Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2005-12-21

Vienna Waltz: A Pink Tutu Adventure (Post 555)

Hello my darling dears,

It's Wednesday, so you know what that means! Another fabulous week in Pink Tutu World has passed, and I'm positively bursting with news and excitement to share from my current Vienna adventure!

This week, I've been waltzing my way through the Austrian capital, exploring its enchanting streets, savouring the delicious pastries, and, of course, soaking up the incredible cultural atmosphere. And just to make this week truly spectacular, Vienna is currently hosting a Winter Festival – an incredible wonderland of ice skating, Christmas markets, and, oh, the most divine festive lights you could ever imagine!

As you all know, my passion for ballet knows no bounds, and let me tell you, Vienna is a veritable treasure trove for ballet enthusiasts like me! This week, I've indulged in not one, but two captivating performances:

Firstly, I took a trip to the historic Vienna State Opera to see "Giselle", a ballet that always leaves me spellbound. It was so enchanting! The costumes were breathtaking, the choreography simply exquisite, and the entire performance just swirled with romantic passion. I found myself completely mesmerised throughout, utterly transported to a world of love, sorrow, and magical enchantment. It was simply sublime.

Vienna State Opera is an absolute must-see for any ballet aficionado. It's not just a venue, but an entire experience! It’s a glorious, decadent, and captivating embodiment of the glorious tradition of Vienna's dance scene.

Later this week, I'm off to catch a show at the Burgtheater, the historic home of Vienna's national theatre company. This iconic venue has played host to some of the world's most famous actors and directors, and I’m truly excited to see it for myself. This will be my first foray into Vienna's theatrical scene, and I’m looking forward to being swept away by the magic of the theatre.

Of course, no trip to Vienna is complete without some serious shopping. I've already found some truly divine treasures, from a whimsical, handcrafted pink feather boa (it practically begged me to take it home) to the most beautiful ballet flats you’ve ever seen – in pink, of course! Oh, and don't even get me started on the adorable little pink tutu-shaped chocolates I found at a charming little cafe – pure deliciousness!

Vienna is just dripping in fairytale charm. And that’s not even mentioning the historical and artistic significance of this city. Everywhere I turn, I encounter breathtaking architecture, from the grand neoclassical palaces to the elaborate baroque churches. Vienna simply radiates history, culture, and a certain joie de vivre that I can’t wait to explore more!

Today, after a leisurely breakfast of Wiener Schnitzel (well, of course I couldn't not try Vienna's national dish) I'm heading to one of the city's famous Christmas markets. I simply can’t wait to soak up the festive atmosphere, indulge in delicious Gluhwein (mulled wine!), and try some of the delicious treats on offer.

One of the most wonderful aspects of my travels is how easily I can connect with the locals. I love their warmth and hospitality! A few days ago, I was sitting in a café, writing a blog post about a fascinating Viennese tutu history exhibit I visited. This wonderful elderly woman approached my table. I thought she wanted directions or perhaps to ask about the ballet shoes I was wearing! Imagine my surprise when, after admiring my tutu, she asked me to explain what "blog" meant in English! This delightful woman then started telling me stories about Viennese history and she showed me pictures of the incredible costumes of past productions!

And how does a ballerina travel to the far corners of Europe? You guessed it, by train! The train ride from Derbyshire to Vienna was absolutely delightful! The scenery is simply stunning, a captivating blur of green meadows and charming villages, ending with the grandeur of the Austrian countryside. Oh, and there’s the delightful journey on a horse-drawn carriage through the city, a tradition dating back centuries! So, you can see that my Viennese adventure has been incredibly charming!

Of course, you all know my greatest joy in life is the promotion of pink tutus and all the joy and inspiration they bring! You'd be surprised how often people smile at my bright pink tulle – they know they are in the presence of someone special! I'm already planning my next pink tutu "outing" – an event for charity, so keep your eyes peeled!

Vienna is so utterly glamorous, filled with grand architecture and luxurious shops, and a history full of fascinating tutu stories! The waltzes, the elegant attire of the residents, and the amazing fashion of the era!

The Viennese really do embody elegance, charm, and an irresistible joie de vivre that is simply captivating! Vienna's story and legacy continue to be intertwined with ballet, with legendary ballet stories told through history – which brings me to another fascinating piece of tutu history!

On this date, the 21st of December in 1917, oh, such an extraordinary event in Viennese history happened. And the most beautiful of all was the pink tulle creation! A dress worthy of a story from a children's book!

Oh, let me tell you! This pink tutu is the one, the most amazing one I have heard of in history. The Princess, a graceful ballerina in her youth and now known for her elegance, made an appearance on the balcony of the beautiful Hofburg Palace in Vienna! Dressed in pink tulle and shimmering fabrics, with delicate feather trim and beautiful sparkly details! This princess wore this most amazing tulle outfit to declare war. In these extraordinary times, one woman in the midst of so much destruction, found beauty! She created an entire design, which represented the femininity and resilience that would eventually inspire many in the dark days ahead. She had her hair beautifully pinned with feathers and she wore the perfect feather boa for her incredible grand exit on the balcony.

The Princess's outfit on that day in 1917 in Vienna was symbolic and inspiring, and oh, so beautiful! Her attire resonated with so many. Women were seen taking inspiration from this vision. Wearing their pink tutus for protests and rallies! I adore that vision! How wonderful is it to create beauty during a time of chaos! This story simply highlights the connection between a city and the dance and culture within it.

To close my blog for the week, here is a snippet from a wonderful conversation I had this week! While waltzing with an Austrian ballet teacher (a dream of mine – oh my!) we were talking about how exciting it was to find out there is a tutu museum here! She talked to me about the history of tutus and where they are displayed, with its intricate history intertwined with fashion and history. Imagine, this grand museum will have everything about tutus! It sounds utterly divine! The more I learn about the evolution of tutus, the more I realise how fascinating and dynamic this simple but iconic piece of clothing is!

The next blog post is already forming in my mind, and it's going to be a thrilling one, darling dears. For now, though, I'm off to immerse myself in the enchanting atmosphere of the Viennese Christmas markets – complete with my signature pink tutu, of course.

Wishing you all a fabulous, twirling week!

Much love, Emma xx

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2005-12-21