
Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2007-02-14

Post 615: A Whirlwind of Pink in Vienna, Darling!

Well, hello my lovelies! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another pink-tastic instalment from yours truly, Emma, the tutu-wearing traveller, taking over the world one pirouette at a time. Today, I'm bringing you all the delightful deets from my Vienna adventures.

Let's get one thing straight, Vienna is practically a fairytale! The cobblestone streets, the ornate buildings, the romantic atmosphere... it's almost as if a charming prince and a beautiful princess just stepped out of a ballet. (Which, by the way, did you know that Vienna has an incredibly rich ballet history? The Vienna State Opera Ballet has been dazzling audiences for centuries, with legends like Rudolf Nureyev gracing the stage.)

Oh! Speaking of ballerinas and tutus, I must share my absolutely darling find yesterday! A little boutique hidden down a quiet alleyway - you wouldn't even know it was there unless you stumbled upon it, just like I did - with the most exquisite, hand-crafted tutus imaginable. They weren't your ordinary "run of the mill" tutu, mind you. No, these were works of art! Imagine shimmering tulle, painstakingly hand-sewn, in every shade of pink imaginable, with delicate accents of lace and Swarovski crystals. They looked good enough to wear to the Vienna State Opera House, itself! Sadly, I only managed to grab one - a sweet blush-pink creation, perfect for waltzing under the Vienna moonlight - but I swear, darling, it was an absolute dream.

Vienna, like most places, is all about the shopping! You can find treasures here, especially if you know where to look! Yesterday, I explored the Naschmarkt, a vibrant, colourful open-air market. It's a sensory explosion of the best kind! Rows upon rows of stalls overflow with fresh produce, exotic spices, artisan crafts, and a plethora of vintage treasures just waiting to be unearthed. (I actually picked up a pair of the most divine vintage pink gloves, a perfect accessory for any tutu-wearing occasion!). And if you need a sugar fix, this is your go-to place for the most tempting Viennese pastries. Oh! And speaking of Vienna, they make the best, most delectable Apfelstrudel! It's practically an institution, like ballet itself!

Speaking of which, darling, tonight, I'm going to see the Vienna State Ballet's production of Swan Lake! The Viennese, they truly love their ballet, and rightfully so. I've heard tales of their phenomenal dancers, their stunning costumes, and the beautiful sets, and of course, Tchaikovsky's magical score! Can you imagine the tutus on those swans? Oh my, the very thought fills my soul with pure joy. I'm going to try and catch some glimpses of them in rehearsal! And I may have to slip on my pink tutu to join the crowd... what's a ballet enthusiast to do?

Oh! Darling, I have so much more to tell you about my time here! I took a truly scenic train journey to the city (they still have those elegant vintage train carriages here!), followed by a delightful ride through the historic city streets on a horse-drawn carriage. And of course, a plethora of cafรฉ-hopping, and endless pastries... the very epitome of Viennese elegance and culture!

Speaking of which, this year in Vienna is all about celebrating Mozart!. He truly was a legend of his time! Did you know, his famous opera, "The Magic Flute," actually features ballet within the story? They are having exhibitions, special performances and events celebrating him! It truly is an unforgettable opportunity to experience this remarkable composer's work!

All in all, Vienna is simply too wonderful for words, but here I am trying to share a mere glimpse with you! You know, it truly makes me happy to see how ballet touches people, wherever I go. If you can even dream of ballet, why not join me and wear a pink tutu? What could be better than sharing that passion with the whole world? It's truly contagious, my lovelies. I may be based in Derbyshire, but I find the beauty of the world, and the joy in each tutu-filled moment, all over! So, be sure to come back next Wednesday for more of my travels and, of course, the pink tutu goodness!

Keep swirling, darling!



(Follow me on www.pink-tutu.com to see more adventures, more pink tutus and lots of beautiful photos and videos of Vienna)

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2007-02-14