Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2006-05-31

Vienna: Waltz into Wonderland! (Blog Post #578)

Hello lovelies! It's Wednesday again, which means it's time for a new Pink Tutu Vienna post! I'm back in my little pink tutu paradise, basking in the golden sunshine and the heady scent of springtime blooms. I've had a week full of swirling waltzes, enchanting castles, and an explosion of pink delights! Let's just say, Vienna is treating me like royalty!

This week has been particularly exciting as I was invited to perform in a delightful ballet evening at the stunning Schönbrunn Palace. It was a glorious evening - imagine a balmy summer's night, the sky alight with a million twinkling stars, the majestic palace lit by the soft glow of the moon, and the sounds of Mozart echoing through the air. How could I even think of resisting the chance to waltz beneath the moonlit sky, tutu swirling, in the heart of imperial Austria?!

The performance went splendidly. I was particularly happy to share the stage with a sweet little ballerina called Lili. She is about seven years old and she reminded me of myself when I was starting out. Her eyes lit up like the Vienna Philharmonic's most dazzling chandelier when she pirouetted in her pretty pink tutu. Seeing the spark of passion in a young dancer’s eyes is so inspiring – it fills my heart with such joy to see the next generation of ballerinas coming up, dancing their hearts out in beautiful, pink tutus!

But before we talk about all the beautiful ballet bits, let’s dive right into this fabulous city! Vienna is an absolute fairytale in the flesh, bursting at the seams with cobbled streets, Baroque palaces, and charming cafes. I've been spending my days exploring the city, wandering down narrow alleys and getting hopelessly lost in the sprawling Schönbrunn Gardens (which are, I should say, truly breath-taking! Imagine fields of bright flowers and rolling green lawns, with sparkling fountains and classical music filling the air... bliss!).

Naturally, every visit to Vienna must include a stop at the Opera House, which was so magnificent that it took my breath away! Its rich history, with generations of ballerinas prancing upon the stage in glorious tutus, gives the space a magical air. The plush red velvet seats are a symphony of comfort, and the air crackles with anticipation before the performance begins. Just thinking about it makes me want to slip into my trusty tutu and float across that stage!

Speaking of tutus, have you ever visited the Theatermuseum? I popped in on my walk through the city. It was an absolute treat for any lover of ballet history, like myself! There was even an exhibit on the history of the tutu - from its humble origins as simple white skirts worn by early dancers to the elaborate and colourful creations that adorn our modern stages. Oh, what a trip down memory lane it was, seeing the delicate tulle, the painstakingly hand-stitched details, and the incredible transformation of the tutu throughout the ages! It really was an inspirational and fascinating experience.

I've also been spending my time in the wonderful world of shopping! It’s almost an impossible mission, this shopping in Vienna, because I just want to buy everything! The boutiques and vintage stores here are overflowing with luxurious silks, handcrafted lace, and everything I ever dreamed of finding for my dance wardrobe. And, naturally, everything must be pink, or a pretty shade of blush, of course!

And if there’s one thing I’ve learned, Vienna loves horses as much as I love tutus! I couldn’t resist hopping onto a handsome Lipizzaner horse and taking a ride through the sprawling Prater park. It felt just like stepping out of a fairytale - the sunshine on my face, the wind in my hair, and the rhythmic clip-clop of hooves echoing through the park. It was quite the magical afternoon! It reminded me of those beautiful ballet performances where ballerinas and horses are united on stage - so graceful and ethereal. And with so many of Vienna’s famous horse-drawn carriages prancing around the streets, I truly felt like I had stepped back into time.

As I write this, I’m sitting at a cafe by the river, savouring a slice of Sachertorte with my latte, and just soaking it all in. This city, with its enchanting music, elegant architecture, and irresistible charm, has really stolen my heart. I think it may be my favourite city yet. Vienna truly is a paradise for any pink-tutu loving ballerina!

What’s on tonight? Oh, just a magnificent opera performance at the Staatsoper! This magnificent venue will be packed with an audience that is so enthusiastic and so dressed up. The opera world is filled with incredible drama, costumes, and artistry – it’s like a world of its own! This time, I won’t be on stage, but it will still be just as special, I can feel it. As always, I’ll share photos of the outfits and everything else on my social media pages, so stay tuned!

This weekend will be spent exploring the more historical parts of Vienna, venturing into museums and exploring grand old castles. There's still so much to see and experience, and I just know Vienna is going to continue to enchant and delight me in the most wonderful way! And remember, pink tutus are not just for performances and dancing! I'm always looking for the perfect tutu for any occasion - for a fun lunch, a stroll around a charming park, or an elegant soirée.

And, darling, it really does add that extra little touch of magical sparkle to any outfit, don't you think?

Stay tuned, dear lovelies! There are even more stories and secrets waiting to be revealed. Remember to always wear your pink tutus with pride!

Lots of love,

Emma xoxo

P.S. My Vienna blog posts are a little like my favourite tutus – there’s a whole collection to discover! Just scroll through the archives to see my adventures in this lovely city!

Don’t forget to catch my performance at the Wiener Staatsoper this Saturday! It's going to be fabulous, and I wouldn't miss it for the world!

See you all next Wednesday!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2006-05-31