Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2005-12-28

Vienna Waltz in Pink: Post 556

Wednesday 28th December 2005

Hello, darlings!

I'm writing this from a rather splendid cafe in Vienna, sipping on a steaming cup of hot chocolate with a slice of the most delicious Sachertorte. The air is filled with the sounds of Christmas carols (yes, we're still holding on to the festive spirit over here!) and the gentle clinking of teacups. It's just dreamy, really.

As you all know, this week, my trusty travel companion and I are venturing across the continent to the stunning capital of Austria. I couldn't wait to reach Vienna, the city of waltzes, imperial palaces, and, of course, a plethora of breathtaking ballet performances.

Let's start with the journey, shall we? As always, the train journey from Derbyshire was delightful. I found myself a carriage adorned with a fabulous, albeit faded, burgundy velvet upholstery, and settled in for a comfy journey. Of course, I couldn't resist wearing my new hot pink cashmere scarf - it matches the beautiful, rose-coloured hue of my latest tulle tutu perfectly, you see! I have a deep fascination with trains. They always make me feel like I'm embarking on a grand adventure, you know?

Arriving in Vienna felt magical, even after the long train journey. The air was crisp and clear, making the city feel all the more charming, and everything seemed to sparkle under the wintry sunshine. The first thing I did was grab myself a horse-drawn carriage ride through the historic city centre, which was a charming experience indeed. Imagine me, darling, riding through the streets in my pink tutu, hair blowing in the wind, my eyes sparkling with the sheer joy of exploring a new city! It was as though I was living out a scene from a vintage fairytale.

Of course, I couldn't come to Vienna without a little ballet indulgence. Last night, I had the pleasure of attending a performance at the Staatsoper (Vienna State Opera). It was the most magnificent ballet performance I've seen yet! The dancers were extraordinary, gliding across the stage with a grace and elegance I only dreamed of, while the costumes were absolute works of art. Honestly, darling, it made me ache to be on stage myself! I felt an instant urge to don my own tutu and twirl like the ballerina on stage, and for a brief moment, I forgot about the frosty air of Vienna and felt like I had transported myself into a vibrant dream of movement and beauty.

Speaking of costumes, my fellow pink lovers, prepare yourselves for a little bit of excitement! After the opera, I ventured into the city’s legendary Opera Shop. Let's just say, it was a tutu-lover's dream! They had everything – from delicate lace bodices to shimmering fabrics, perfect for crafting my own designs. I snagged some glorious, silky-pink ribbons and shimmering tulle, ready for a new pink tutu masterpiece to debut at next week's performance. I just couldn't resist, darling. It's going to be even more pink, and even more glamorous, just wait and see!

This morning, I felt the need for some Viennese history, so I popped into the majestic Hofburg Palace. It's hard not to feel swept up in the grandeur and history, darling. As I strolled through the opulent rooms, past grand portraits and intricate tapestries, I couldn’t help but imagine myself stepping back in time, a pink-tutu-clad guest at one of these magnificent royal balls.

Later today, I'm planning on visiting the Belvedere Museum, known for its extraordinary art collection. Of course, the "Kiss" by Gustav Klimt will be a must-see! Just imagining that beautiful art surrounded by pink will make for the perfect afternoon of visual delight!

So, dear reader, it seems Vienna has embraced my passion for pink tutus with open arms, and I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings. As you know, my next post will be a detailed report on my next performance! Wish me luck, and don’t forget to pop on a pink tutu and twirl along with me!

Until next week, darlings, keep sparkling!



#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2005-12-28