Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2006-06-14

Pink Tutu Vienna - Blog Post #580

Vienna, Austria - 14th June 2006

Hello lovelies! It's Emma here, your favourite pink tutu-wearing, ballet-obsessed blogger, back with another instalment from the heart of Vienna.

My goodness, you won't believe the adventure I've been having. My latest performance, a whirlwind of pirouettes and grand jetés at the Volksoper, brought in enough to finance my latest European jaunt. This time, Vienna beckoned. The city of waltzes, Sachertorte, and, you guessed it, fabulous ballet!

I landed at Schwechat Airport (and, yes, I did try to snag a pink taxi - no luck!). I took a comfy train journey to the city centre - train travel, for those who haven't experienced it, is a wonderful opportunity to people-watch and dream up elaborate outfits for your next grand adventure. This week, I'm totally obsessed with this fabulous floral dress with a touch of vintage pink. It perfectly complements my favourite ballerina-inspired handbag.

Now, Vienna. Oh Vienna! It's just as enchanting as I had imagined. Cobblestone streets, charming cafes with delicate pastries (so tempting!) and music spilling out of open windows. But more than that, Vienna is a veritable haven for all things ballet. From the majestic Vienna State Opera, the historic Vienna Volksoper, to the exquisite ballet studios nestled in quiet courtyards, Vienna is breathing with the graceful spirit of the dance.

My first stop was the Vienna State Opera. Imagine, walking through ornate doors and stepping into a majestic theatre - gilded, intricately designed, a real showstopper. This grand space echoes with the history of opera and ballet. I even spotted a few fellow pink tutu-lovers! It's infectious, this passion for pink tutus. Every city seems to be adopting the colour of joy, fun and the pure energy of dance!

As luck would have it, today's Vienna State Opera performance was Romeo and Juliet, my favourite ballet. It was a glorious interpretation, the music echoing through the opulent halls. I took copious notes, I just had to capture every delicate pose, every sweeping turn. My sketchbook is a kaleidoscope of colourful sketches and little pink stars next to my favourite bits.

And, after the performance, Vienna offered up even more wonders. I discovered the exquisite Wiener Hofburg Palace. The historical grandeur of the imperial residence left me breathless. Imagine waltzing through those grand ballrooms with an elaborate, fluffy tutu billowing behind you. That is how I envision the scene!

Now, for any budding ballerina or vintage fashion fanatic out there, Vienna has a secret gem - a charming vintage shop on a little side street near the Vienna State Opera. My absolute favourite find: a magnificent 1950s tutu with an exquisite lace overlay. A symphony in pale pink - oh, how I wanted to steal it from the rack!

But Vienna, of course, isn't just about ballet. The city is steeped in history, in beautiful gardens and charming parks. My afternoon tea at the Cafe Sacher, in all its grand, fin-de-siecle glory, was nothing short of divine. I can’t imagine anything more charming than sitting in this historic cafe in the heart of the city, relishing the aroma of chocolate and indulging in a scrumptious slice of Sachertorte. It felt like stepping into a painting!

Speaking of history, one can’t explore Vienna without visiting the famous Schönbrunn Palace. The park is a whimsical spectacle, perfect for taking a stroll while sipping on iced tea and contemplating my next travel plans. (You will have to wait for next week’s blog to find out my plans – they are spectacular, I promise!) The Schönbrunn Palace is such a great example of Austrian baroque architecture - so much opulence!

But the day is not yet over, and Vienna, the ever-gracious host, is full of delights. I’m heading to Rathausplatz to see the city lights reflected in the grand fountain and then it’s time to take in some local music. My evenings in Vienna, so far, have been an explosion of colours. This evening I am planning to enjoy some delicious Wiener Schnitzel followed by a trip to a traditional Viennese coffee house - imagine, elegant chairs and intricate chandeliers while sipping a rich cup of Viennese coffee.

Of course, no trip to Vienna would be complete without a touch of Viennese Waltz. I found a local dance school with beautiful open doors – so I can’t resist stopping by to take a quick waltz class. Just wait for my dance floor photos! You'll be so inspired to learn some steps.

But, as with every trip, even Vienna has to come to an end. This journey through Vienna, through the graceful lines of a ballerina, has been an absolute delight. I feel as though I’ve taken a peek into a bygone era of elegance, yet Vienna pulsates with life, creativity and beauty. Every city offers a unique glimpse into life's magic, and Vienna, my lovely city of waltzes and tutus, is definitely leaving a touch of its charm on my heart.

This little Pink Tutu adventurer is about to pack her suitcase, and before I go, let's spread a little pink tutu magic. What are your plans for the coming week? What adventures are calling your name? I can't wait to hear all about it!

Remember, my darlings, we're all pink tutu girls at heart, so let's find ways to make this world a little more sparkly and fun.

Stay tuned next Wednesday for another update from yours truly.

Until then, may your dance floors be filled with twirling joy!

Your very own, Emma x

P.S. Don't forget to visit every Wednesday for another dose of pink tutu goodness! And if you love all things pink and have a penchant for tutus, feel free to send me a message and let me know what you'd like me to see and discover in the next city. After all, our pink tutu journey is a journey we embark on together!

Stay sparkly!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2006-06-14