
Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2005-05-18

Pink Tutu Vienna: Blog Post #524 - Vienna Whirlwind (And a Tutu Tale!)

Hello lovelies!

Itā€™s Wednesday, which means itā€™s time for another Pink Tutu Vienna adventure! As always, Iā€™m writing this from my little haven ā€“ a charming Vienna hotel room adorned with, you guessed it, pink! This week has been an absolute whirlwind of tutus, trains, and Viennese delights. Iā€™m still recovering from the sugar rush, but let me tell you, every single bite was worth it!

As you all know, my travels are powered by the joy of ballet. And, Vienna, as you can imagine, is a haven for this most beautiful of art forms. The State Opera, the Volksoper, the Theater an der Wien ā€“ Viennaā€™s rich theatre scene means thereā€™s a constant ballet fix to be had, which makes my heart soar.

A Ballet Blitz!

This week, I treated myself to two incredible performances: ā€œGiselleā€ at the State Opera and a delightful contemporary ballet by the Vienna State Ballet at the Theater an der Wien. ā€œGiselleā€ was breathtakingly beautiful, with costumes and choreography that swept me away. The energy of the State Opera, the dramatic lighting, and the talent of the dancers combined for a truly immersive experience. Afterwards, I lingered in the lobby, watching the stylish Viennese ladies and gentlemen and savoring the air of elegance and artistry that pervaded the space.

The contemporary piece at the Theater an der Wien was a breath of fresh air! Modern music, innovative movements, and the raw emotion of the dancers left me utterly mesmerized. There was even a lovely moment where a dancer, seemingly spontaneously, twirled and dipped with a charming young boy from the audience. That spontaneous interaction, the genuine connection, was the icing on the cake for a wonderful evening.

A Fashionable Viennese Flourish!

Of course, no trip to Vienna is complete without indulging in a little fashion therapy. I'm completely in love with Vienna's boutique scene ā€“ it's so chic, sophisticated, and just a tad bit bohemian. I discovered a hidden gem, a vintage shop overflowing with fabulous vintage finds and delicate lace. And of course, I just couldn't leave without a little pink (just a teensy tiny bit!), snagging the cutest pair of blush-pink shoes for a summer picnic in the park. Speaking of parks, I found myself strolling through the lush greenery of Schƶnbrunn Palace gardens this week, a true slice of Viennese elegance, with its intricate rose gardens and charming gazebos.

Riding Into History

Now, no visit to Vienna would be complete without exploring the history, right? And the best way to do that, you ask? Why, by horse-drawn carriage, of course! A gentle amble through the cobbled streets, past the towering Stephansdom and the graceful Hofburg Palace ā€“ it truly feels like stepping into a fairytale. Vienna's history comes alive through its charming architecture and majestic palaces. I couldn't help but imagine the waltzes swirling in these streets, the whispers of royalty echoing through the halls, and the graceful waltzers in their magnificent ball gowns. I felt so very transported by the romantic history of Vienna, a sensation that I'm sure everyone will find enthralling.

A Tutu Twist

Of course, I couldnā€™t go through a week in Vienna without bringing a little Tutu twist. I found myself at the Museum of Applied Arts, and amidst the stunning displays of porcelain and furniture, I stumbled upon a miniature doll-house-sized miniature theatre complete with exquisite stage scenery! My little ballet-loving heart just couldnā€™t resist a few pictures. The detail on these tiny, delicate sets were mind-blowing and I just couldn't leave without documenting them for all of you! Itā€™s a wonderful reminder that the spirit of theatre and dance resonates throughout the ages, even in the tiniest forms. It was truly like looking into a whimsical window on a miniature world.

Sharing the Tutu Love

So, my lovely readers, thatā€™s just a snippet of what this magical week in Vienna has been like. It's truly been an extraordinary experience, and as always, my mission has been to spread the Tutu love. Viennaā€™s history, culture, and its passion for the arts all intertwine perfectly, and I just had to share this wonder with you.

My mission to get everyone to wear a pink tutu is spreading! And with Viennaā€™s elegance, charm, and history ā€“ I think this beautiful city is ready for the tutu revolution! Remember, if youā€™re planning a trip, you donā€™t need to wait for your special someone. There are plenty of solo experiences available to you. Just come along for the ride, or the train, or a charming horse-drawn carriage. You can choose any path. Itā€™s your journey to be taken.

Now, excuse me while I get lost in the beauty of Vienna! Until next Wednesday, stay glamorous, stay spirited, and donā€™t forget to rock those tutus, wherever life takes you.

Your friend, forever twirling,



#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2005-05-18