
Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2006-02-08

Vienna Waltz - Post #562

Hello my lovely Tutu Twirlers!

It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another instalment of my Pink Tutu Vienna blog! I hope you're all doing well and ready for some more pink-tastic adventures. As always, I'm currently writing from my charming Vienna apartment, a cosy little haven filled with vintage ballet posters and my own collection of gorgeous tutus.

This week, Vienna has been awash with a special kind of magic. You see, darling, it's Carnival season! The whole city is abuzz with colour and costumes, with parades, music and festivities filling every corner. And, naturally, I've been right in the thick of it!

My first stop, as always, was to indulge in a little Viennese shopping. Let's just say my wardrobe has never looked more colourful, and my credit card is begging for a holiday (it needs a rest after a rather fabulous time in the charming shops near the opera house). I even managed to pick up a gorgeous fuchsia feathered fascinator, perfect for the Carnival celebrations!

Then it was off to the Opera House itself for a breathtaking performance of "The Magic Flute." Oh my dear, it was utterly exquisite. The music, the costumes, the dancing...pure magic! And let's not forget the audience. There were so many fabulous costumes and feathered headdresses on display, it felt like a living, breathing art installation. Vienna never disappoints.

Afterwards, I strolled through the bustling streets, reveling in the festive atmosphere. It's a true sensory feast! I'm not even exaggerating when I say that I felt like I was in a fairytale! Every corner sparkled with joyous decorations, the scent of delicious pastries filled the air, and everyone seemed to be in a wonderful mood.

Speaking of pastries, darling, you simply must try the Apfelstrudel here! It's the most decadent treat imaginable. But don't just take my word for it - make sure you pop by the legendary Cafรฉ Central, it's practically a Vienna institution. I, of course, had mine in my finest pink tutu, just to be extra fabulous.

One of my favourite parts of this trip? Well, it's impossible to choose just one. But I will say, my little pink heart was particularly charmed by the Viennese Waltz! You know me, always eager to twirl! So imagine my delight when I found myself right in the middle of a waltzing throng. Let me tell you, the atmosphere was truly intoxicating. You felt like you were being carried away on a wave of music, passion and beauty!

I danced for what felt like an eternity, lost in the elegance of the waltzing world. I even met a sweet, old gentleman who told me stories of the Vienna Waltz in the olden days. He spoke about how it was considered the social dance back then, where couples would whirl across the ballroom, showcasing their skill and grace.

Honestly, darling, I felt transported to another era! It truly was the highlight of my Carnival week.

My journey here was particularly romantic, too! I boarded a glorious train in Derbyshire, my heart overflowing with anticipation. You know how I love train journeys - watching the world fly by and letting my imagination run wild! It feels like travelling in a beautiful, pink fairytale.

But even a train can't beat a good horse ride! Arriving in Vienna, I met my trusty steed, a magnificent black stallion, ready to take me on a charming tour of the city. The crisp air whipped past my cheeks, and the cobblestone streets gave a satisfying "clink-clink" as we went along. You really can't beat a good, galloping gallop!

So here I am, in Vienna, basking in the warmth of a truly extraordinary week. This is more than just a trip, darling; it's a Pink Tutu fairytale! I'm so grateful to share it with you. Don't forget, my dearest Tutu Twirlers, to follow your dreams, dance with abandon, and wear pink tutus wherever you go!

Catch you next week!

Lots of love,


#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2006-02-08