with a dollop of fresh whipped cream, I can't help but feel thankful to be here, in this city of music, romance, and delectable delicacies.

Until next week, darling readers, keep on spinning!

With love,

Emma xx

*P.S. My next post will be coming to you straight from the Vienna Opera, filled with a special surprise from the heart of the ballet world. You don’t want to miss it! *

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2005-04-27