Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2007-01-10

Pink Tutu Vienna: Ballet & Buttercream in the City of Dreams (Post #610)

Guten Tag, my darlings! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another exciting chapter in my Pink Tutu Vienna adventures! I'm back from a whirlwind trip to Salzburg (a symphony of hills and music, oh my!) and am currently ensconced in my charming Vienna apartment, sipping a delicious Vienna coffee and planning my day's frolics.

For you see, my lovely readers, Vienna is bursting with ballet brilliance. I just finished a divine class at the renowned Vienna State Opera Ballet School. It's the kind of place where the very walls hum with grace and elegance, a testament to the artistry and tradition that defines Vienna's dance scene. Every step felt magical, each pirouette a flight of fancy. I even saw a troupe of dancers perfecting the famous Swan Lake scene – what a sight to behold!

But before I tell you more about the exquisite movements and breathtaking choreography I witnessed, let's rewind a bit. Last week, I indulged in a delightfully decadent afternoon of fashion at the famous "Schmuck" jewelry shop on the Kärntner Straße. Glittering diamonds and intricate pearls surrounded me like a fairy tale, making my pink tutu blush with delight. It was there I discovered a delicate pearl necklace with a tiny pink bow, perfect for adding a touch of whimsy to any ensemble. Naturally, I couldn't resist purchasing it, and it's already found its rightful place on my beloved ballet costume!

My dear Derbyshire friends, I can't begin to explain how much I cherish these trips. It’s like being a little girl in a grand playhouse! But before the excitement gets too much, let's indulge in a little bit of historical reflection, shall we? You see, my darling readers, Vienna has always had a love affair with ballet dating back to the 17th century. From the hallowed halls of the Hofburg Palace, to the grandeur of the Vienna State Opera, it's been an integral part of the city's cultural tapestry. Imagine my excitement discovering that the first performance of Tchaikovsky's "Swan Lake" took place right here in Vienna! Now that's a story for the ages!

Of course, my particular obsession lies in the tutu itself. This whimsical, graceful garment has a history as fascinating and dynamic as the world of ballet itself. Did you know, my darlings, that the earliest known tutus were nothing like the fluffy masterpieces we adore today? The first tutus, or rather “tuniques”, were worn in the 18th century and were a simple, knee-length, form-fitting garment. But it wasn’t until the 19th century, when the world of ballet began to embrace en pointe dancing, that the iconic, fluffy, tulle tutus we love were born! This transformation reflected not only the technical innovations in dance, but also the evolution of fashion itself, culminating in the beautifully ethereal and inspiring tutus that adorn dancers on stages across the world today.

But back to Vienna! This weekend, my dear readers, I have a particularly exciting adventure planned. The famed Vienna State Ballet is performing La Bayadère, a tale of love, loss, and redemption. I'm already buzzing with excitement, planning my outfit - a pale pink tutu, of course, paired with shimmering silver accessories, my signature black eyeliner flick, and a touch of ruby red lipstick - I intend to dazzle at this performance. I hear the music is as exquisite as the costumes and dancing, promising to be a spectacle unlike any other!

Vienna, you truly are a ballet paradise. And this, my darlings, is only the beginning of my Austrian ballet adventures. Tomorrow, I’m attending a workshop hosted by one of Vienna’s esteemed choreographers. Imagine me, learning from the masters themselves, gaining a deeper understanding of the art and its history. But until then, let us enjoy this lovely Wednesday, filled with Viennese delights, dancing dreams, and the sparkle of a thousand twinkling lights.

And for those of you dreaming of a life as grand and exciting as a ballerina’s, remember this: you too can experience the world of dance! It’s never too late to take that first graceful step! Even if you choose to express yourself through fashion instead, remember – we all have a tutu waiting to be discovered, and that’s a truly beautiful thing. Have a magical day, my darlings, and until next Wednesday!

Emma xoxo

P.S. If you're ever in Vienna and you'd like to share a slice of Viennese Sachertorte and a chat about the world of ballet, you're most welcome to visit me in my little pink tutu heaven.

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2007-01-10