Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2007-02-21

Vienna, My Dearest, You've Stolen My Heart! (Post #616)

Wednesday, 21st February, 2007

Darling readers! I'm writing to you from the most enchanting city in the world - Vienna! Oh, how I love the elegant architecture, the beautiful parks, the melodious waltzes playing on street corners... and the sheer, delicious pinkness of it all!

This week has been a whirlwind of twirling and tulle, filled with the most magical moments. You know I adore a good railway adventure, and the train journey here was divine. It was as if I'd stepped straight out of a classic film, the countryside whizzing past my window, the sunlight dappling through the carriages... It was just heavenly!

Now, I've got to tell you, dear readers, Vienna truly embodies my pink tutu spirit! From the dainty rose gardens of the Schönbrunn Palace to the exquisite floral arrangements adorning the coffee houses, pink reigns supreme here. And the fashion? Well, you wouldn't believe the gorgeous outfits I've seen! Ladies sporting perfectly coordinated shades of pink, gentlemen in smart suits and ties, all effortlessly stylish and graceful. It’s as if they were born wearing their own little pink tutu fantasies!

Ballet Bliss in Vienna

Naturally, the most wonderful thing about being in Vienna is the ballet! As I'm sure you're all aware, this city is known as the ballet capital of the world, and it's so easy to see why. The Vienna State Opera, the Musikverein, and the Vienna Volksoper, all bursting with exquisite performances! It’s been like a ballet-filled dreamland!

This week I was fortunate enough to attend a breathtaking production of "Swan Lake". The performance was absolutely phenomenal! The dancers were utterly graceful, their every movement a beautiful expression of art. And of course, I couldn’t resist the temptation to try out the Viennese Waltz steps on the way out!

You know I’m always researching the history of our beautiful craft. Vienna is a treasure trove of ballet history! Imagine - Johann Strauss himself, composing his iconic waltzes, the music echoing through the grand halls! It's simply divine to experience ballet history unfold right before your eyes!

Fashion Fling

Speaking of historical inspirations, I absolutely had to do some shopping in Vienna! What a paradise for fashion lovers! It was as if all the trends from every era were magically intertwined in Vienna’s charming shops. The beautiful vintage boutiques made me feel like I’d stepped back in time - what glorious outfits! I snagged some seriously beautiful antique jewellery - dainty, pearl-laden necklaces and shimmering brooches. I just had to bring them back for my readers to see on next week's blog post. They're perfect to pair with my pink tutu, aren't they?

Then I hit up a few designer boutiques, finding gorgeous, flowing pastel dresses and intricate lace blouses, just waiting for me to pair them with my favourite tutu for a truly magical outfit. Oh, dear readers, you simply must experience Vienna shopping yourself! It's an experience unlike anything I've ever known!

Food and Fun

After my shopping adventures, I've been indulging in Vienna’s rich culinary scene. From the most delicious sachertorte - chocolate heaven! - to traditional Viennese coffee, I’ve been having the time of my life. Every cafe I step into is like stepping back in time, all beautifully decorated and filled with the sound of lively chatter. It’s all so charming!

Tonight I am headed to a theatre performance, but I’m hoping they allow dancing. Perhaps I can lead everyone in a charming waltz - maybe in my tutu?! The locals are very accepting here - they do adore the theatre and ballet. You can just feel it! I even caught some street performers dancing outside one of the local cafes. Oh my, what joy they bring!

A Pink Tutu Revolution

Oh, my dears, I hope this post inspires you to dream big and follow your passion! Whether it’s ballet, fashion, or just embracing life’s simple pleasures, remember to always be bold, be yourself, and let your inner pink tutu shine through. And most importantly, dear readers, never forget, life is a stage, and you are the leading star!

Until next time, may your lives be filled with laughter, sparkle, and a touch of pink!


Emma xoxo

P.S. What’s your favourite pink outfit? Don’t be shy, let me know in the comments below! We are all sisters in the tutu, right?

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2007-02-21